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Max-Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani (CD)

Model: 414-41194

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Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani selected and annotated by Randy Max, contains authentic parts for 57 of the most-requested audition excerpts for timpani. The enclosed 78-track audio CD includes these excerpts played by major orchestras, ...
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Max-Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani (CD) - Product Information

Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani selected and annotated by Randy Max, contains authentic parts for 57 of the most-requested audition excerpts for timpani. The enclosed 78-track audio CD includes these excerpts played by major orchestras, plus 21 play-along practice tracks. This unequalled collection is enriched by comments and performance suggestions by Randy Max, timpanist of the Rotterdam Philharmonic, who also offers detailed tuning plans, advice for practicing timpani and ear training, and historical information. This unique book with audio provides indispensable audition preparation material for timpanists of all levels, from student to professional.

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Max-Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani (CD)

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