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Sleeved Washers for Drums


Sleeved Washers for Drums are designed to: Protect and preserve the chrome on hoops and tension rods by eliminating all on metal on metal contact. Produce smoother and more accurate head tuning. Enable lower tom and kick tunin...
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Product Model Price Quantity
Danmar Sleeved Washers - 50 Pack White DAN-TRW50W $9.99

Sleeved Washers for Drums - Product Information

Sleeved Washers for Drums are designed to:

  • Protect and preserve the chrome on hoops and tension rods by eliminating all on metal on metal contact.
  • Produce smoother and more accurate head tuning.
  • Enable lower tom and kick tuning without and “rod rattle.”
  • Perform well under high tension due to our high quality nylon.

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Inexpensive investment in your sound!


I refurbished an older Starclassic kit recently, along with a Pearl Sensitone and Chad Smith Signature snare. I needed to replace some washers and these didn't seem like a bad idea so I gave them a try. The ease of tuning and stability with these things is nominal but well worth it. Small differences can make the biggest difference. It's worth the couple extra bucks to put these on all of your drums!

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Hendrix sleeved drum washers


I own a vintage set of Primere Resonators they have cast hoops. Cast hoops seem to be difficult to keep in tune compared to triple flanged drums. I do not over tighten the hoops as I prefer a deep sound. When I recently replaced the heads I decided to replace the stock metal washers on the tuning lugs with the Hendrix washers. Have noticed that the tuning goes much smoother and that the hoops hold the tuning. The drums appear a little smarter wth the nylon washers. Worth the effort.

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Mike Gerrity



Hendrix Sleeved Washers


I used these sleeves on a recent rebuild of my beloved Dynasonic snare, and didn't care for the results. That said, vintage hoops, even a high end drum like the Dynasonic, seem pretty crude by today's standards. Rough surfaces around the holes made the sleeves bind and made tuning difficult. My first impression was that the sleeves made the snares less sensitive. I replaced the sleeves with new steel washers and indeed the snare responded. Perhaps for newer, more precisely made hoops this would not be an issue. I have them on my DW toms and they work fine.

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Marc Muller



Plastic Tension Rod Sleeves - An Idea That Works


The Hendrix tension rod sleeved washers are a great idea. A simple, practical concept and design that works. They do what they are designed to do. Any time you can prevent metal on metal contact for just about anything, you're doing a good thing. The sleeves nice and snug, therefore assisting in holding a drums tuning. I got them for both the batter and resonant heads of all my drums, and will do so from now on.

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Mike D


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Sleeved Washers for Drums

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