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Canton Middle School

Congratulations on becoming part of the Canton Middle School Percussion Section! We are so excited for you and are looking forward to all the fun we are going to have in percussion class! Below are the required supplies for our percussionists.

Please contact niorio@haywood.k12.nc.us if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for all that you do - we appreciate you!

Nicolo Iorio
Director of Bands
Canton Middle School

Product Model Price Quantity
Innovative Fundamental Series F10 Hard Xylophone/Bell Mallets INN-F10 $15.95
Evans HQ 12" RealFeel Speed Practice Pad EVA-RF12G $34.99
Vic Firth American Custom SD1 Drumsticks - General VIC-SD1 $12.99
Liberty One Basic Stick Bag (02S) SW-02S $9.95