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Weiss Temple Cup Gong Set


Availability: Limited Quantity


Set of 5 Temple Cup Gongs with cushions and beater. We create these sets based on the pitch of the cup gongs, not necessarily size.
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Weiss Temple Cup Gong Set - Product Information

Set of 5 Temple Cup Gongs with cushions and beater. We create these sets based on the pitch of the cup gongs, not necessarily size.

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Temple Gongs: not uniform material


Careful choosing these. Of the five cup gongs, only two were high-quality heavy metal. Three were thin cheap stuff. While the range of pitches is very nice when struck with a mallet, the sound quality differs greatly between the different metals. Furthermore, I have a much harder time getting the thinner cups to "sing" when using friction to activate them. I wish I had known this before purchasing these.

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