Is It Time to Purchase a Marimba?
A pivotal part in any percussionist's journey is the purchase or rental of your first mallet instrument. If you find yourself repeatedly checking your local classifieds hoping to find a marimba for sale or rent, you've found the right place. Steve Weiss Music has done the research for you, and now it's time to dive in!
How do I choose the right instrument?
Although there are several fantastic marimbas out there, the first step in your search should be to identify the correct range you would like your instrument to be. Some modern ranges for the marimba can include:
- 5 Octave Marimba (C2 to C7)
- 4.6 Octave Marimba (E2 to C7)
- 4.5 Octave Marimba (F2 to C7)
- 4.3 Octave Marimba (A2 to C7)
- 4.0 Octave Marimba (C3 to C7)
- 3.3 Octave Marimba (A2 to C6 or A3 to C7)
- 3 Octave Marimba (C3 to C6 or C4 to C7)
How many octaves is right for me?
Although there are several ranges listed above, most manufacturers focus on the production of 4.3 and 5.0 octave marimbas. They have slowly become a standard when composing for the instrument. For several years of the marimba's early emergence as a concert instrument, the 4.0 Octave Marimba was common. Some primary reasons for expanding the marimba range included the ability to perform transcriptions of instruments with a significant repertoire. For example, the low E of the 4.6 octave marimba allows the performer to easily adapt guitar repertoire to the instrument, and the low C of a 5.0 octave instrument allows for the adaptation of Cello repertoire.
Choosing the right bar material for your needs
- Rosewood - The gold standard. An incredibly durable and resonant wood, synonymous with the modern marimba.
- Padouk - A great alternative to rosewood, with a similar feel, at a fraction of the cost.
- Kelon / Acoustalon / Synthetic - A more durable, and incredibly resonant alternative to a wood bar instrument. A great all weather option for ensembles and performers.
Advantages of a 4.3 Octave Instrument
Although buying an instrument with a smaller range may seem limiting at first, there are advantages to choosing a 4.3 octave instrument. The most notable being space, and cost. Fitting a marimba in your home can create several spatial challenges, and without a dedicated space, your marimba could be living in your dining room (we've been there!).
Recently we are seeing more companies releasing five octave Marimbas with alternatives to rosewood bars. Currently there are simply more alternative bar options for 4.3 octave instruments. This provides a wider range of price points given the bar material options. Padouk and synthetic options like Acoustalon or Kelon can give you a great sound at a fraction of the cost of a rosewood marimba.
Advantages of a 5.0 Octave Instrument
As compositional output and innovation continues, the marimba has not only seen its way to the forefront of modern and contemporary music, but as a vehicle to realize and experience repertoire of the past. The 5.0 Octave Marimba serves as a standard range of the instrument, and has allowed performers to explore and perform everything from concerti, to cello suites. As the sheet music library at Steve Weiss Music grows, there has been a steady rise of both percussion ensemble sheet music using 5 octave instruments, and solo's for the 5 octave marimba. Although the purchase of a 5.0 octave instrument is a significant investment, it is likely to be your instrument for a lifetime!
Do you have questions regarding the purchase of your own marimba, or are you considering a marimba rental with us? Get in touch with our team at Steve Weiss Music to help you decide what option is best for you.