Timpani Method Books

Gomez-International Style Etudes I

International Style Studies for Timpani is a collection of etudes for educational study or recital performance. The book is divided into four categories: Latin, American, East... 

Feldstein-Timpani Soloist-Level 1

A collection of melodious and exciting solos for elementary timpani players. These solos will allow a younger player to take the stage and have a confident solo experience. 

Feldstein-Timpani Student-Level 2

The Belwin "Student Instrumental Course" is the fist and only complete source for private instruction of all band instruments. Like instruments may be taught in classes. The c... 

Kastuck-Timpanist Etudes (Bk 1)

The purpose of this Book of Etudes is to provide the student timpanist with music that contains technical problems that must be mastered. Some Etudes contain broken measures, ... 

Ludwig-Timpani Instructor

The Ludwig Timpani Instructor is a complete method for timpani. The method contains information that will be valuable to the beginning timpanist. In addition to practical info... 

Tavernier-150 Ex & Etudes: Timp 1

220 exercises for the advanced timpanist. All exercises are written for 2-4 drums. 

Tavernier-220 Ex & Etudes: Timp 2

220 exercises for the advanced timpanist. All exercises are written for 2-4 drums. 

Begun-Twenty-one Etudes

Twenty one technically and musically challenging solos for three, four and five drums. Suggestions on interpretation, stick selection and choice of drums are provided by the c... 

Bach/Handel/Others-Complete Timpani/Percussion to 53 Orchestral Masterworks (CD ROM)

The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library is an unprecedented collection, affording musicians the opportunity to build a personal library of orchestral repertoire at an incredib... 

Feldstein-Timpani Student-Level 3

The Belwin "Student Instrumental Course" is the first and only complete source for private instruction of all band instruments. Like instruments may be taught in classes. The ... 

Richards-Guildhall Pieces for Timpani gr 1-5

A collection of graded solos for timpani. Ten solos are included that range from grade 1-5. 

Tella-Tecnica Fondamentale Dei timpani

This method provides a wealth of information on starting to play timpani. The exercises and etudes are perfect for a beginning-intermediate player. Italian Text. 

Passerone-Traits Difficiles

A collection of 32 excerpts of standard orchestral material. This is a compact source for many works that are frequent on audition lists. 

Bartlett-20 Short Solos for Timpani

Keith Bartlett begins all sections in each book with a short note of advice for the student which is both informative and fun. Musical terms and expressions are introduced thr... 

Batigne-vol. 2 New French Timpani 2nd Book: Sound-Gesture

A great collection of exercises that will help develop your tuning skills. Jean Batigne has developed a collection that will expand you capacity and understanding of melodic t... 

Wright-Graded Music for Timpani 3

Contains all the set pieces, exercises and specimen sight-reading tests for the Timpani examinations, Grades 5 & 6 Contains Beethoven Plus Diversions Fives and... 

Woud-Musical Studies for Pedal Timpani

Musical Studies for Pedal Timpani by Nick Woud is focused on the aspect of pedalling and melodic timpani music. In general the studies are in terms of pedalling more de...