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Sekhon-Sun (SP)-V/X/M/P OS


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Sun by Baljinder Singh Sekhon, II is a percussion trio that was commissioned by The Volta Trio. This piece explores a variety of musical energies. From tired phrases to extended climactic passages to short-lived bursts of sound, many segme...
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Sekhon-Sun (SP)-V/X/M/P OS - Product Information

Sun by Baljinder Singh Sekhon, II is a percussion trio that was commissioned by The Volta Trio. This piece explores a variety of musical energies. From tired phrases to extended climactic passages to short-lived bursts of sound, many segments of music are intertwined and overlaid in a way that creates a singular event (the piece) with various "flares" of sound on its surface. These segments are often separated by silent moments that, because of their context, each express a different type of energy. Duration: 12 minutes


Player 1 - 5 octave marimba, large bass drum (shared with player 2), medium wood, low skin, high metal, very large cymbal (share with all), medium wind gong.

Player 2 - vibraphone, large bass drum (shared with player 1), high wood, medium skin, low metal, very large cymbal (share with all), large temple (bowl) gong.

Player 3 - xylophone, kick drum, low wood, high skin, medium metal, very large cymbal (shared with all), splash cymbal.

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