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Promark TB3 Jazz Wire Brushes

Model: PRO-TB3

Availability: In Stock

$24.49 (Sold in Pairs)

Telescopic brushes inspired by the original Gene Krupa jazz brush. Smooth rubber handle with great balance for fast response. Made in the USA.
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Promark TB3 Jazz Wire Brushes - Product Information

Telescopic brushes inspired by the original Gene Krupa jazz brush.

Smooth rubber handle with great balance for fast response. Made in the USA.

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Mixed Review


I love these brushes, and I use them all the time. However, this is the second pair I've bought with the exact same problem: They cannot be used initially, because whatever tool or machine Promark uses to cut the wire brushes to length is not cutting the edges cleanly. The result is that the tips of the brushes are slightly burred, and they catch on the drum head without gliding smoothly over them. In the case of both of the pairs of these brushes I've purchased, I've had to rub the tips of the wire brushes over rough sandpaper until I could get them smooth enough to play with. I would have thought that someone in Promark's QC department would have discovered and rectified this problem by now.

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Steve McHugh



Mixed review


I love the feel and the sound of these brushes, and I use them all the time. However, this is the second pair I've bought that have the same problem. When you first take them out of the package, you cannot use them initially, and here is why: When Promark cuts the wire brushes to length, they apparently use some type of cutting tool that does not make a smooth, clean cut. So when you try to glide them over your snare drum head, they catch on the head, and will not glide smoothly. To remedy this, you have to play these brushes on top of a piece of rough sandpaper, which takes the roughness off of the ends of the brushes. You would think that by now, Promark's quality control would have discovered and remedied this.

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Steve McHugh



Good jazz brush


I'm still learning brush stroke patterns, but metal brushes are what you want for jazz. They do what they are supposed to, and they feel pretty good in your hands.

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