Krillzarin-Earth Rhythms Catalog vol. 2 - Product Information
The most complete and comprehensive book ever published on Dumbek (Darbuka) rhythms. Transcribed for Drumset, Bongo and Bass, Earth Rhythms Catalog Volume 2 by Ivan Krillzarin covers traditional folk, ceremonial, festival and belly dance rhythms of the Balkans, Near East and Middle East. (Includes Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Greece, Turkey and more.) Accurately transcribed and recorded these authentic and ancient rhythms are presented in a format that is applicable to all levels (from beginners to advanced) of drummers and bass players. The 63 great rhythms on the companion audio are a fabulous source of information for all musicians and composers. Earth Rhythms Catalog Volume 1 is available (20071BCD) and presents rhythms from Africa, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean.
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