The Emil Richards Sounds of the Studio Series has an array of products each producing a unique sound. These were created by Emil Richards, Mr. Hollywood Percussion, in the studios for TV and movies. Attention to musical nuance was key in the...
These are just rubber balls on plastic sticks. They are fun to play with until the ball comes off the stick. You can probably glue it back together, if you find the right glue. But then again, maybe that should be Emil RIchards' job.
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Tim Moore
I was expecting something a little more "professional". It is literally a super ball with a hole drilled in it and glued to a flimsy plastic stick. I could have made it myself. One broke on the first day and had to glue it back together. They do what they're supposed to though.
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Anthony Dahl
Great sounds, and durable so far
I love the different sounds that can be created with these mallets. I have been using them consistently for a month, pressing fairly hard, and they are holding up well so far.
Also special THANKS to Steve Weiss Music for shipping them out so fast!
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Really cool
Awesome implement, one of my favorite effects. Works on just about any instrument! Awesome sound on the strings of the piano or the violin family, too.
Unfortunately, one of mine in the set of three broke with very minimal usage. Thankfully there are two others which have lasted so far, but that was still a bit disappointing. The product works great and would definitely recommend it, but I have to mention that.
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Jake O'Connor
Great effect
High quality. You'd think that you might be able to just make your own out of bouncy balls or something, but these are worth the money. Really adds great effect not achievable by really anything else.
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James Densley
super rub mallets
I like the sound these mallets make on my 36" paiste gong. Very reasonably priced. Ive tried various home made superball mallets but theses are better. Only problem is one time the head came off the mallet and the stem scratched my gong .I had to ry buffing it out with red rouge and a dremel tool, then polish with "mothers mag scratch removal" polish which eventually removed the scratch. I wrote the company and they have assured me they will make closer inspections and maybe round off the sharp stem head befor gluing it into the superball. I ordered another set. Just be carefull about this issue and try above method to remove scratches if the head falls off!
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mike nurney
Super Rub Mallets
1. Don't try to make your own mallets following instruction on the internet. I wasted several hours and got no results.
2. That's right. I should have just bought these in the first place.
3. The results are great. Tam-Tam, Bass Drum, Timpani sound great!
My timpanist ran out and bought two sets to experiment with because he thinks they are the greatest things ever.
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Steven Wampler
Superball mallets hard to find
This little packet is well worth the 20 bucks. Plus you get three sizes which makes a surprising difference in sound. Much better than going to find them in dispensers that usually yield greasy unusable ones.
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Rick Sacks
Balter Emil Richards Super Rub Mallets
really one of the best superball mallets I've tried so far!
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Much better than DIY!
At last! Superball mallets that do not snap or fall apart. Whether drawn out across timpani, bass drums, tomtoms, piano bass strings or other surfaces, these products consistently deliver.
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Super Rub Mallets
I had to order extra because some have come unglued or have split in half. They are more delicate than expected.
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Susan Willmering
balter....super rub mallets
They are exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
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Janet Urban
Great sound!
These are nothing more than soft rubber balls on shafts, but they're the gateway to a whole new sound palette.
Rub them on timpani heads, bass drum heads, cymbals, gongs, toms, etc. for some great sounds to add to your next composition or existing needs. I just finished using one as a substitute for a lion's roar effect called for in a George Crumb piece and it was better than using my thumb as indicated in the score. More consistent, better sound.
I bought two sets so I would have matching pairs if needed.
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Balter Emil Richards Super Rub Mallets
total satisfaction with the rub mallets. Surprised how such a simple tool can produce such amazing sounds with a gong and be so versatile with all sorts of other instruments ... then can actually turn anything that can take a hit and make sound into a musical instrument.
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Beppe Manca
They are Great!
They are great and much better than making your own. My only warning - they come in a set of three as shown. I ended up ordering a second set so I could have two of the largest size.
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Great for us
Can't really agree with the first review - had these items at least 18 months now and been used on numerous occasions - we are professional sound 'practitioners' and our six mallets get all manner of use, from ourselves and clients when we do group workshops/presentations. We are always mindful to get kids and adults to draw the mallet - with thumb to the rear of the ball - across our gongs but apart from that they get pretty heavy use and not one damaged yet. The only thing is that the rubber is getting worn out now and we have to order more ! Delighted with them - and the price - which has gone up a couple of bucks from our last purchase - but still significantly cheaper than other competitors.
With thanks
As for the '4 in a set' that was on the ad when we last ordered but had a rider on the site that corrected the issue - perhaps that needs to be re-instated.
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Do Not Buy: Shoddy workmanship
These super rub ball mallets are not worth the money. The sticks are exceptionally flimsy, and all three mallets either fell apart (the balls came off) or the sticks broke off inside the ball (making a repair impossible) -- all within one use while doing LIGHT friction rubs on a tam-tam. Not excessively hard rubs or drags. Light touches. As a professional, these are not items I will ever buy again, nor will I ever recommend them to students. You're better off buying inexpensive children's super balls and drilling holes for dowels/sticks.
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Posted By:
GM Lerch
As adveritised (almost)
Work great, but for some reason I only got three mallets (it says "sets of 4") and they're all different sizes. I thought I was getting 2 pairs, one big and one small. The smallest is really small and not very useful, at least for me. But way better than anything I was able to make on my own.