Maslanka-Song Book-M/ASX SP - Product Information
Song Book by David Maslanka was commissioned by Steven Jordheim and Dane Richeson of the Lawrence University Conservatory of Music, and was composed in the summer of 1998. The movements of Song Book are relatively brief. They have a particular thing to say, a particular mood and attitude to express, and then they are done. There are 7 movements in all - Song for Davy, Lost, Hymn Tune with Four Variations, Serious Music – In Memoriam Arthur Cohn, Summer Song, Song for Alison, Evening Song
For Marimba and Alto Saxophone Duet
Difficulty - Grade 5 (medium-advanced)
Number of players - 2
Instrumentation - Marimba (4-mallets, 5.0 octave)
For Marimba and Alto Saxophone Duet
Difficulty - Grade 5 (medium-advanced)
Number of players - 2
Instrumentation - Marimba (4-mallets, 5.0 octave)
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