Whaley-Primary Handbook for Mallets (Online Audio Access Included)
Internationally acclaimed by today's leading teachers, Primary Handbook for Mallets (xylophone, marimba, vibes, and bells) by Garwood Whaley is designed for the beginner of an...
Schuman-Dances(S)-B/DS FL/OB/CL/BN/HN
This is the study score for Dances by William Schuman. This piece is scored for a wind ensemble with percussion accompaniment. The percussion is a drum set augmented with a g...
Udow/Watts-Contemporary Percussionist
The 20 graduated solos in Michael Udow and Chris Watts' The Contemporary Percussionist require from 2 to 12 instruments and are ideal for recital or solo festival. The ...
Whaley-Musical Studies for the Intermediate Mallet Player
Garwood Whaley's Musical Studies for the Intermediate Mallet Player provides a solid study in musical ideas for the advancing student. This is a complete intermediate ...
Whaley-Recital Solos for Snare Drum
Recital Solos for Snare Drum by Garwood Whaley contains thirty musically challenging solos for concert or adjudication. Advanced. "There is a real need for good ...
Whaley-Introduction & March (SP)-B/C/X/4T/P
Introduction and March by Garwood Whaley for percussion septet. Instrumentation: Player 1 - tam tam, orchestra bells Player 2 - chimes, xylophone Player 3 - cr...
Glassock-Mallets for Drummers (Audio Access Included)
Lynn Glassock's book Mallets for Drummers is designed as the perfect mallet method book for someone with a drumming background. Rhythmically interesting and fun piec...
Lang, M.-4 Percussion Quartets for Young Performers(SP)-B/P
4 Percussion Quartets for Young Performers by Morris Lang. These pieces offer the often neglected percussion group musically satisfying and fun pieces to play. The techniques ...
Eyles-Raggedy Ragtime Rags
Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Grade 5 Instrumentation: Player I: Xylophone Player II: Piano
Whaley-Dialogue for Snare Drum and Timpani
Garwood Whaley's Dialogue for Snare Drum and Timpani is a challenging duet in 5/4 time for two advanced performers. An excellent piece for recital or adjudication. Numb...
Whaley-Etude for Percussion Quartet (SP)-P
Etude for Percussion Quartet by Garwood Whaley. Instrumentation: Player 1 - snare drum, triangle Player 2 - tom toms, maracas Player 3 - bass drum, guiro Pl...
Campbell-Rudiments In Rhythm
Rudiments in Rhythm is a collection of original snare drum solos by one of today's leading authorities - James Campbell. Intended for developing students as well as adv...
Whaley-Recital Pieces for Mallets (2015 Meredith edition)
Recital Pieces for Mallets (2015 Meredith Edition) by Garwood Whaley. This text provides an eclectic collection of unaccompanied solo works for keyboard percussion. These w...
Cirone-Symphonic Repertoire for Snare Drum
Former percussionist of the San Francisco Symphony and Indiana University Professor of Music, Anthony Cirone has provided a comprehensive performance analysis of snare drum...
Soph-Essential Technique for Drumset (Bk 1)
Essential Technique for Drumset Book 1 is the most comprehensive drum set text available. Written by world-renown performer and clinician Ed Soph, this book provides an...
Glassock-Between the Lines (SP)-2V/C/2M/P
Number of Players: 5 Difficulty: Grade 5 Instrumentation: Player I: Marimba 1, 2 Temple Blocks Player II: Marimba 2, Snare Drum, 4 Temple Blocks (s...
Whaley-Musical Studies for the Intermediate Timpanist
Musical Studies for the Intermediate Timpanist by Garwood Whaley is written for high school and college level timpanists. The pieces are scored for 2-4 timpani, and are intend...
Whaley-Audition Etudes
Audition Etudes , written by Garwood Whaley, is a source book of original graduated reading studies for band/orchestra placement, grading, sight reading, regional/state...
Garofalo-Improving Intonation in Band & Orchestra Performance
The most comprehensive yet practical intonation book ever written. Includes tuning guides and intonation charts for all instruments.
Lisk-Creative Director: Alternative Rehearsal Technique
"Alternative Rehearsal Techniques" provides new concepts, graphic illustrations and instructional procedures designed to enhance and accelerate student performance skills. The...