Mallet Instrument Duet Sheet Music


Capriccio by Florian Poser is a musically appealing duet for marimba and vibraphone for the beginning to intermediate player. 

Spivack-Three Duets for Marimba and Vibraphone-M/V

Three Duets for Marimba and Vibraphone by Larry Spivack is ideal for intermediate level players looking for an obscure work. 

Fink, S.-Shadows

Shadows by Siegfried Fink is a duet for marimba and vibraphone for the intermediate player. Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Grade 3 Instrumentation: Pla... 

Grubbs-Lullaby Rhapsody (SP)-B/V/M

Lullaby Rhapsody by Jeffery D Grubbs is scored for two players. One on vibraphone, the other on a glock and marimba set up. The music is inspired by Bernstein's score for To K... 

Levitan-Redwood Box, The (SP)-V/M/opt. P

The Redwood Box by Daniel Levitan is a suite of marimba duets that can be played individually or as one performance. Levitan recommends if the whole collection is played toget... 

Eisma-Deux Personnages(2S)-V/M OS

Deux Personnages by Will Eisma is a contemporary mallet duet for the advanced marimba and vibraphone player. 

Van Landeghem-Sohum & Shakti (SP)-2M

Sohum & Shakti by Jan Van Landeghem is a difficult marimba duet divided into two movements. 

Torchinsky-Paradigma (SP)-V/2M

Paradigma by Vladimir Torchinsky is a difficult mallet piece for two players, one on marimba, the other on vibraphone and marimba. The performance starts freely eventually fin... 

Ravel-Laideronnette Empress of the Pagodas(SP)-Janicki

Laideronnette Empress of the Pagodas by Maurice Ravel is a challenging intermediate level marimba duet. 

Stolk-Bird Songs 1-5 V/M SP

Roland Stolk's set of 5 short duets for vibraphone and marimba are appropriately named Bird Songs 1-5 . The marimba part can be played on a 4.6 octave instrument. Perfec... 

Hachimura-Constellation V/C/VN/PN S-n4

Constellation by Yoshio Hachimura is an advanced contemporary mallet duet with violin accompaniment. Number of Players:4 Difficulty: Grade 5 Player I: Violi... 

Peyton-Rivermusic-2M/V/Cro OS

Rivermusic by Jeffrey Peyton is primarily a marimba duet with the addition of a vibraphone part in the waltz section and sporadic sprinkles of crotale. 

Dvorak/Zambito-Slavonic Dance op. 46, No. 1 (SP)(2M-4,5 octave)

Slavonic Dance op. 46, No. 1 by Antonin Dvorak is a classic piano work that has been arranged by Pete Zambito as a marimba duet. Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Gra... 

Hause-Circe (Duo version-2S)-M/V OS

Hause by Evan Circe was originally composed for a solo player using six mallets. This is the marimba duet version. 

Straesser-To The Point (2S)-2M OS

To the Point by Joep Straesser is a challenging contemporary marimba duet for advanced players that feature some interesting echo effects. 


Passacaglia by Anna Ignatowicz-Glinska is a duet for Marimba and Vibraphone. Composed for Katarzyna Mycka Marimba Akademie in Wrochlaw, Poland 2003. -Dur.: 8 to 11' ... 

Manassen-Helix (2S)-2M OS

Helix by Alex Manassen is a challenging marimba duet that creates a portal allowing the audience to experience 1980's Europe during the second cold war. 

Fink, S.-3 Episoden (2S)-M/V

Three Episoden by Siegfried Fink is an advanced duet for vibraphone and marimba. Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Grade 5 Instrumentation: Player I: Vibra... 

Fazio-Sonata for Vibraphone and Marimba (SP)-V/M

Sonata for Vibraphone and Marimba by Alfio Fazio is an advanced duet for vibraphone and marimba as well as the first place winner in the 2006 Quey Percussion Duo Composition C...