Find My School
Welcome to an exciting new educational program available now here at Steve Weiss Music. This program is designed to benefit all three aspects of the educational program: the institution, the teacher and the student. Any high school, college or university program in the USA is encouraged to take part. If you teach a percussion program of any type and you have a list of required and / or suggested items that your students are expected to have, we want to hear from you and sign your school up for this exciting program.
Here is just a sampling of the benefits for each of the educational aspects:
The Teacher:
- A simple, one-stop place for all of your students to see and purchase your complete list of required and or suggested list of literature and implements for each of your can have as many lists as you want to be sure all classes and levels are covered. We will do our best to custom design the lists with you.
- Provide a resource for your students to know the outlay of money required prior to registering for your class, as specified by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (effective July 1, 2010).
- Makes it easier for your students to show up with the proper gear and literature which will make your teaching job a bit easier.
The Student:
- Easy one-stop-shopping for the required items for your classes.
- An easy to use shopping cart to purchase the products that you'll need. Choose all of the items or leave some off if you already have them.
- The ability to research what percussion gear other schools are using in their classes.
Teachers or institutions interested in participating can email Simply let us know that you are interested in this program and we will respond to your email with a few questions we will need answered in order to get you started. Thank you for your interest in the Steve Weiss Music "Find My School" program.