OffWorld Percussion Invader V3 Vinyl/Mylar Practice Pad - Blue - Product Information
The OffWorld Percussion Invader V3BLU-VMLB Practice Pad is the ultimate in rudimental drum pads and includes the VML mylar laminate. Carefully engineered to replicate the physical functionality of a rudimental snare drum, and sized to fit perfectly onto any 14" snare drum or snare drum stand, this item is a must-have for any serious rudimental percussionist.
OffWorld Invader V3 Features:
Fully functional, 360-degree rim not found on most other practice pads, which means that shots, pings, cross-sticks, and countless other effects are all easily achieved.
Newly-formulated, synthetic V3 playing surface, making this pad as close to the feel and articulation of a Kevlar / Aramid-Mylar drum head as you can get.
Abrasion and weather-resistant black nylon body, designed for a lifetime of drumming.
Non-slip base which can double as an alternate, softer playing surface.
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