I installed these on a 20" Bosphorus Masters ride that I'd originally drilled for the larger, heavier Sabian rivets. Those are great too, but I definitely prefer these. They're smaller, lighter, and more easily excited, and leave more of the cymbal's stick definition and natural tone unaffected by the sizzle. The heavier Sabian rivets are a good choice if you want to have a very sizzle-heavy effect and less of the cymbal's original sound. I have three of these in a cluster and the sound is absolutely glorious.
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Deacon Blues
These are the best
Old school rivets = win
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Rivet Purchaser
Great service/product
These rivets are incredible. Since they are brass and properly sized I put all eight equally space in a dream vintage bliss 1.5" from the edge. Not overpowering and can still get good stick definition. Got the jazz sizzle sound I've been seeking for awhile. Also recommend the vintage bliss for this application since it is reasonably priced and a perfect match for these.
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Posted By:
Michael Gioranino
Best Rivets Available
The Bosphorus rivets are lighter and smaller than most others on the market, so when installed in a hole drilled to fit this size, the sizzle is extremely smooth and light. You may want more of these installed as compared to the larger rivets if you're wanting a very loud sizzle, but personally I think these are the best available.