Lapio-Jumbie Jam Popular Songs Bk. 1 (CD) - Product Information
Jumbie Jam Popular Songs Book 1 was written to help the beginner to intermediate steel drum player advance their skills and to enjoy playing familiar songs on Steel Drum/Pan. Designed to work in conjunction with the Jumbie Jam Beginner Steel Pan from Panyard, Inc. Songs include Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Shotnin' Bread, Amazing Grace, Camptown Races, Oh, Susanna, Brahm's Lullaby, Minuet In G, When the Saints Go Marching In. Arrangements by David Lapio.
From Panyard, Inc. - World Leaders in Musical Steel Drums and Accessories
From Panyard, Inc. - World Leaders in Musical Steel Drums and Accessories
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