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Salyers Doug Demorrow Marimba Mallets - Soft

Model: SAL-DD100

Availability: Limited Quantity (2.00 Remaining)

$49.95 (Sold in Pairs)

The Salyers Doug DeMorrow DD100 soft yarn marimba mallets are perfect for low and mid range marimba playing, chorales and bass lines. The rattan handles are perfectly sized to balance the extra weight of these mallets.
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Salyers Doug Demorrow Marimba Mallets - Soft - Product Information

The Salyers Doug DeMorrow DD100 soft yarn marimba mallets are perfect for low and mid range marimba playing, chorales and bass lines. The rattan handles are perfectly sized to balance the extra weight of these mallets.

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Great Mallet


This mallet will make nearly every marimba sound better! If you can deal with the heavier mallet its worth it, the fundamental of each note is increased substantially! The yarn is very durable and the rattan feel so good in my hands after I've I've play with birch shafts.

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