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Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head


The Remo Coated Powerstroke 3 Bass Drum Head features a thin underlay at the outer edge of the head to subtly dampen high frequency overtones. This creates a near-perfect balance of response and tone control that has quickly made Powerstro...
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Product Model Price Quantity
16" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1116-C2 $49.95
18" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1118-C2 $43.95
20" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1120-C2 $44.95
22" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1122-C2 $52.95
24" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1124-C2 $51.95
26" Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head REM-P3-1126-C2 $55.95

Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head - Product Information

The Remo Coated Powerstroke 3 Bass Drum Head features a thin underlay at the outer edge of the head to subtly dampen high frequency overtones. This creates a near-perfect balance of response and tone control that has quickly made Powerstroke 3 one of Remo's most preferred drumheads.

Includes 2-1/2" White Falam Patch that can be optionally applied to drumhead.

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Great Batter Head


I have tried many iterations of PS3 and generally like this one the best as a batter head. Unfortunately, they often sell drums any more with an Ebony PS3 as the reso, which usually--IMHO--makes the drum about as musical as a hatbox. A ported Smooth White or coated Ambassador usually fixes the problem for me, though everyone will have their preferences. One odd thing: I found adding a Falam patch really boosted the drum's midrange, when used with a standard felt beater. Go figger...

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All I Hoped For


I LOVE this bass head. It's name says it all. Power in any stroke, with the boxy punch that really fills the voids nicely without too much resonance. That's what I call three in one: Power, Punch, and Controlled Resonance. The Powerstroke 3. And Steve delivered in four days. I'm smilin'.

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Remo Powerstroke 3 Coated Bass Drum Head

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