Kabalevsky- Galop from The Comedians arr. Mitchell (SP)-Solo X/Ba
Arranged by Daniel Mitchell for xylophone solo(s) and band, this version of Dmitri Kabalevsky's Galop from The Comedians (a.k.a. Comedian's Galop or Galloping Comedians) is an...
Thurmond-Note Grouping
Fully explains through musical example, the concept of expressive musicianship as taught by Anton Horner, William Kincaid and Marcel Tabuteau. This book clearly illustrates ho...
Whaley-Rhythm Reading for Drums Bk. 2
Rhythm Reading for Drums - Book 2 provides a highly organized, systematic approach to reading and understanding rhythm for the beginning drummer/percussionist. Basic rh...
Cirone-Great American Symphony Orchestra
The Great American Symphony Orchestra A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Its Artistry, Passion and Heartache by Anthony Cirone THIS BOOK IS FOR EVERYONE! ...
Stith-Score and Rehearsal Preparation
Score and Rehearsal Preparation by Gary Stith is sure to provide the most practical approach to orchestra and wind band score study ever published. It methodically sim...
Snider-Pentacle (SP)-B/X/4T/P
Pentacle by Robert C. Snider is written for the Meredith Music Percussion Ensemble Series. The term pentacle refers to a star formed by five straight lines. This work...
Musser-Music of Musser's International Marimba Symphony Orchestra Volume 2 (ed. Rapp) (SP)-3-5M
Music of Musser's International Marimba Symphony Orchestra Volume 2 These arrangements by Clair Omar Musser were for his 100-piece marimba orchestra comprised o...
Van Geem-Symphonic Repertoire for Keyboard Percussion
In the Symphonic Repertoire Guide for Keyboard Percussion , Principal Percussionist of the San Francisco Symphony Jack Van Geem has provided a comprehensive performance ...
Carlyss-Symphonic Repertoire for Timpani: Brahms and Tchaikovsky
Based on years of experience as the timpanist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Gerald Carlyss has created a series of books entitled "The Symphonic Repertoire for Timpani"...
Cirone/Sinai-Logic Of It All
This timeless treatise on the professional secrets of percussion performance, written by two of America's most outstanding orchestral percussionists, provides the kind of info...
Garofalo-Guides to Band Masterworks vol. 1
The second edition of the first volume of this series which provides band directors with a ready-made curriculum developed to incorporate comprehensive-musicianship training t...
Whaley-Essay for Snare Drum
Garwood Whaley's Essay for Snare Drum is an outstanding contest solo that makes extensive use of dynamics applied to rudimental rhythmic figures. Appearing on state solo lists...
Del Borgo-Treble Clef Contemporary Rhythm & Meter Studies
Elliot Del Borgo created 28, one-page etudes make extensive use of metric and rhythmic devices commonly found in 20th century works. Composed as recital/performance pieces, al...
Whaley-Interplay (SP)
Interplay for Percussion Sextet by Garwood Whaley. Instrumentation: Player 1 - bells Player 2 - xylophone Player 3 - timpani Player 4 - snare drum Player...
Grimo-Percussion Section Techniques (8 ens. w/tape)
A collection of 8 percussion ensembles grades 2-6 written specifically for use in the junior/senior high school and the college methods class, a variety of styles, levels of d...
Begun-Twenty-one Etudes
Twenty one technically and musically challenging solos for three, four and five drums. Suggestions on interpretation, stick selection and choice of drums are provided by the c...
Refrains by Steven Stucky for percussion quintet. Instrumentation: Player 1 - xylophone, tam tam, suspended cymbal Player 2 - crystal glass, vibraphone, claves, s...
Erb-Drawing Down the Moon(P)
Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Grade 6 Instrumentation: Player I: Flute Player II: Bells, Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone, Crotales, Chimes, 7 Roto...
Schuman-Dances (P)-B/DS FL/OB/CL/BN/HN
This is the collection of parts for Dances by William Schumann. This 9 song collection features a wind ensemble with drum set accompaniment. The drum set is augmented with a g...
Whaley-Solos and Duets for Snare Drum
Garwood Whaley's book Solos and Duets for Snare Drum is a collection of musically challenging solos and duets. Solos include idiomatic techniques that explore a varie...