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Vintage Deagan Instruments

Deagan marimba.

We collect vintage Deagan Instruments from all time periods and any condition. Please contact us if you have a Deagan Xylophone, Marimba, Bell Set, Chimes, Vibraphone (Vibra-Harp) or any novelty instrument you are looking to sell or find out more information about. We will give you a fair estimate of value for no cost.

The J.C. Deagan company was founded in the late 1800s by John Calhoun Deagan in Saint Louis, Missouri and later moved to Chicago, IL. They built a variety of percussion instruments, including many novelty percussion instruments.


  • Kenny

    Hi. I have an opportunity to purchase a set of Deagan orchestral Bells from 1915. Just over 1 octave. The pedal mechanism is not up and running and a handful of the bells are cracked. 3 questions. Can you advise me regarding the value ? Is it possible to fix cracked bells through welding ? Does a crack in a bell considerably compromise the quality of the bell's tone? ( I ask this last question because I would be purchasing this mostly for the purpose of using the bells on recordings.) Note: I have pictures I could forward.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are unsure what you have based on your description, but sending us some photos would be the easiest way for us to identify the instrument. Any metal tone bars that are cracked will be significantly impacted from a sound standpoint and may not be repairable.

  • Tom Frederick

    I have a Deagan Model 262 Artist Special Xylophone with all the original parts. It is freshly tuned, and in excellent professional performance condition. It has been in my family since the early 1930s. My Grandfather purchased it used for my now 93 year old Aunt, who no longer plays it, when she was in elementary school. From the Patent dates on the bars and JC Deagan metal manufacturer's plate, it may be 100 years old or more. What kind of insurance value should I put on an instrument like this?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If the instrument has been in your family for that length of time, it sounds like it may be irreplicable. Condition and sound is everything at higher price points, but based on your description we would probably put an insurance value of $5,000 to $6,000 based on the current market for a Deagan 262.

  • Carl Covington

    wanting to sell Vintage Deagan Imperial No 68 marimba one owner since new, never stored since death of original owner (life long career musician and band leader) in 2019, original rosewood bars, original shipping cases intact and instrument is currently stored in weather proof storage. Looking for estimate of value and serious buyer.

  • Benjamin M

    I have a Deagan Standard 806 xylophone on resonator board. Serial 25559. I think it is 1920s. Can you help with a value? I am interested in selling it to someone who might make music with it again.

  • Brian Wilson

    So I'm a band director at Summit Academy K-8 in Chandler AZ. We have a lovely Deagan Vibe from the 1960s and it has passed my mind that if the district would allow us, we could probably sell it for a good amount and then use that money to buy new percussion instruments that are probably better to be in a middle school student's hands. Any thoughts what a gold, 1960's vibe with all the original parts might go for?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We'd have to see the vibraphone to know for sure, but a range of $1500-$2500 seems fairly safe if everything is in working order and it sounds good.

  • Noah

    Hello, I work for a music non-profit program and we were donated a Deagan Eletravibe Model 515. It has been adapted so that a man who was a paraplegic could play it. New legs have been added with locking casters on the end, and the sustain pedal has been converted to a bar along the front of the instrument. There is no top case for it but otherwise, it is in great condition and sounds very good. I am just wondering what the value of this might be as we need to provide a tax receipt for the donation.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We typically see Deagan Electravibes sell for between $1500-$2000, depending on condition. We would have to see the modifications made to determine if it would hurt the value, but based on your description we believe the value range would still be accurate.

  • Wayne

    I would like to know donation value for J C Deagan #143 Radio Vibraphone. 2 1/2 Octave C-F, 1 1/2" to 1 1/4" X 1/2" with variable speed vibrato. Excellent finish and working condition. Folding stand. Includes large custom made storage chest. Want to donate to local university orchestra. I see they sell in the $1,200 to $5,000 range. What's your best estimate? Thanks for your help.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It is hard to assess value without seeing photos of the instrument, but depending on condition we believe this instrument would sell in todays market in the $750-$1200 range if it is in all-original non-restored condition.

  • James Clark

    Good morning. We found a set of organ pipes at our church and wanted to know if they are valuable or usable. Please let me know. Thank you.

  • Patty

    I have a Deagan roundtop orchestra bells model 1122 (2 octave). The bars are all in good condition and all of the pegs are still in place but when you close the case the bars fall out of place. I'd be interested in approximate value, but also interested in how to get information on restoring it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan made round top orchestra bells with 4 different sized bar thickness (7/8", 1", 1 1/4" and 1 1/2") and 3 ranges (2.0 octave, 2.5 octave or 3.0 octave). The value of the instruments increase as the bars get thicker and the range increases. Model # 1122 is a 2.0 octave instrument with 1" bars and we usually see them sell for around $700-$900 in unrestored condition. It sounds like you are missing the flat piece of wood that holds the accidentals in the case when you close it, which could easily be replaced. This piece of wood slides through two leather loops that are attached to the case below the bars. If you are interested in having it restored, we would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service or Salazar Fine Tuning.

  • Tracee

    Hi. I was trying to research my Deagan Model 1120 Round Top Orchestral Bells, and came upon your website. If you have time or interest, I would love to know what you think of its condition and worth. Thanks so much!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would need to see some photos to assess the condition and value - please send us an email with photos and your contact information.

  • P. McCarthy

    Hi I believe I have a classic 4 note Deagan Railroad/Dinner Chime. I noticed that there are 2 hanging rings on back, but when hung on wall the chime sound is not the same. Am I missing a part that would allow chime to be used hanging up? Thank for your input.

  • Heather Martell

    Hello, I work for the New England Conservatory of Music and a faculty member just approached me with a Deagan Junior Model #800 xylophone which belonged to one of his family members. It is just the rosewood bars, no frame or storage box, and the bars are in a bit of disrepair. The original cords are broken, but many of the felts and leather separators in the minor pitches are intact. Would I be able to get an approximate value? The owner is looking to have a new frame constructed (mostly for display purposes). I can supply a photo if needed. Thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan Junior xylophone is 2.5 octaves, G to C and sat on a table top to play, there was no case or box originally. The bars were generally poorly made and the instruments often have not survived very well. Since this is not an instrument that is very useful to modern players and is not very collectable, the value is very limited. If you only have the bars that are in poor condition and no rails, we do not believe there is a lot of value - maybe $25-$50.

  • john dendy

    We have a Deagan 4-octave marimba for sale but don't know how to price it. Can't find a model number but except for the frame, it looks similar to one on E-Bay, described as "1040s Model 335." The Ebay item has a metal frame but ours has a nice painted wooden frame, in shades of cream and brown.. The price on the E Bay item is $2500. Ours is original, undamaged except for some cosmetic dings. It has a nice mellow sound. Can you help with the model $ and market value? I can send photos if you wish.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have a few ideas of what instrument you may have, but if you can send us some photos it would help us to identify for you.

  • Graham Bruce

    I have an old rusty dusty Deagan that a friend gave me when moving outa CA. It's missing the pedal and the motor doesn't work. Strings are beat up. Can I get parts for it and restore it? It has the folding sides with castors... no model no. that I can find.. so far... If you can reply I can send a picture....

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service to see if they can supply the Deagan specific parts you need. Common non-Deagan items like bar cord, damper felt, etc can be purchased through us.

  • SRobinson

    I have an old set of Deagan Chimes. All I can find on it is that it says Chicago and Deagan on the side of it. The damper box is made of wood. It plays! Any ideas what this is worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi - we would need to see some photos to identify the instrument you have.

  • Cassandra Lane

    We have a vibraharp 510 in great condition. It needs a belt and updated wires from the switch to the plug in but it does work. It is serial number 6376. We are looking for an estimate and would be interested in selling. We have 17 W. Dorn mallets (7 sets and 3 singles) that go with it as well and they're also in good condition.

  • Keena shelton

    I have a Original picture Of A.Edwards playing a Vibra Harp Deagan.. I'm not sure the value but I have it and I'm holding it to the person that's interested in Purchasing it!

  • Paul Dowling

    I have a 'Deagan Special' Orchestra Bells, catalogue #1428, serial #25770. No mallets and 2 missing bars. Case is a little worn and the handle missing.

  • Jeanann Cain

    I have my mother's J.C Deagan marimba. She passed away at age 96 in December, 2021. Her marimba was taken apart and stored in pieces in velvet lined carrying cases in her home for many years. It appears to me to be in good condition. She became a professional musician at age 12 and her parents purchased her instrument for her birthday in 1937 the same year she joined the Musicians' Union in Cincinnati, Ohio. I found the following information regarding the specifics of the instrument and would like to know if it has any value besides personal. I will copy exactly what she had written on a tiny piece of paper tucked in a book of poetry. J.C. Deagan 4-octave marimba. Made in USA 11-14-1933 JC cat NO 68 model D Part # 5G1146. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you for your help

  • Mike Mitchell

    I have knowledge of one of the 100 (75 according to Deagan) Marimba's that was made for the 1933 Chicago Worlds Fair. I am a licensed Auctioneer and would like to know its appox. value.

  • Brenda Treisch

    I have inherited a Deagan marimba probably from the 30's and what may be a tubaphone. The latter has no markings that I have been able to find. The marimba appears to be complete with stand. It needs to be restrung. The tubaphone doesn't have a stand in the case. I would like to know the value of both and more information on the tubaphone as this is the first one I have ever seen.

  • Jessica Juday

    Hello, I have what I believe is a metallophone. It is labeled C. Deagan No. 1558 I am wondering the worth, but also wondering if there are any replacement bars out there in the world. I am missing 2 C's, a D, and all the chromatics.

  • Kelly

    Hi, we have inherited a 350 Deagan Marimba (c1919 from patent info) - we are the 3rd generation to possess it but not sure if my g.g. Aunty bought new or 2nd hand from Melbourne, Victoria. Not keen on selling but might have to-is it worth replacing string that has gone hard & polish bars & stand or sell as is?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If you are not experienced with cleaning a marimba, we would not suggest using any type of cleaning product on it. You can use a damp rag to wipe off all of the dust and surface grime and dry after, but do not use any polish or cleaning solutions. It is definitely worth cleaning as described and restringing so it is in playing condition prior to trying to sell. The 350 is a fairly common instrument and is not very sought after today due to the bar spacing and fundamental-tuning only method used at the time it was made.

  • Patrick W. Smith

    I have a Deagan 3.5 octave xylophone from the early 1900,s (Can't get the model # right now, sorry). It has the Nickle plated 5/8" tube frame. I'm trying to find a matching circular nut that holds the leg to the armature. I also need a replacement leg for an 872 four octave xylophone if you have one, same tubing type. On the 872, the low C# and D# have tunable resonators. The C# is missing the lockdown thumb screw on the sliding resonator. I have a Deagan Imperial four octave marimba that I'd be curious to get a price on, as well as a Vibra-Harp from the 50's. All in Very good shape. Is there a specific person there now who deals with this stuff? Back in the day I would have spoken to Steve, God bless him. We played together on numerous occasions and used to tour periodically with The New Sousa Band. Give a call if it's easier. Or email is fine, too. Peace, Pat

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service, they will be able to provide you with all of the parts you mention.

  • Jimmy Carr

    Picked up a set of 3.5 octave marimba bars, model 4253. The closest match I found through pictures on was model 4540. My bars have coved ends and handles to adjust tilt just like this model. I have the bars, two wood parts and brass pieces only. I would like to have a set of playable marimbas and I'm also curious about any info available on this set of bars.

  • Jessica Rosales

    1928 JC Deagan Model 730 A 3 octave marimba. It's been in a case for decades, and the rosewood bars seem to be okay, but the frame has a little wear and tear. Any thoughts on approximate value?

  • Jefri Wood

    Hello. We have not one but two Deagan Vibraharps, models 35 (serial #5649) and 510 (serial # 9492). They belonged to my late father-in-law, a longtime (late 1930s to 2001) D.C.-area musician who played all manner of stringed instruments plus these vibes. I believe the 35 was made from 1938-1942, the 510 from 1950-1962. He was a working musician who played a LOT, and carted these things all over the area. They are not great cosmetically, but are in working order again after a mechanically-inclined friend revived the motors and replaced the string and grommets as needed (he was guided by his friend Tom Carroll, an instrument repairer in Lombard, IL, whose wife Maureen worked at the Musser plant in Chicago until it closed). They still sound good after all these years and we would love to get them into a player's hands again.

  • frederick fisher

    I have a Deagan 870 xylophone in quite good condition. All bars/bells are excellent. The resonators are solid, too, though some of the nickel/chrome finish is gone. I think the stand is original, though it does not look "new." The casters, which are removable, have some corrosion. The stand was stored separately from the wood parts and resonators. I have been keeping the bars in individual soft cotton sleeves for their protection. They are not on cords, though that could easily be done. Some of the grommets, screws, and felt need work, a job I did not want to tackle, for that should be left to the experts.

  • Jordan Hope

    I have located a seller who has listed a "Deagan 1404/Unknown" glockenspiel with 1"x1/4" flat top bars. He's replating the bars and building a new case for it, and I believe extending the range on either side to F-D. In your opinion, what would be a good asking price?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would need to see condition, how they are extending the range, if it is actually a Deagan, etc to come up with a value.

  • Diana Clark

    I have a couple of vintage Deagan xylophones: One is a Deagan Professional 870 on original stand. It's in pretty good condition! I'm in Canada, so was hoping to find a collector or buyer here. Thanks in advance for any advice!

  • Kris

    Hello I have a Deagan A-435, am looking for information on this instrument (an original picture perhaps). When was it made, did it have a unique name, or brand name. Mine has 22 keys E- G. I don't know if mine is complete or is missing parts/pieces, I don't have a mallet. Keys sound very cool, when tapped. Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    A=435 is actually the tuning reference for the instrument, not a model number. If you send us some photos via email, we can help to figure out what you have.

  • Scott Davis

    Hello, I have a 2-octave set of Deagan xylophone bars in 1 slat which appears to come from a Nickelodeon-type instrument, although I can't seem to find much information on the Deagan product specifically. The lowest bar is an A#4 and the highest bar is an A6. The bars are 1.25" wide and 5/8" in thickness. The lowest bar is 9.75" long and the highest bar is 4 and 5/8" long. I am wondering how much this might be worth as well as if the team at Steve Weiss would be interested in purchasing. I have sent this info as well as photos and sound demo via email to Let me know what you all think - thanks!

  • Sandra Hodges

    I have Dinner chimes with "Deagan Plate Chimes No 181" on the back with a mallet and original Dinner Chime Music Book c1917. I can't find information on this set anywhere, value, date manufactured, etc. Really, really great condition. Thank you for any help.

  • Seth Rowoldt

    Hello, I have a Deagan The Concert Model 932. It is in fair condition. I can send pictures if needed. All the bars are intact and the frame is sturdy, just some chipped paint here and there. Hoping to find out more info about it as well as a resale price. Thanks!

  • Patrick R Berry

    Have J.C. Deagan Cathedral(orchestral) Chimes. Model 9150, SN 10369 in fair shape. Needs help. Pedal and parts missing. 2 tubes missing. 1 "peg" missing (what you hang the cord on to hang the tube. Don't know the correct name for the part ) Tube coating is very spotty and rough. Can you help with how to obtain parts or where to get restored. Thank you. Patrick

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago.

  • Elizabeth Wieben

    Dug out an old xylophone from my parents time - a Deagan Standard #807 Can you tell me the timeline for this instrument - its in fair shape but needs a little TLC. Is this marketable and what is the value of something like this Elizabeth

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, the Deagan 807 is a 3 octave instrument. Value is based on condition and how it sounds, but we would expect the value to be somewhere between $500-$1000.

  • Eric Edgar

    I have a Deagan 330R Marimba. The tubes are a clear plastic painted a copper color. Complete and in working order. I was googling around looking for advice on cleaning it and fixing some dead sounding bars. I got this from the estate of a locally famous drum instructor at Gelb Music in Redwood City, California. I'm wondering about the year of production. On the bottom of the bass end crossmember is impressed in to the wood 330R and 324.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 330R Marimba probably features cardboard resonators (a war-time decision) and was made in the early 1940s.

  • Marius

    I am looking for a fair estimate of value for the following Degan instruments: One 37 note Xylophone (large format) pat. 1918 Largest is approximately 15 3/4" in length, 1 5/8 width and 7/8" depth One Xylophone 37 nite (smaller format) largest length approximately 4 5/8" width 1 1/8" depth 5/8" One Glock 37 note (large format) largest length approximately 11 3/8" length, 1 3/16 width and 1/2" depth One Glock 30 note ( small) largest is approximately 8 3/4" length, 1 1/4" width and 1/2" depth All the above are complete with pneumatic action and all mallets. The large were from R. Morton organ and the small from Marr & Colton One set of Reveille Tubular Bells 49 total notes on two wooden board mountings. Largest is 26 5/16" length and 3 3/8 in diameter marked "G" I believe sounds G3? Thanks for any help.

  • Craig Chapman

    Hi, I have a set of J C Deagan organ chimes. Circ. 1901 as stamped. All 20 are 4 chimes on a square timber base. I cannot find very much information on them at all. They are in fair condition for there age. I could send photos if your interested. Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are interested, please send photos to info at

  • John Gilbert

    I have a Deagan 264 3-1/2 octave Xylophone (F-C) that I used when I was playing mallets professionally but no longer (I'm a timpanist). It's in very good to excellent cosmetic and acoustic shape. It has the original roller stand. All resonators are in tact and not dented. The resonators have never been refinished nor has the rolling stand. But otherwise completely intact. It would be an excellent instrument for orchestral or studio work. Since I don't use it anymore I'm interested in selling it. Any help with the value would be appreciated. SFBay Area. Thanks.

  • Noah Van Hyning

    Hello, I'm doing some research on a Deagan 592 "vibraharp" from my school. Would you know if the bars are made from aluminum or an aluminum alloy? And if so, what alloy exactly? Thanks.

  • Ellen P Stanton

    We have a Deagan Marimba Xylophone 4724 that we are looking to sell. The stand does not appear to be original and is a little rickety, but the instrument itself seems to be in fair condition. Any idea of the value of this instrument? Thanks for your help.

  • Sam Boucher

    My wife inherited a model FH55, Cat. No IM30 Marimba. It sounds great but wanted to find out little more of history if possible. Trying to find some new wheels also as the moving company damaged it. Thank you.

  • Nancy Sjostrom

    Have a Deagan Vibraharp model 510, serial # 2507. Needs refurbishing but it's intact. Don't know what to do with it. It was my mom's and it's been in my basement since she passed away 18 years ago. Is it sellable? Want to get it out of my house. Thinking to take it apart and make wind chimes out of it. Suggestions, please.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We wouldn't suggest turning a functioning and complete instrument into wind chimes. There are many people who would enjoy having a 510. Value depends on condition, but if it is complete you should be able to sell for around $1000.

  • Renee Keller

    I just picked up an old Deagan glock. Aside from the Deagan stamp on the bar there isn't any information about model number. Based on the measurements I believe it is a Deagan Flat Top model #1404 or #1504. I was wondering if you could give me more information about the possible manufacture dates of that instrument or any other information.

  • Sean Killen

    Greetings I own a Deagan #35 Rondo VibraHarp. Not certain on exact year of production yet (1945-1947). The unit is in fair shape considering the middle D flat is out of tune, Though everything else functions proper. Pictures/Video can be provided. Thank you for your time.

  • Larry Armstrong

    I have a vintage Deagan Jr. No 801 Xylophone that I am looking to sell. It has been in the family for as long as I can remember, so I had been hoping to find a collector who would appreciate it and know how to care for it. It also has two mallets that I believe are original to this instrument. I am located in Kansas. Please let me know how to send photos to you.

  • Lorraine

    We have a vintage Deagan xylophone - rosewood keys. It has been in our family for years. The history was that it was once in the local movie theater to provide music for the movies. It's in very good condition. We need to sell it and so we're looking for someone who will value it and offer a fair market price.

  • Jordan Johnsen

    I inherited a Deagan No 40 marimba. 1. The #4/front bar support has a slot piece attached to the back. Do you know what it might be for? was there an integrated music stand at one point that attached there? 2. I was considering building a second frame to convert it (not permanently) to a 4.3- or 4.5-octave. do you know if I can buy individual bars to supply the lower 3-7 notes so I can move the bars back and forth? 3. If you have an idea of market value I am curious. There is some damage to the lower end of the resonator rests where the thin wood pieces have chipped out. Thanks!

  • Tim

    We have a vintage Deagan Marimba No. 410 with its original carrying cases. This instrument shows cosmetic wear of minor chipping paint, some oxidation on metal parts and such which aren't unusual for a vintage instrument. It is fully playable. The bars are rosewood with aluminum resonators and frame. I believe it is from the early 1950's. It sounds great! We are interested in its value for sale.

  • Chris Treloar

    I have a Deagan Song Bells Model 100 that I am looking to sell. I would appreciate any information you can give me about its value. The bars are in excellent shape, but the previous owner peeled back the tops of the resonators (why, I don't know) and I had them pried back as best as was possible

  • Jonathan Smith

    Hi, I have a Deagan marimba, wood (rosewood, I guess), probably around 8 feet long. It is not set up like a piano, all keys in half steps are in a row, 3 octaves. It has no legs and looks very old, many patent dates are listed with the last patent date on tag is May 5 1925. Any info on it - or idea as to value? Thanks in advance, Jon. PS. I can send pictures of course.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Jon - this type of setup indicates a mechanically played instrument, like you would find in an organ or carousel. Unfortunately, it has very little value to a percussionist and it is too cost prohibitive to try to turn into a more standard style instrument. The bars are also often drilled through the playing surface for mounting, which makes it impractical to redrill for use with bar cord.

  • James Reid

    We have a Deagan Model 4726 Marimba-Xylophone, patents listed on the instrument cease as of 1917. It is playable, needs new rubbers and a fair amount of TLC. We did some research on availability of replacement parts. Interested in a valuation. Possible sale.

  • Annette A Aguilar

    I have a set of Deagon serenata resonators. The material is very strong. The frame went out and sold the bars. I now have a one nighter Musser 48 which I need resonators and a pedal and extra bars if anyone is up for doing some type of trade. Just like to get these vibes working

  • Rory

    Hello, I'm curious the value of my 1920's era marimba. It is serial number 6786, has cardboard resonators and original rosewood bars. Its in great condition and is still being played and practiced on. Recording session tomorrow! Please give me a resource to get a fair value. I intend to sell it as I am relocating countries. Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If the instrument you have has card board resonators, it was most likely made during war-time not the 1920s.

  • Tom Rice

    What is the fair market value for a 1933 Deagan concert model 'vibra-harp'? Only saw an add online; advertised as being " ... This Deagan Concert Vibra harp was built in 1933 and is in very good condition and has been in a climate-controlled environment since the mid-90s. Minor scratches but 100% playable in a professional setting. Register-3 Octaves F6-F12 Length-50 inches Height- 35 inches Weight-125lbs." I assume the seller means a vibraphone. I appreciate any assistance that you can give me. Thank you. Tom

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would have to see the instrument to establish the value. If it is a 1933 Century of Progress style vibraharp, it is a very rare instrument and would be worth a considerable amount.

  • David W. Graf

    I am interested in acquiring a tubular bell 'chime' -perhaps 2-1/2 octaves- with solenoid striking. Suitable for programming to play classical music. Do you have any such instrument, or could you help me locate one? Thank you.

  • Bruno Giulini

    I just purchased a Deagan vibe. From photos on the Deagan resource page I believe it is a Performer Model manufactured between 1964 and 1976. The serial number is A-10986. This instrument needs a good cleaning but sounds great and is in fine mechanical condition. What is the range of fair market value for an instrument of this vintage?

  • Dena Butler

    I have an original Deagan round top orchestral bell chimes, June 8, 1908, No.1123. Everything is original. Case and chimes.

  • WT Peterson

    Our church has a set of 1920 era church chimes, approx. 2-1/2 octaves. They were played from the organ console. They were removed in 1976. The chimes are in boxes. The framework is gone. Do the chimes themselves have value? If so, what value would you estimate? WT Peterson

  • Mary

    Hello, I have a vintage Degan xylophone (early turn of the century) which my grandfather played in Brooklyn, N.Y. during the Great Depression. The story says that the instrument is what kept his family well fed during the highly challenging economic and social time. In 2017, the instrument was looked at/played by two staff members from Ithaca College who said the sound and condition of it is surprisingly good. Now, it sits disassembled (needs to be restrung) and inside it's old case. Mary Ithaca, NY

  • Tom

    I have a 1942 Deagan 330R Stu-dette. Because brass was rationed, the resonators are cardboard. It has all the original rosewood tone bars. I see a set of bars alone listed on eBay for $475 - what's the complete instrument worth?

  • donald Townsend

    I have a j.c.deagan chime part it is five elec. magnetic selonoids with plungers with brass wood replaceable tips that strike chimes. it is powered by 12 v dc . the wire wound electro magents are approx. 2 inches in dia. by five inches long I beleive only a hand full of these were made and given to degans best friends (pastors of certain churches) I took this down from a ceiling below a front door in a old priests house in northern kentucky. please tell me how old it is it had to be when they had dc instead of ac THANKS DON

  • Paul Corin

    Hi I restore Wurlitzer Theatre Organs , I am trying to find a source for the tapered felt underneath the 30 note Xylophone bars and also the 49 note Vibraphone. I believe the instruments in question were supplied to Wurlitzer by Leedy. 99 Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organs were supplied to the UK from 1925 until 1939.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting an Organ repair shop for something like this.

  • Bill Hackethal

    Hello. There is a Degan flag chime that was in my grandmother's house, that I loved to play with as a child. After she died, my sisters rescued it from her home and gave it to me. I've held on to it for years and years. I just re-discovered it cleaning out my storage area. My 9 yr old daughter has become very interested in it and asked what it is. I didn't know and we inspected it, finding the Deagan label, fairly intact on the back, and a stamp in the wood, labeling it as a Deagan Flat Chime. There is a number after the stamped label, but it is obscured and is either 300, 600, 800, or 900. There are 4 chime plates that are different sizes. Do you know what it is, how old it is, and it's approximate value?

  • John Hooker

    I inherited a J.C. Deagan no. 800 "Junior" xylophone with folding stand. Curious to learn more about it and its value today. I expect it was made before 1950.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We suspect much earlier than 1950, but would have to see the instrument to guess at a date of manufacturer.

  • Manuel

    I stumbled upon an Imperial Bolero Model 490 marimba. Bars are scuffed but play well enough. And there is some cracked and chipped paint on the frame and resonators.

  • Mark Conner

    We have a Deagan Xylorimba 725 Model A. It is in very good condition. We are what the value of it is to sell. All parts are there as well as a wooden stand. Some of the rubber spacers are crumbling from age. There are 6 sets of mallets, one of them soft cloth covered. Thanks, Mark

  • Mark

    Hi Steve, I have a J.C. Deagan Special #31. It's in very good shape. Not rusty or faded. Is that something you'd be interested in? thanks, Mark

  • Kurtis A Hirschfeld

    I found some gold/brass colored chimes wrapped in blankets in an auction. There isn't a frame for them that I could find. They have strings on them so they can hang I guess? They are in pretty good shape. No dents or cracks. I don't know anything about them other than what I have tried to Google. There appears to be 21 ranging from the shortest being F and the longest being A with A=440 underneath it. Any info to help assess it's value would be appreciated. Thanks

  • Mike Jankowiak

    We have a Deagan Canto chime that was given to my mother when the church merged with a larger church. I would call it good condition. Wondering if it is worth anything. Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, we have sold a few Canto Chimes over the years for around $500. The market for them is mostly churches, but you may be able to find a collector who is interested.

  • Marc LIndy

    I have a Deagan Plate Chime 400 and the last patent date on the sticker is Aug 10, 1926. I wouldn't be surprised if it came from the railroad. The wooden box is in beautiful condition. The cord is in good shape as are the plates. I need the white insulator tubes as some of them are cracked with bits missing. Are they ceramic? If not, what material. Are replacements available or what can be substituted? Also I could use some new felt washers. What type of mallet was used on these? Many thanks, Marc (Vancouver, BC)

  • Joe Haigh

    Hello, I didn't see any way to attach pictures here or I would have sent some over. Is there a way I can send over pics? Was wondering if you might be able to provide me any insight on an instrument I paid 19 dollars for it at a thrift store, because although old and dusty and dirty, the tone of it was very, very nice. It is missing what was apparently a removable top. Would also like to find out if other than the top, is it a complete instrument. As a "frustrated musician wannabe", and lover of all things vintage, I couldn't pass it up. Would like to know more about it; Is it complete? rough date of manufacture? Are these restorable/worth restoring? Maybe even learn to play it. :-) Looks like maybe a glockenspiel? Black and white metal bars on wood blocks. one of the white metal bars has; JC DEAGAN INC CHICAGO MADE IN U.S.A. stamped into the metal I looked up the company history , and then further read about its founder John Calhoun Deagan. A pretty good read. There is no model number on it anywhere. It sounds nice though. Beautiful tones. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Joe Haigh

  • Jeff

    I have a 1930s era Ludwig & Ludwig vibraphone that I am interested in selling. It is in very good/excellent condition, with the exception of the wooden frame, which could use a little work. I believe everything is original, although the original owner seems to have painted it yellow at some point. Happy to share some pics. with you. Thanks.

  • Jim Jankowski

    Hello- I have a set of Deagan special no. 31 bells with original case. The bells are in great condition-but might need a good cleaning. My great uncle Richard Horak used them as a professional swing band era drummer. 3 mallets and a small music stand are included. Any idea of worth?? What should I do with them?

  • Rob Maciak

    Hello, I have acquired a complete set of Deagan 1558 glock bars and I am planning to build a frame and box for them. I am wondering if anyone has a good lead on where to find pins/nails/washers both for going through the keys and in between them. Would love to hear back! Thanks so much :-)

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago.

  • Leeanna

    I have a Deagan Marimba 52B Masterpiece. It's in good condition, the only damage is a few scratches on the keys, and it I also have the mallets. I'd love to sell it to a good home and to learn more about it.

  • Bill Cahn

    Downsizing - Professional Quality Keyboard Percussion: 1) Vintage Deagan 3.0 (F-F) Model 1000 Vibraphone - original motor works fine; immediately ready to play. 2) Vintage Deagan 4.0 (C-c) Model 354 Marimba - long frame good condition 3) Vintage Deagan 4.0 (C-c) Model 264 "Artists Special" Xylophone - long frame good condition All 3 sets of bars are excellent & tuned, frames are all good Please give your fair estimate of value. Thank you.

  • Zach

    Hello- I have a set of Deagan special no. 31 bells with original case. The bells are in great condition- no pitting or other damage and sound great. The felt rails are so-so. They appear to be from the 30's or 40's. Located in NYC. Zach

  • Bensen Kwan

    One of my friends is selling a Deagan Vibraphone. I believe it is a "Rondo," but I haven't really any idea what year it is. The bars are very dirty, the motor does not work, the bars are very skinny, and it seems that part of the frame is welded so that it is not able to collapse as a "gigging instrument." On the other hand, the pedal works. It seems to be a steel cable, and not a solid rod like most other vibraphones. The sound of the bars are quite good as well, they're very charming and are very rustic. I was wondering what a fair price of this instrument would be if someone could help. Thank you so much! I also have pictures to send if need be.

  • Kevin Mayes

    I am restoring a JC Deagan Nabimba and am looking for parts and information. On all the end plates it has stamped: JC DEAGAN, PATENTED, CHICAGO. Stamped on the C Bar is PAT NOV 8, 1904, PAT APR 24, 1906, JUNE 9.1908. Opposite end of the C has NABIMBA. Stamped on the C# Bar is MAR 8, 1900, MAY 21, 1901, DEC 15, 1903. Opposite end of the C# is NAGAED. On the lower octave A Bars is stamped JC DEAGAN, CHICAGO, PATENTED. All the bars have their notes stamped in, A440 on the corresponding A Bar. I'm hoping this instrument is all original and am wondering about a value for it. All resonators are intact and in good shape. Plating is dirty but looks nice when cleaned. This brings me to my other question: Some of the small brass rings are missing on the resonators for the very top notes. All others are intact with their set screws. Do you know of a source for any of the Nabimba parts? is there a certain material to use for the "buzzing" diaphragms? Overall this instrument is in good shape and I would love to bring it back to full song. It sounds great when played, very much like your video! Any help or information you could give would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • Terry Beckler

    Good afternoon. I have a Deagan 490 marimba and a Deagan 590 vibraphone. I am just trying to find out/verify the model name for each. On the Deaganresource website, it lists the 490 as "Imperial Bolero" and does not list a model name for the 590. I've seen the 590 referred to as the "Imperial Nocturne", however the one listed with that model name on the website above is model 585. The 490 and 590 have the same frame and color scheme so appear to be twins. No, I'm not looking to sell. In fact, I just had work done on the marimba so both are playable. Thanks for any information.


    I am in Australia. I live in Muswellbrook NSW. In a town nearby in a Museum are 10 discs (flat) with looks like gears around the edges... each have J c DEAGAN's stamp and musical notes stamped on them. Can you enlighten us please. I will try to send photos. regards... thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You are describing Deagan Musical coins. They are playing by dropping them on a marble service. You can search Youtube for Rene Hall Johnny Carson for an example.

  • Keith Fletcher

    My school owns a set of Deagan Chimes, model number 9160 Serial Number 10292. They still work fine but the muffling bar doesn't work. This one is unique because the muffle bar doesn't slide side to side like more modern chimes but up and down. Is there a way to repair the muffling bar and do you have any origin information about this instrument. Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would recommend contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago for repair issues with vintage Deagan Tubular chimes.

  • Bob Schroeder

    Concert Grand Deagan Marimba. I believe it is a Bandmaster 4 1/3. It was purchased in 1983 and used for college music education degree. Instrument has been in excellent care. It has a custom cover, mallet bag, and mallets. Instrument is located in Denver.

  • Robert Cundiff

    Hello I have a Deagan Model #354 Marimba. The Marimba is clean and has not been used in over 40 years. I am in Western Springs IL and can send pictures. I am interested in it's value and selling it.

  • Lois Lamb Bianchi

    Hello, I have a Marimba played by my mother in high school 1936 & 1937. J.C. Deagan, Cat #852, Model D. Excellent to perfect condition...always stored properly. I'd like to find a buyer. Are you of interest? I can send photos. Thx so much

  • Lori Lacey

    I just took over the band program at a small Catholic school. They have a Deagan 4724 xylophone. Do you know how much it is worth? The bars are good, a few scratches. The rubber wheels are shot. Thanks

  • Cynthia March

    I have a old 4 key xylophone. It says J.C. Degan Inc. Chicago on the underside. It is red with four black keys? I believe it was called a dinner call. It was from my grandparents summer home in wisc. (1930's or 40's)

  • Jerry Cohe

    I have a Degan traveler model bought it around 1954 from Henry Adler music store New York City. Everything works fine except the connecting coupling device. It is the bolt that connect the lower pedal bar apparatus to the upper damper bar. If you could either send me one or a photo of one I will pay for it The lower spring mechanism holding the u shaped connector is fine. I need a picture or actual piece that attaches to it. Willing to pay top dollar for it.

  • Randy Watkins

    Anyone know the bar width (lowest) and (highest) on a Deagan #354 marimba? I would appreciate the info.

  • Karis Jones

    I have a Deagon 40 marimba that is missing the central joint (the one the connects the two bars that attach to the sides together in the middle). Is there any way to find a replacement for this central joint? Without it, the marimba is very unstable

  • Phil Eby

    I have a Deagan 4 Octave Marimba. Based on my research I believe it is a Diana Deluxe Model 652. Serial # is 18147. It is in perfect condition.

  • BEN

    I am looking for the approximate value of a Deagan 584 vibraharp with gold bars. It was refurbished about 10 years ago. But needs new felt and some minor repair to the wheels that turn the vibrato bars.

  • David Patterson

    I have a 4 bar 4 tube xylophone red with black bars in really good condition. There is no number that I can see but it is marked JC Deagan Chicago Patened Made In USA. Curious what it is worth

  • Jarrett

    I inherited a Deagan no. 350 Marimba . It has been stored a while and the tubes will need a little clean up but the keys are beautiful rosewood. It is on a metal tripod stand system Any ideas on age and value ? I can send pics on request . Thank you

  • Reverend Bill

    Wondering if there was any kind of protective case made for 1941 330r studette marimba. I know this has little real value but it is a sentimental piece that needs to go into storage for a while. May need to fashion my own. Thanks!

  • Will holt

    I have a deagan 1056 in great shape with case wanting to know the value of this . Thanks

  • Orion Schomber

    My family and I just purchased a Deagan 2.5 octave model 330 marimba. We noticed after purchasing that the cord holding the accidentals together has snapped in two places (at least). We would like to keep the marimba for personal use, but currently do not know where to purchase new cord. Any recommendations? Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Orion Schomber

    My family and I just purchased a Deagan 2.5 octave model 330 marimba. We noticed after purchasing that the cord holding the accidentals together has snapped in two places (at least). We would like to keep the marimba for personal use, but currently do not know where to purchase new cord. Any recommendations? Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Arik

    I have a Deagan 352 marimba in good-very good condition. I'm interested to know what the value is. Thanks!

  • Noel brakke

    I have a Imperial Nocturne vibraphone model 590 in fantastic condition. What is it selling for. Thank you. Dr David Eyler was the previous owner.

  • William Drew

    I have an older Deagan 510, when preparing to replace cord, I notice a few of the little I-Lets (posts) that hold bars are bent ... I am fearful of trying to straighten the posts out, as in the past they have broken-off. Is there a way to straighten these posts ? (maybe heat them with solder iron or propane torch, or can they be removed for straightening?) although they seem really frozen in that hard wood! Appreciate advice

  • Christopher Habeeb-Louks

    Hello, I have a Deagan 54 model A masterpiece marimba with original cases for sale.

  • Tammy Wagner

    I want to sell a Deagan no. 38 marimba but I don't know how to find out what it is worth. I think it's from the 1940s based on other pictures I've seen.

  • Brenda Spicer

    Would like to get fair market value estimate or offer on a a Deagan Vibraharp no 555.

  • Dennis Wiziecki

    Hi, I have a small 2 1/2 octave Olympian marimba for sale. It was made in the 1940's. It has rosewood bars and cardboard resonators (metal was in short supply during wartime). It's in very good condition and has a beautiful tone. I purchased it in the 1970s as a practice marimba for my students.

  • Matthew Kusche

    I am looking for a value estimate on a 1937-1941 Deagan 330 2.5 octave stud-ette marimba. Bars are in good condition, original frame, original cardboard resonators, removable metal legs with working castors. It is labelled as "Olympian".

  • Roger Dayton

    For Sale; 49 note Deagan Unaphone, reputed to be the inventors pilot model. No die-cast parts, all steel and brass. Perfect original operating condition. Saved from basement of the Deagan company while demolition was underway. Operates on 12 VDC, very loud re-interating glockenspiel sound.

  • Gary Miller

    I've been collecting detailed information and photos about the wide variety of vibraphones/vibraharps from throughout the instrument's history. Here are some questions for any of you who are Deagan scholars: 1. Deagan 505 Comet 2.5 oct. student vibraharp 1952-54. I cannot find a photo of this instrument. Did it actually go into production? If anyone has a photo, please post it. I see that in April, Dennis McCarke posted a question about a 505. He says he has one. If he can send me/you a photo, I would appreciate it. 2. Deagan 596 Norvo Commander. This vibes is a 594 w/o motor and pulsators. Did the instrument have a different bar logo that said 596 or is it simply an altered 594? The photos I've seen of Red Norvo playing this instrument don't show the bar model logo. 3. Deagan/Slingerland V-113. This is the Slingerland version of the Deagan Aurora 1103. It is shown in a photo in the late 70s Slingerland Catalog. The Deagan Resource lists a V-103 but no V-113. My guess is that this is an error. Was there ever a V-103? 4. Deagan/ Slingerland V-93. This instrument should be the same as a Deagan 593 Commander. Was it ever produced? Does anyone have a photo. I can't find it in any Slingerland/Deagan catalog. 5. In photos, the Slingerland V series frames were gray, but I've seen photos of a Deagan Aurora II that is gray with Deagan logos. Perhaps towards the end of Deagan's business existence, parts were mixed. One history I've read seems to indicate that this was true. Is this accurate? Thanks. I am happy to share photos with anyone. Gary Miller

  • Jackie Jones

    I have an vintage Degan 64 Marimba, cat. #64 Model B, 4 octave...built in 1937-1942. The instrument is in good condition. I am trying to assess a fair price for this musical insttument. Can you assist me.

  • Mary Pomerene

    I have a Deagan xylophone, a small four note one with the shortest one missing. I remember such instruments being played on passenger ships to announce seatings for meals in the 1950s and early 1960s.

  • Kathy Blumer

    Have my mom's Deagan Marimba Model B catalog # 54, 1936. Wondering about value.

  • Sherry

    Mother-in-law has a J.C. Deagan Cat. No. 730 Model A marimba she wants to sell. In excellent condition, 3 octaves, used very little. Purchased for her when she was 5 years old and she's now 94 years old. Any idea what it's worth?

  • James Romain

    Hi - Curious about the value of a Model 50 Marimba in quite nice condition --- stored and unplayed since about 1955. Thanks, JR

  • Arthur Myers

    I just bought a Deagan 410 Marimba. It does not have insulators for the eye screws and needs a proper cord. Do you carry parts that will work on this older instrument? The instrument has two placements for the resonators. I believe I read that they are used relative to the temperature. What is the proper placement?

  • Brian Hamilton

    Hi, I have a Deagan marimba that I am looking to sell, but have no idea on the value. It has 3 octaves, starting with F on the bottom row, sharps on the top row. I would describe the condition as fair, and here is the information as listed on the marimba: - Deagan No. 350 Marimba - JC Deagan Patented - Nagaed - LP=440 - March 10, 1900 - May 21, 1901 - July 20, 1902 - Dec. 15, 1903 - PAT Nov. 8 1904 - PT Apr 24 1905 - Other Patents Pending I do have pictures I can send if that will help. Thank you for your assistance! Brian

  • Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library

    We have been donated an old Deagan xylophone. I do not have it in front of me at the moment but I'm fairly sure it is 4.5 octaves, from the length of the unit, I think it is likely an Artist's Special model 266. It is in pieces and needs some repair. We're looking for any background material/info that may help us put it back into playing condition. James Reid Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library Stirling ON, Canada

  • James Noble

    Hi, I recently purchased a 1935 xylorimba (model 730), a model being sold by a local high school. The bars are in need of cleaning and have some minor scratches. I have read that furniture polish (Scott's liquid gold) and old english scratch cover (dark) are options for cleaning the bars. What would you recommend? Thanks in advance, James

  • Maureen Gerard

    I have two instruments I am looking for more information on and current value. I personally own a Deagan Model 264 Artist Special Xylophone. It is in good condition. The concert band I belong to has a Deagan Model 36 Marimba (cardboard resonators). It is in good condition. Any information you can share would be appreciated.

  • Joshua Stone

    I am a band teacher in Norfolk, Va and my school owns a Deagan 1100 vibraharp. Would you know anything about getting a replacement motor for it? We had an excellent repair person get it back into playing condition, however the motor was removed some time ago before I started working here. Thank you!

  • Corson Cramer

    Hello, I have a J.C. Deagan Marimba from my grandfather. I would like to refurbish it and play it as I still play percussion and drum set. CAT. NO. is 54, Model is B. I think it was made in the 1920s, and it is still in great shape. Could you help me out with this? or point me in the right direction, please? best, Corson

  • Lucy Tobin

    I have a Deagan No. 40 Marimba. Would like to know more about it and the value. My grandmother bought new. And has been in the family for many years.

  • brian Puroll

    I have a smaller JC Deagan xylophone in wooden case. Is there anywhere I can email a photo of it and maybe get a price or offer on?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, please email info at and we will take a look and respond via email.

  • Jerry Smith

    We have a Deagan Standard Orchestra Bells, Catalogue No. 1601, Serial No. 25576, Manufactured by J.C. Deagan Chicago USA, Patents 1900-1915. It has 30 steel bars, has multiple mallets, is contained in a wood folding box with 2 leather handles-the leather on each handle is separated on one end, and has normal usage wear. We've searched the internet re this specific instrument, but have not found any information. Eventually we discovered your web site and hope you might know of this instrument, have some information, value, etc. We are looking forward to your response. Thank you, Jerry

  • Peggy Burton

    I have a Deagan chime player that was originally in 1st Methodist Church in Charlotte, NC. It is electric, has a 2-octive oak keyboard, has a beautiful walnut roll-top cabinet, has 8 paper rolls, and was "married" to a set of Deagan chimes. The date on the metal plate is Nov 3, 1920; the chimes were purchased by another Methodist church in the late 1950's or early 1960's. Everything is in excellent playable condition. I am interested in more information about the player & chimes, including current value. I will gladly send pictures..

  • Bill

    I have a electrical instrument with 20 door bell like bells, 10 on each side, with a low voltage clapper mechanism for each bell and a small keyboard to play the instrument. It has a J C Deagan plate on the keyboard. I believe it was used on Ringling brothers circus in the early 1900's.

  • R.Bill Gagnon

    This classic Deagan model 510 Performer vibraharp is in very good playable condition. F-f 3 octave. A440 pitch. This vintage instrument was made in the United States between 1950 and 1962. Serial # A-5055. The motor was removed and is missing from this vibraharp. The wooden body shows some wear and the finish is worn in spots but has no cracks or breaks. The metal bars are all present and in overall very good condition. The metal tube resonators have some wear and a few small dinks - no major dents. The paddles for the resonators are all accounted for and all move freely. The collapsible metal legs, casters and foot pedal show age and have some character but all are sturdy and fully functional.

  • Chris M

    At my school, we own several antique Deagan instruments. One I'd like to know a little more about is our set of chimes (tubular bells) - from what I can see on the deagan resource page, they look a lot like the Model 9175 chimes but there is no model number stamped on the lowest tube. They run from C (marked C = 523.3) to F (1.5ish octave), and are marked "Serial No. 12551" on the damper section and what looks like "44RD126" at the top of the stand on the back side. I'd be happy to send in pictures if that will help identify the chimes - I'm mostly looking for a manufacture date if that's possible. Additionally, we have a model 490 Imperial Bolero 4-octave marimba, and a model 584 Nocturne set of vibes.

  • Daniel Cevallos

    I have a 3 octave Deagan marimba catalogue No. 350 (or 850) Serial No. 834. Low F# stamped Patent March 6,1900 Nagaed. Looking for any valuable information you could provide please.

  • Douglas Lull

    I have a 4 octave Deagan marimba that I am looking to replace. I believe on the bottom bar is has the number 36 on it. The middle key A=440 is dead as well as the bottom key too.

  • Robert Nelson

    I have a Deagan model 583. What might it be worth? It is in good condition. Motor takes a minute or so to get going. Are Deagan motors available?

  • Jean Kent

    What is the value of a 4-octave Deagan marimba serial 8020? Thank you. Jean

  • Tuning fork

    I have a 440 Deagan tuning fork and it's 4 1/8" long. I believe it is made of brass. Could u tell me possibly when they started making tuning forks of this nature?

  • Lois M. SUTTON

    Hi, I have a Deagan marimba, serial #7542. Could you please tell me something about it and what it's worth. Good condition and it comes apart to travel/move. I need to sell it! Thank you, Lois

  • Sharon Edwards

    What my my 4-Piece tubular red chimes encased in wood be worth, the tubes are red encased in Redwood and the plates are black

  • dave

    Does anyone know where I could get plans for the base for a Deagan Jr #801? I have the bars (notes) but nothing to mount them on.

  • Norma Shawhan

    I have a Deagan #652 Dianna Deluxe Marimba in original cases. Do you know what the value is and if anyone interested in buying it?

  • Greg Zajdel

    I have a Deagan Special #31 in a case. All the chimes are in place . Also has a set of small and slightly larger mallets. Any information would be greatly appreciated, Thanx, Greg Zajdel

  • Rebecca Smith

    I just have the information on the case. Deagan. Seriel Number A-3033 I believe it to be a bell set. My daughter is just starting to play. They sound beautiful. Any information and value (to be insured) would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Wade kirkland

    I have An A 440 box with a dinger lever at bottom which rings the chime. What is this? A tuner? Thanks. Wade

  • David Wohlrab

    We are settling an estate and came across a string of bars (rosewood) with one bar stamped with the name Degan Jr. 801 xylophone. All we have are the bars - nothing to support them and they have been restrung without the appropriate felts between the bars. Wondering how much these might be worth or how I could get them to someone that might appreciate them. The music stores around here said to jusr toss them out - not worth anything.

  • Jack Connery

    I have a 4-bar Deagan Military Dinner Chime along with a "Deagan Military Chime Music" booklet copyright 1917. One bar (No. 1) needs to be re-tuned. Available for sale to best offer.

  • Marcia hoover

    I have a jc degan inc Chicago cas number 830 model A xylophone how much it it worth

  • Sarah Lake

    We have a Deagan Organ Chime set, 1901. 18 chimes on the original stand. We've recently learned of its name and origins. We would love more information and a value. If you need pictures let me know.

  • Duane Loken

    I have a vintage J.C.Deagan portable glockenspiel that unfortunately is missing the low A, B, and C tone bars. G to C , two and a half octaves. Name plate on case by handle, but no numbers anywhere. I'm guessing it is 100 years old. It has an all leather case with leather handle. What can I do with this?

  • Sheila Bryant

    We have a Deacon Miramba serial number 739 catalogue number 352. Says patent 1904 then 1908. Was curious if has any value. Is intact very good condition.

  • Dennis McCarke

    hi there. have a vintage deagan #505. searial number is a-2778. it is a vibraharp. the motor runs alright but takes a while to get going. how much do you think it is worth?

  • Les Debbold

    I have a Deagan Marimba, Four Octave in good condition. Model 354 I think. Last patent on the metal plate is 1926. I've owned this instrument since 1968. I would like to sell it and wonder what it's worth. I live about an hour north of San Francisco.

  • Barbara Spiering

    I have a Deagan Dinner Chime that I have owned for over 50 years along with a Music Book, copyrights 1939. Could you please let me know what it is worth!

  • Robert Bogart

    I've located a 4 octave Deagan marimba, but the seller tells me there is no model number on the instrument. If I send you a photo, would you be able to make an educated guess? It's four octaves, C-C, has a label in the center of the front, and the seller tells me that the last patent number is dated 1914. If I were to guess, I would guess a 354, but if I knew what I was talking about, I wouldn't be asking for help! Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  • Thomas Ulatowski

    My father bought a JC Deagan Xylophone in 40s or 50s which somehow ended up in my basement. I don't know the model but I'm wondering if you could help me restore or sell it? Thanks.

  • Amber wells

    I have a deagan 4 chime musical dinner chime with a 1917 book. All in good shape value please? I would send a pic if would help.

  • Nadine Okosun

    Dear Sirs: I have my Mothers set of 20 Deagan Swiss hand musical bells which she performed with in the late 1930's.. They range in complete scale low to high notes..They have been played by a friend in a hand bell choir until she got ill and passed away .They were then returned to me. They are in good condition and playable in 2 cases..I want to sell them as soon as possible have no room to store them at my home and know they are of value..I can send you picture of them if you give me your email and are in fact interested ...She had other Deagan instruments which I already sold ..Her Marimba, Xylophone and Vibra Harp..Therefore am very sure her Bells also were Deagan too and the lady that played them felt they were also..Like I stated I have 20 they have the leather hand straps you hold when playing them...I look forward to your reply and offer...They range from $20.00 -40.00 each if you look them up I just want one offer for entire set..Please let me know am serious about selling quickly..Thank you

  • Denise Brendlen

    I have Deagon Roundtree orchastra bells no.1120. 111 years old in original case. I think they are chrome. Its in great shape and sounds beautiful. Any history and value on it would be appreciated

  • Tom Klaver

    I am a middle school band teacher in Iowa. We were just given a Deagan No. 511 Vibraharp. -Bars are in very good condition -Motor works, but looks a little sketchy -Will need to replace power cord -The stand is in rough cosmetic condition, but usable Could you give me a rough estimate of its value? Thank you

  • Quinda Z

    Asking your thoughts on a Deagan 333 studette marimba in decent condition. Value, quality of build, desirable etc. Thank you.

  • Tamara K

    We have a Deagan marimba Model number 350. According to the Deagan website, it is the first Deagan marimba built between 1918-1925. It is in fairly good condition, all the parts are there, some of the bars show some wear in the finish. We would appreciate any other information you could give us about it or its value.

  • Larry

    Hello- I have a Deagan 872 xylophone. A couple of the bars have edge wear like a mouse was chewing on them. Most are good. The legs are very wobbly. Someone mentioned it could be a 870. It is 3 1/2 octaves. My parents bought it from a professional percussionist in the 1960's. I would like to sell it to a kid who is learning mallets and at a fair price for them. Thank you.

  • Golden Taylor

    I have 2 single bars mounted to boxes,W deadeners, Approx. 12" long. Presumidly a tuning device, Bflat 466.2,= C=523.3

  • David

    I have a JC Deagan roundtop set of orchestra bells pat. 1908. I've played it a lot in church and discovered that it is tuned a half step higher. So, a "C" on the bell set is really a "Db" on the piano. So, this set is in the key of Db. Have you heard of any such tuning and what it would be used for?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan offered instruments tuned to A=435 (French Diapason Pitch), A=454 (Old English Pitch) and A=461 (American Standard High Pitch) prior to 1917. At A=461, it is almost a half step higher than you would expect - which is what we assume you have. Deagan also offered "transposing" bells which allowed you to read other instruments music, but this does not sound like what you have.

  • scott morrison

    Hi guys! I have an ancient Deagan-Wats xylo No. 834. The frame is crap but the bars are in great condition. Can you give me an estimate of what it is worth? Many thanks! :)

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We usually see the Super Lite-Wate sell for around $500 in playable condition. If your frame looks bad but is functional, you should be able to get about that. If it is not functional, the value would be fairly low since the parts would not be worth getting reproduced or restored.

  • Kendra

    I have the opportunity to purchase a Deagan 590 from a friend's parent's estate. It is in working condition, with some wear on the bars. The finishes on the bars, resonators, and frame is worn. Can you help with determining a fair price?

  • Bobby Glynn

    Hello - I have a Deagan Commander 592 that I'm looking to sell. It was made in 1965, has all original parts, and has been taken care of extremely well. The original motor still (usually) runs as well. I'm wondering what you think a fair cost for it would be, and if you are interested in purchasing. I am located outside of Boston. Thanks!

  • RCJ

    I have a 3 octave (37 notes C-C, A 440) Deagan xylophone insert for a Calliope or a Theater Organ. As an insert for an organ, all the chromatic notes are in a row, not staggered 5-7 like a normal keyboard layout. Each key has it's own resonator and the notes/resonators are still in very good tune given their age (often a few cents sharp, but in tune relative to one another). I am interested in selling if the price is right. Thank you!

  • Scott Hastings

    I have what looks to be a 1920s era Deagan mettalaphone.It appears to be set up for a drum kit as far as height. Has metal tubular stand. Felts on one side pretty bad. I can send a picture if that will help. Would be interested in finding out Information and value.

  • Lisa

    Looking to sell a Deagan model 30 vibraphone and looking for an approximate value. Fair condition. Motor and belt function.

  • Heather

    Good Evening, Our church has a set of Deagan Chimes that had previously been controlled by the organ. They appear to be brass, and may be clear coated. There are 21 notes, and are model number 2689. We no longer use them and wonder what their value may be. Thank you in advance for your response.

  • Joseph Montoya

    Hi, I've got an old Deagan Rondo (m. 35). It's got a bit of wear and tear, but I just procured a new instrument (from you guys actually) and am hoping to sell the old one. Can you give me an estimate?

  • Jana Smith

    I have just acquired a Deagan Marimba. There are a number of different patent dates on the bars from March 1900 to June 1908. Interested to know more about this piece.

  • Hird Stryker

    Hello, I have a Deagan chime, it has " DEAGAN PLATE CHIME NO 111" stamped on the back. It has five chimes on it and it is my understanding it was used on a railroad dinning car. I have found a number of chimes with different model number , 500, 400 etc but no model number 111 chimes. Is it an unusual model? It's in medium rough shape. The cord that holds the chimes is obviously not original. The shellac is crazed and the chimes are a little pitted. It was given to me by a friend of my parents so I plan on keeping it but my questions are as follows As a rule doing a total refinish job on old stuff is not a great idea as it reduces the historical interest and value of the item. I assume that applies to these chimes. If so, what degree of "fix up / clean up" is OK and do you have any suggestions in that regard ? What should I use or where can I find replacement cord for my chime? I would very much appreciate any information you can give me regarding my chimes. Thank you for you time. Yours truly, Hird Stryker

  • Jennifer Gray

    We have a set of J.C. Deagan orchestra bells. Model #1525, serial # 25592 with a wood case. From what I've researched they are from around 1908. It looks like there are some repairs needed to the "rubber" strips the metal pieces sit on. How do we go about finding someone to repair these so we can sell them?

  • Anne Tiernon

    We have a Deagan Professional Xylophone No. 872 in good condition, complete with original case and mallets. Would like to have an estimate of its' value.

  • scott prawalsky

    Hello. I have a Deagan 333 in rough condition. Missing one of the leg mounts, no legs, missing 12 pieces of felt. Someone (gently) etched the alternate sharp and flat notes into the tone bars. I believe that this instrument came from the Sacramento School District at some point (also etched into the side of the instrument) I'd be interested in selling the instrument in as-is condition. Please advise.

  • Paul Siegler

    I have a Deagan 1120 bell set that I'm interested in selling. The low G is stamped "Deagan Round Top." The low A is stamped "A=440." Condition: A couple of the bells have a slight bit of corrosion. The wooden piece that holds the sharp key side in the case is missing. The rubber grommets are gone. The case is a bit rough, but intact.

  • Anne

    Hello, Do you know if Deagan manufactured any xylophones for Gretsch? I found a 3-octave set of bars stamped "Gretsch American" in a circle and the stamp is very similar to the Deagan 844 stamp. Dimensions of the bars are the same as well. Thank you in advance.

  • Richard Klauer

    Good morning: I have a very old vintage JC Deagan xylophone: The low C bar has the following: . Deagan spelled and stamped backwards on the bar. . Mar 6 1900, May 21 1901, July 28 1903, and Dec 15 1903. . The number 110 (model?) is stamped on the bottom. The low C# bar has the following: . Pat Nov 8 1904, Pat Apr 24 1906(?), JUNE 9 1908(?), and other pats pending. . The number 110 is stamped on the bottom. . On the Xylophone stand the number 110 is in multiple locations. The instrument is complete and I plan on passing it along to a local orchestra -- it would be great if I could find out any more about it. Thank you Kindly! Richard

  • paul borrello

    Hi, I have a Deegan Imperial Nocturne vibraphone (Vibraharp 584), It looks just like the one on the Deegan resource page. I am looking for an estimate. Thank you, Paul

  • Vic

    We have a Deagan 500 5 chime that has been passed down thru the family in original condition with original wood ball hammer. What is the typical value of this?

  • Duane

    Hello, I have recently inherited a Deagan 4 octave "Diana" marimba. Any insight as to it's value would be appreciated as I am in the market to sell.

  • Rebecca A. Jones

    We acquired a set of 20 chrome chimes by J.C. Deagan Class K. Chicago, 440 steel. C5233 is a marking on one of the chimes. They came with two mallets but no stand. I am interested in knowing the value for insurance purposes. Any assistance in this regard that you could provide would be most appreciated.

  • Rachel

    Hi, I have a Deagan Musical Bells set in folding wooden case, model 1505. It has a green label on it that says "Financial Independence through Life Insurance - Face the Future Unafraid". It is in good condition and all parts seem to be intact. Can you give me any information about this instrument, and some idea of value? Thanks very much!

  • Kirstyn Norris

    Good morning! I am currently looking at purchasing a Deagan Master Litewate #830 xylophone. I have found very little information on these instruments and am hoping you can provide a bit more before I decide to purchase this instrument. Best, Kirstyn

  • Jon Richardson

    Hello, I am seeking information on a set of J. C. Deagan bells. They are labled Celeste on the bottom C and C sharp bars and have patent dates of 1914, 1915, and 1916. They are made of round top steel and measure from 2 inches wide to 1 and 1/2 inches wide. They were an orgon stop for the pipe organ at the Fox Theatre in San Francisco, which was torn down in 1963. They are arranged in chromatic order. They start at C and there are 37 round top bars and another 8 flat top bars at the high end. They are in two wood frames with resonators but no legs. I would like to find out the value of this set and find a buyer. Any information you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Chris Schultz

    Hello, my name is Chris Schultz and I am a music teacher in Washington State. I have come across a xylophone that needs a new cord and I would like more information on it. From what I have found online, it looks like a Deagan Nagaed Marimbaphone, 3.5 octaves from F-C, and either model 4440 or 4540. A couple of the bars have a few different dates on it, ranging from March 1900 to 1906. Do you happen to have anymore information on it? What length/ diameter cord would I need to get it up and running? Thanks!

  • Gabe

    My school has an old Deagan xylophone. It's 3 octaves c-c but has no year of manufacture or serial number that I can find. Numerous different patent dates (November 8th 1904, 1906, 1908) are stamped on the instrument however I have not found any model numbers. Any help identifying this instrument would be appreciated!

  • Joseph G. Phelps

    Do you have any Deagan chime rolls? We have General Hymns Deagan Roll 769, Lenten Hymns Deagan Roll 770, Thanksgiving Hymns Deagan Roll 125; Easter Hymns Deagan Roll 77, Marian Hymns Deagan Roll 803, Advent Hymns Deagan Roll 767; and Christmas Hymns Deagan Roll 768. Looking for additional. Joe

  • Patrick Sundlof

    I have a J. C. Deagan Inc, Chicago xylorimba Cat 730 Model A wondering if you had any information on these instruments I believe this one is from 1919.

  • Esteban

    I have a set of keys from a Deagan xylophone (3 octaves) but I am missing a couple of keys, do you know where I can get them or have them made? Neither do I have the frame nor its resonators! I will appreciate any information you can give me .Thanks!!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If you only have a partial set of bars, it would not be worth trying to have bars or a frame or resonators made. Your best bet would be to sell the bars to someone who can use them and try to purchase a different complete instrument.

  • Grant Niebergall

    Just had a friend bring me in a Deagan 1950-53/490 serial number 10081 was wondering what the value of this beautiful instrument was?

  • Lois Maisel

    I have a wooden Deagan xylophone. Catalogue #844 serial number 9416. All parts intact. No case.

  • Rob K.

    My son was gifted what appears to be a portable Deagan Xylophone/Marimba from a school that was clearing out an old music room and literally giving away old, broken instruments. It was collapsed, but we managed to assemble it, minus the stand and resonators which were missing. The wood appears in decent condition, but the cord/string is a mess, as are the rubber/fabric rests as they have begun to disintegrate. Worth selling, or are there resources to restore it?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You may have some luck selling it, but it will not be worth much without the stand or resonators. You may be able to find the missing pieces available for purchase but it does not sound like it would be worth restoring.

  • Kimberly

    My school was just gifted a Deagan Marimba model 54. It is in excellent condition and sounds beautiful. Any estimate on value?

  • Greg Gascon

    I am seeking more information about my Model 1100 Deagan Vibraharp Serial #13626 (Gold Bars/Black Frame/Brass Molding around ends). I haven't seem to locate any specific information about the resonators which are all individually wired (Pickups?) with (2) 1/4" leads and the frame mounted control box with a dial on it separate of the Carter Motor it is equipped with. The Carter Motor (serial# 42521-U) is silent and works great. I cleaned it up and noticed it has a mercury switch inside. I am interested in the make (a 1960's Aurora II?), the year, value and where to acquire spare belts. Do you sell them?

  • Rick

    I have a Deagan Professional Xylophone, model ????, serial #7133. Where can I obtain a replacement motor? I would like to get the entire assembly if at all possible. The motor I.D. plate reads as follows: Manu: Howard Industries Inc. RACINE WIS., SPN: RWH-2914-7N , H.P.: 6" OZ, RPM: 100-200, CYC: 60, PH 1, DUTY: CON 55 C, AMP: .28, VOLTS: 115, MFD 2 5, VAC: 330. It also has a speed control. I want to get the whole assembly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Xylophones do not have motors, so we assume you have a vibraphone? We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago.

  • Lois M. Sutton

    I'm looking to sell my Deagan Marimba - Serial # 7542. My daughter played this when she was is high school; she is now 35 years old. Not sure how much it is worth, could you please tell me. I checked with a music store and the told me to look for the name and serial # which I just found after moving. Please let me know! Thanks much!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The serial number does not help us to identify the instrument, we would need the model number or a photo to identify it.

  • Avery Richardson

    Hello, I have a set of 'Deagan Special Orchestra Bells'. They appear to be complete, based on other sets I have seen. The case is in very nice condition, minus the leather piece on the handle. They were my great grandfathers, but I can't store them in my house any longer. Would be interested in these? I can provide photos, if you are.

  • John Haberlin

    John, when I was about 10 I purchased a Steel Marimbaphone 7115 from a man in our church - I am now 77. I've been cleaning the bars and they are looking fairly good. I have cleaned them with vinegar and though pot-marked are fairly shiny. The pipes, however, show the oxidation of 120 years accumulation. Do you have suggestions how I could go about cleaning them? I am also going to have to replace the angled rod that holds the pipes in place but that should be easy to replace. Any advise? I think my original $25.00 purchase has increased in value a bit. Any help you can give would be appreciated.

  • William Vincent

    I recently acquired a three tube brass J C Deagan church gong. It looks original. The tubes are supported on two felt topped wood 'saddles'. Each tube has a small threaded bolt/stud on each side. These bolts fit into a brass bracket with a larger hole. There are felt washers on each side of the tube. I think something is missing here. When I removed the one side of the bracket (two screws hold a small plate onto the bracket) I noticed the threaded stud just sits on the larger hole. This does not look correct as the stud would be in direct contact with the metal bracket. It looks like one could find a nut for the end of the stud but the studs project beyond the end of the support bracket my only an 1/8" +. Very small for a nut to grab and tighten. I saw a picture online where the tube stud has what looks like a longer (1/4"?) rubber isolation washer. This would isolate the tube from the mounting brackets. Is this what Deagan used to secure these tubes to the bracket? Once the screw on bracket is in place the tube cannot come loose. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

  • Robert

    Hi, I have a Deagan no. 268 "special xylophone" marimba. I'm not sure the year. It is in very good condition. Do you have an estimate of its value? Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Robert

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 5 octave Deagan Artists Special Xylophone is a fairly rare instrument. Condition will be everything - please send us some photos and we will let you know what we think.

  • Christine Renner

    I have Deagan railroad chimes with the ORIGINAL BOOKLET .... just curious as to how much, if anything, this is worth. Thank you

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan Plate Chimes, Tubular Chimes and Cathedral Chimes are all often called Railroad Chimes or Dinner Chimes. We would need to see a photo (and bar tuning) of the instrument to give you a value. If it is in good condition, it is definitely worth something. You can search eBay for "Deagan Dinner Chimes" to see similar items.

  • Owen Clark

    I have a Deagan Professional Xylophone, model 1719, serial #11721. 4 octaves C-C. Excellent condition except for wheels. Bars retuned. What year? And what is current value? Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 1719 you have was probably made in the 20s, but we would need some more information to date it. The wide 2" bars are desirable, but value would depend on if the bars were quint tuned or not.

  • Matthew Timman

    Hello, I have a Deagan 834 and the original case in good condition that I've been trying to sell. I bought it because of the idea of owning a piece of percussion history, but as I already own another xylophone it sits in the box and is not used or displayed which I don't think is ideal. I would be happy to send pictures and more info if there would be any interest.

  • John Haberlin

    When I was under 10 years old, I bought a steel marimbaphone from a percussionist in our church for $25 - my first installment payment experience. I'm now 77. It has been through a lot during the years including loaning to grandkids that used it for a place to put pop, etc. I'm looking for guidance in how to restore it (i.e. clean the keys and pipes, replace the felt - removing the screws that are almost impossible to remove). I'm looking for advise on what to, and not to, do. Cleaning the metal, removing the screws, replacing the felt, etc. Can you help/advise me? If I had an email address for you I could send pictures.

  • Chase Bruns

    I have a marimba that I have gotten from a friend of my family, It is a IMSO King George Model, it is just a bit dirty from not being played but has all of the pitches correctly and has no obvious dents. It also said FL74, I am thinking that that is the 74th one made, I was wondering what this could be priced at?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan made a few different models for the IMSO tour, 4 octaves in C to C and F to F ranges and a 3.5 in F to C. Are you able to send us some photos to see what model you have? Do you also have the original travel trunks?

  • Brad Newbold

    I have a set of Deagan Chimes Serial Number 20748 that needs some repair. The damper pedal doesn't work and one tube is slightly bent. Do you know of anyone that could do that repair in the Jefferson City, MO area?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago is probably your best bet and not that far away.

  • Melissa Smith

    Hello. I have a Deagan Zylophone with 4 chimes #412. It seems to be a heavy wood box painted with flowers on the sides. It has a patine Notice on the back and last date was 1931 so I assume it is the date of this awesome sounding dinner chimes. Sounds great and in great used condition. It has what seems to be the original Mallet. I'm interested in the appraisal. Do you need pictures? Thank you!

  • Jake S

    I recently purchased an old Deagan 'musical bells' set in a wooden case, however, I can't seem to find a serial number anywhere on it. It looks very similar to the 1506 model except it only has one row of 22 bars (although it looks as if there could've once been a second row). I am by no means an expert on old instruments and picked it up more for the novelty of it. It's an amazing piece but I just can't find one that looks similar, looking for any information that would help.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are unsure what you have without seeing a photo but it sounds like you are missing some bars. If the bars are flat (not rounded) and in a folding case you are probably in the correct series. However, a 2.5 octave instrument like the 1506 (1 inch wide bars) would have 18 notes in the natural register. A 3.0 octave instrument like the 1509 would have 22 bars like you describe in the natural register, but it sounds like you are missing all of the accidentals (the black notes on a piano), which is a shame. By measuring the width of the bars, you should be able to figure out which instrument it is. They should measure 7/8 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/8 inch, 1 1/4 inch or 1 1/2 inch.

  • Myrna Lyng

    We have a marimbaphone with the following label on it: DEAGAN STEEL Steel MARIMBAPHONE catalogue No. 7114, Serial No. 5150. Manufactured by J. C. Deagan Chicago, U. S.A. We are interested in selling it. We can send photos via snail mail. Thank you for your help.

  • MG

    I have a four note Deagan dinner chime. It has patents listed on the back, with the last year being 1915. It comes with what looks like a drum stick with a rubber ball head. The chime is in good shape. I bought it at an auction in the Shenandoah Valley around 1975. I'd like to know if it has any value. Thanks.

  • Lanny Kolpek

    I have a Deagan Roundtop Orchestra Bells. 2 1/2 octave. Can't make out all the numbers but appears to be 1123 then under that it says 25432xxx. On the A key it has an "L". Says JC Deagon Chicago patented. It has a C sharp bar instead of a c natural bar. Do you have an interest in these; if not, know of anyone that would be. Thank You!

  • Janie Van Komen

    I started playing marimba when I was 13 yrs old. When I was 14 yrs old my teacher secured a used marimba for me. I am now getting old and have had it in storage for about ten years. I am wondering what I should do with it. It is a J.C. Deagan model 21797. My teacher told me it was a concert grand and instructed me how to care for it. I have been religious in my care. It was not in pristine condition when I got it. My mother told me I should paint it as the paint has always been peeling. But I never did anything with any kind of restoration and it is pretty much the same shape as I purchased it in 1966. I took a photo of the name plate, the folded frame and the keys, but I do not see anyplace to post them.

  • Peter Whitmore

    I was given a set of Deagan Roundtop Orchestral Bells (1230) in their original case. The mounting seems pretty worn and the bars show some signs of decay. I was thinking of building a different stand for them and wondering how to get info on re-finishing, re-tuning and approximate value. Any thoughts?

  • Doug Jacobs

    I have a vintage 3.5-octave F-C rosewood xylophone, with "Ludwig & Ludwig Chicago USA" and "8 8 80" on the low F bar. The bars were re-tuned in 2003, but I believe it is otherwise original. I can't find much about Ludwig xylophones, but have heard rumors that they used to rebrand and sell Deagan's, since they were both in Chicago. The bars and stand physically look a lot like a Deagan 870 from images I have found online. Is there any history behind Ludwig & Ludwig xylophones, do you know if these are rare, and what this might sell for?

  • Lynnette Matejka

    Deagan round top 1123 xylophone bells in oak case. We have all the keys but some need to be put back in place .patented 1908

  • Mark Reed

    I am restoring a theater pipe organ and am familiar with the high-quality Deagan percussions used by several organ builders. Going through a mixed batch of organ parts this weekend, I found an unusual set of Deagan chimes of the type used for their dinner calls, but in a chromatic set of 37 notes. There is no pneumatic action and I have no idea of where they came from. The top four notes have major cracks, but the rest appear fine and have a very long ring decay. I would like to know more about them and what such a set would be used for. They are early, as the are stamped A-435. I doubt I can use them in the organ and they may need a new home.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you are describing a set of Deagan Reveille Bells. Please send us some pictures via email to confirm.

  • Jessica Marsee

    I am a music teacher in Tennessee. I was cleaning out a band storage closet and found a Deagan 730 xylorimba. What can you tell me about this instrument? Also, in trying to assemble it, I noticed that there is no stand but I found 4 legs and can't figure out how to put it together (I am an oboe player so this is new to me).

  • Kalee Hernandez

    Hello, I have a Deagan Drummers No. 844 Special Xylophone. It has all the keys and the strings and the legs, but does not have the table to mount it upon. The date on the keys says June 9 1908 for the patent. Would you please tell us more information and an estimate?

  • Rich Krause

    I have a Deagan Diana Deluxe marimba that dates to about 1972 or 73. It is excellent condition. What is the approximate value? Is it possible to find the rubber parts that keep the keys from the metal string struts?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Musser post isolators should work without issue, you can find them on our site. We would estimate the value at approximately $2200 if it is in-tune with itself and in good condition.

  • Bob Brown

    Hi, can you please provide some commentary on Deagan bells 1" vs 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" larger size round tops? The wider the better? Why is this the case? Many thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Generally speaking, the larger the bar the more volume they will produce. Giving the player more volume range is always a good thing. Wider is also easier to play in most cases.

  • Martin

    Hello, I just got hold of an old Deagan 1558 Glockenspiel. It is in reasonable playable condition, I would like to replace the felt (as the tones hardly dampen) and the rubber pin insulators will need replacement then as well, most of them are already cracked etc. Do you know if these parts are still on the market, or can you advise a good replacement? Thanks, Martin

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The current Musser pins, like on the M645, should work. You may want to give Andres a call at Century Mallet Instrument Service to make sure.

  • Paul McCombs

    Found Deagan Standard No. 1506 in parents attic. Was interested in the year these were made and estimated value. In appears to be complete with some rust on lock. Handle has had some rotten pieces broken loose but is intact. I would consider condition to be good.

  • Richard Colgan

    We have a Deagan Model 844. The last patent date shown on the model plate is Feb 29 - 16. Do you have any interest in this?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes - the 844 Drummer's Special is a very common instrument but we are interested in purchasing if it is complete and in good condition. Please send us photos and your contact information.

  • Paul McCombs

    Interested in the value of Deagan Standard No 1506. Appears to be in good condition with all pieces intact. Latches are rusted somewhat but still function. Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 1506 Flat Top bells seem to sell in the current market for around $500 depending on condition.

  • Bill Giddings

    Wish to get info on our 5-pc Deagan Dinner Chime set - been in family for many decades. Adjacent to J C Deagan name is following: "Pacer 0 1007". Can you identify/explain that inscription? Thanks for your help.

  • John Porcella

    Hello, we have a Deagan #834 "Lite Wate" Xylophone with stand an are looking to sell it. It looks to be in good condition the keys are very nice but it would need two screws for the string to mount around and restrung. The strings are not broken but has had some type of spacer between the keys that is deteriorated. Have had a couple of orchestra people look at it and a harpist as well they all seem to have the same option that its nice for the age but without the case, that we should look for someone online to get the most for its age and condition. I can send you pics from my cell phone if you like. Thank You

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, we are interested. Please send us photos to info at steveweissmusic dot com.

  • David Michael Klemmer

    Where can I find a small keyboard for a set of Deagan Chimes ranging from A5 for F6? The chimes I have are connected to an old electronic pipe organ and I would need a small keyboard specifically for chimes. Thank you for your help. - David Michael Klemmer

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would recommend contacting an organ specialist or Top Rung Tower Chime & Organ Service.

  • Sylvia Minton

    We are in possession of a beautifully sounding Marimba made by J.C. Deagan. It features the imprint MAR 6 - 1900, May 21, 1901, July 28 1903 and Dec 15 1903 as well as the word NAGAED and is made of Rosewood. We are considering a sale and are wondering if you might be interested?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, we are interested. Please email us some photos to info at steveweissmusic dot com. Please also check the lowest bar on the instrument for a stamp with the model number of the instrument.

  • Colleen Raite

    I have a 16-inch xylophone with "Deagan Rhyth-Melody Bells" stamped into one of the keys. It is probably from the 1950's and needs some restoration work. I am looking to sell it as is. Are you interested? I can email you pictures if you like.

  • Spencer Hawley

    I have a Deagan No. 352 Marimba. It needs to be tuned. I have a hunch that it once had wheels but it does not now. Am I correct? Are there replacement parts out there? How much should I expect to spend on getting it tuned? I have pictures available.

  • David Garrett

    Deagan 1100 Vibraharp Hi - I have a Deagan 1100 vibraharp that I need help with selling It is owned by a church that has not used it in over 40 years. It has been stored carefully in their sanctuary, and now a music rehearsal room. I am truly uneducated about these instruments but a preliminary assessment seems that the basic instrument is in good working condition, bars are in very good condition and in good tune, damper smooth and well felted, and even better cosmetic condition. I am not sure about the motor (I know that's a big deal but haven't been able to verify that). I can send pics, just need how you want them sent. Thanks for your time. David

  • Paige Driver

    Hello, What would the appraisal value be for a Diana Deluxe Deagan marimba, 4 octave (C to C), model no. 652, serial number 12625? These were made from 1966-1982.

  • Daniel emerson

    I have a Deagan Marimba serial 8583 purchased new about 70 years ago( mother-in-law purchased as a teenager). Original owner, played as personal instrument. Like new shape. Would like to sell it

  • Brian Dobbie

    Hello there, My grandmother was an amazing Marimba player, and I still have her Deagan 4722. I would say it is in fair to good condition, but it does have one cracked/broken bar. I am trying to decide whether to keep it or sell it. Would you be able to provide an idea of worth? If so, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Greg Ellis

    I have a Deagan Xylorimba Model #730 built sometime before 1939. It is in great condition for its age, and the sound of the wood tells me it is still great! Would you want to purchase it?

  • Gene Spencer

    We have a Deagan Plate Chime No 220 that is in my father-in-laws estate. My wife is the executor and is wondering what the value is. It has five notes and is in a nice case with doors that appears to have feet to stand upright or be wall mounted. No striker or mallet has been found. There appears to be one crack in the resonator and the threads to suspend the chimes have mostly deteriorated. Otherwise it is rust free and in generally good condition. Is there a market for these?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan Plate Chimes or "Dinner Chimes" are often on eBay. They typically sell from between $100 to $300 depending on the condition and specific model. You can search eBay for "Deagan Dinner Chimes" to see some current examples.

  • Andrew r

    I have a very old looking set of Deagan special orchestra bells. Catalogue no. 1527. It is in a wooden case with all of the bars but no mallets. I was wondering what would be the approximate age of something like this? The case is sold wood with nothing but flat head scews. There is a patent plate inside with the latest patent of 1917. All the patina on the case is consistent with that age.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The flat top bells you have were probably made sometime around 1920 - 1925. Model# 1527 is only 2 octaves with 1" wide bars, which does not make it a very desirable instrument for modern players.

  • Chris Till

    I have a large set of Deagan symphonic chimes, aka tubular bells. A commemorative plaque identifies them as 1965. They stand about 6' tall. 18 chimes, C-F. Nickel plated. From the Deagan Resource website, I assume that they are either model 9180 or 9181, but I don't really know. The lowest C chime is stamped C=523 3 on the top. They sound fabulous and are in good, solid condition, but are quite dirty. Some of the chimes are almost pitted in spots. My main question is whether you could recommend a cleaning method for the exterior and interior of the chimes? Also, if you could be so kind as to suggest an approximate value range? Thank you, Chris

  • Danica Rubenstein

    I have a Deagan marimba orchestra NYC Serial No. 26975 with tag. Older. Half size (3 octave pit style). Resonators. Rosewood. Worth? I have someone wanting to buy mine for $500. I bought for $800 for my daughter and had serviced by a music company here years ago. Thank you! D. Rubenstein

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would need to see pictures to determine the model or know the model number to put a value on it.

  • Bee

    Hi, I currently own a Deagan Vibraharp model 555 from the mid to late 1940's. The original motor is still in working condition, and I still have the original mallets as well (2015 1/2). What would be the value of this instrument?

  • Mark Mills for St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Ithac

    Our church had installed a 21 unit Deagan Chime system in the mid 1970's and is no longer being used. We took them down to install a media monitor. We would like to sell the system and looking for a buyer. If you may be interested, please e-mail me. Thank you. Mark Mills

  • Kenzie Bentle

    What is the function of the pendulum on a Dea-Gan-Ometer?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The pendulum keeps time for you (1 second) so you can tell how far off the exact pitch you are by counting the "beats" you hear. For example, if you play the A=435 bar and you instrument is tuning to A=437, you should be able to hear 2 "beats" within the time it takes the pendulum to swing. If you hear 3, you are in A=438, 4 would be A=439, etc. You can google "Dea-Gan-Ometer" to find the original manual on Google Books.

  • Kelly Schmidt

    Hello, I have a Deagan Special No. 41. The folks at the sale where I purchased knew nothing about it as it was an elder family members that has passed. It looks as thought it is missing 2 chimes. Condition is not very good to poor. I am curious if something like this is worth a restoration? Pics. available upon request.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    This instrument is probably not worth a full restoration, although having two bars made for it to make it a playable instrument may be depending on your needs. Fall Creek or Century Mallet should be able to help you with that.

  • John LaBonte

    I have a Deagan 5 plate chime that appears to be of the type that was used in railroad cars. I am looking for a source to purchase the small sleeves that the screws set into. The chime is in great shape with the exception of these sleeves. Do you have any idea where I can purchase these? Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service to see if they can sell you the parts. Alternatively, you should be able to find something like this at a place like McMaster-Carr.

  • Sandra Nierman

    I have an Dea-gan-ometer ear training device. It's a wonderful tool. I use it everyday. I'm a professional violinist and use it to train my students. I need a mallet to sound the "A" Can you give me a source to purchace? Thank you, Sandra Nierman

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Any hard rubber mallet from our website should work fine for you.

  • Rich

    I have a Deagan Electravibe 515 handed to me by the Deagan Co. The original small amplifier was unfortunately stolen. I believe it was 38 watts, can't recall it's manufacturer information. I've tried using a small Fender 'Frontman 15G' guitar amp to practice with but it only reproduces distortion. Can you tell me what type of amp and wattage would be a suitable replacement? I also have a Deagan Aurora II in excellent condition which I'm considering selling and would appreciate your estimate on it's value. I've been following your website and enjoy reading it's contents. Thanks, Rich

  • Sami

    We just bought a Deagan 352, and the bars and frame are in excellent condition. We restrung it and it sounds great. The stand, however, is missing. We'd like to construct something similar to the original, so we can put the resonators in and move it easily (the pictures of the original stand show a metal frame with wheels). Do you have any idea where we could get a diagram of the original stand? It's hard to tell exactly what the design is based on photos alone. Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service to see if they can give you any details.

  • Donna Tipton

    Just purchased a Deagan Jr. Model 801 Xylophone at an Estate sale. I just couldn't leave it there. I don't know a thing about this item. It needs some repair. Will send pics if needed. Thank you in advance for even just answering my message.

  • Jacqueline German

    Have Deagan Vibraharp, model no.35. Belonged to my 93 yr old stepfather, who acquired it from a friend who passed away some 15 or 20 years ago.

  • Marvett Minnick

    A Consigner brought this item into my antique store and asked me to sell for him. I however have no knowledge on this item, if it came out of a pipe organ or if this is an xylophone. Can you give some help and what it might be worth? thanks for your time. It is marked J C Deagan with the patent dates 5 ft 10 inches long and has the number #2230 stamped into the metal bars. It looks like it was built into something. The coating on the bars is a little corroded. I can send you pictures if you want to see it. Thanks again.

  • Geoffrey Antipa

    I have an old aluminum frame Deagan. It probably did duty as a school instrument before I got it from a used store 20 years ago. It has new chords, the bars and sustain work well & sound good. No motor belt any more but motor works and shafts turn just fine. Some really back-yard wiring & switch. Not a great looker because it's only got exposed aluminum framework. Sounds great. The percussion moved on to piano and has been out of the house for 10 years and I need the space it's sitting on. What do I do with it?

  • brian

    Hi, please tell me the value of Deagan Parsifal #60 round top bells in VGC 2-1/2 octave. Thanks

  • don carsen

    I have a Deagan junior 810 with stand and case,, ....I would guess fair condition .. can supply picture. interested in what value may be ...?

  • Allen Blume

    I have a Deagan marimba, model no. 410,name, wellington, octave and range 3F-F, date 1950-1953. Can you help with approximate worth.

  • Debby Hales

    My Dad, Frank X Bourke, passed away in June 2017. He was a percussionist with the West Point band for almost 20 yrs. He was also a guitarist. He played into his 90's and passed at 94. He has a beautiful Deagan 870 that he bought in 1988. The latest patent date on the plaque is 1917. Does that mean it is that old? Can you help me determine a value? I can send photos. He also had a Musser M51 that he bought from you on 9/29/87 ( Dad kept impeccable records). Is there any help you can give regarding the Deagan 870. We are in Colorado. Thanks! Debby

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 870 Xylophone is a desirable instrument. The condition is everything, but it should sell for between $1500 and $2500 if the keyboard is not in terrible shape and does not have a lot of cracked bars.

  • vernon case

    I have a JC Degan vibraharp with serial # A-3396 I am in question as what year it was made and if it has any value? It is tuned to 440 and with our piano it is in tune.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, the serial number does not help us to identify the model vibraharp that you have. Usually, the lowest note on the keyboard includes a stamp with the model number. You can also send us pictures and we will identify it for you.

  • Mary Jo West

    I have Deagan set of chimes. I believe they are from 1950's. What information do you need to send me an estimate? They are located in VA. Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would need to see a picture of the chimes to identify what they are and determine a value.

  • Sandra Nierman

    Greetings, I have a Dea-gan-ometer. It's has 6 bells with a tuning pitch graduating from 435 to 440. It's in great shape and as a Violinist I use it frequently to tune my A String. I bought this ear training device at a yard sale 40 years ago. The only problem is that the veneer on the top of the lid is curling up. When the tuner is open you can't see the top of the lid so I've never considered having the veneer restored. Would replacing the lid top veneer lower the value of the device?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Dea-gan-ometer is a very cool device which gives you a method of counting the "beats" between two pitches in 1 second to determine if you are exactly in tune. The pendulum keeps time for you while you count the beats. First you play the A=440 note and try to tune by ear. Then, you play your instrument and hit another note while the pendulum is swinging. You count the "beats" you hear per second, which tells you how far off of A=440 you are. For example, if you tuning exactly to A=440 and you hit A=438, you should hear 2 beats per second. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any sales of this device so we cannot estimate a value. Since it is not an instrument, we do not believe it would have a very high value in the market, but it is definitely an interesting tuning tool that Deagan produced.

  • Nick Pulsipher

    The middle school I teach at has a Deagan Artists' No 262 xylophone. Condition (especially the stand) is a bit rough as it's lived in a middle school for the since 1958, but it still sounds great. I can take pictures if needed.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Wow - we are amazed the instrument has held up in a middle school for that long. Has the instrument been tuned in the last few decades? We would need to see photos to determine the value.

  • Beverly Smits

    I started playing a new Deagan marimba in the early 1950's and continued to play it until I had surgery on both of my hands in the early 2000's. I am now in my 80's and no longer play it or have need of it. I would be interested in selling it for a fair price. It is in excellent condition. It has been very well cared for and maintained. Can I get an idea of its value and if there is anyone looking for an instrument like this. I currently live in West Michigan and would be willing to show it to someone who is genuinely interested. Please reply by email if interested.

  • William Freeman

    I have an all wooden flat top bell chimes. 29" long with 12 keys labeled G# A# C# etc Chimes are held by chord with hard rubber spacers. There is no serial Number. There is a metal plaque on one side listing company name and Patent #s to 1917 My guess is that was custom made and wonder about value Also have orig mallets Sounds great

  • Joe Reynolds

    Hello - I have a Deagan 352 B 3 1/2 octave marimba. The last patent date on the instrument is 1928. The instrument has had some refinishing (not the bars), brass stand has been re-plated but does have some pitting, and the resonators have a couple of cracks below the plugs. The felt, rope and supports were replaced as well as the frame painted. The bars were sent off to Gilberto Serna some 20-25 years ago and he sent them back with only one bar adjusted for tuning. All of the hardware is the original hardware (with the exception of some of the brass wood screws that needed to be replaced, and the casters - I have the original non-usable casters for historical purposes). I am moving and need to sell this instrument so I don't have to move/store/worry about it. Thank you,

  • Dan Prowse

    @bob Garner Connect with Bob Heil (yes, organist, and same of mic design fame). He might know of the felt. Depending on how the mallets are mounted, and grip around stick would be best, consider remounting the mail it's so that new felt is exposed now to the bars. Is that is appropriate you might be able to get another hundred years out of this thing

  • Jordan

    I have a jc deagan professional xylophone. It says Catalogue number 870 serial number 11852 manufactured by j c deagan musical bells Inc Chicago USA on it. Ranges from F to C. I have the two mallets for it and also two looks like big wooden paint sticks? What are they? And where would I go to sell all of it? I don't even know if I have the whole thing. The wooden bars say nagaed Mar 6 1900 may 21 1901 July 28 1903 and Dec 15 1903. So is this made in 1900?? Any help would be appreciated in helping me date and value what I have.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The "paint sticks" that you have slide into slots on the low end of the xylophone to set the height of the resonators for different temperature situations. You should see two small swivel covers on the outside the rails at the bottom end where these can slip into.

  • Pamela Richetta

    Good Afternoon. We own a "Deagan Special" Orchestra Bells made in Chicago in its original case and with the original mallets. A plate on the case says "Deagan Patents" and the earliest date is March 6th, 1900. The latest date on the plate is February 29, 1916. The Serial Number on the plate is 26281. Another number on the plate is 1532. Would be happy to send photos - am interested in selling!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    These are Deagan #1532 Flat Top Orchestra Bells in a folding case, 2.5 octave G to C. Made sometime between 1910 and 1920. Condition is everything, but probably worth in the $500 to $650.

  • Daniel Combs

    I have my grandfather's Deagan Artist's Special Xylophone 262 in excellent playing condition (resonators and keys in perfect condition, frame in excellent shape but has a patina). Personal use since it was bought new (purchase date unknown), with nobody really playing it for the last 60 years plus. Maintained at least yearly until 5 years ago, then kept in climate controlled storage. Any idea on an appraisal?

  • Alissa Teachout

    I just came across a deagan xylophone, a few out of tune bars, body is missing (just bars, resonators and top frames). The only clue as to age/type is patent dates engraved in the bars: 1900, 1901, 1903, 1904, 1906.

  • Quentin DeWitt

    I have a model 4724 that I am looking to sell. The bottom c-g are a little out of tune, but all bars are sound. The frame has some non-original hardware on it to that the previous owner (public high school) put on it - mostly some wing nuts and a few bolts. I can send pictures/video if needed. What would you guess as a fair price?

  • Bob Garner

    I am working on a Robert-Morton theater organ which has a tuned percussion instrument whose bars and resonators were made by Deagan. I am trying to refurbish its mallets all of the underlying hard balls seem to be in good condition but the felt covering is in bad condition. If you could tell me what kind of felt and the thickness I would appreciate it. Also where to buy it. The lowest note is a G and the bar is labeled "Carillon Harp" last patent date is Feb 29, 1916. There are two rows of bars with a total of 49 notes. The lower notes have a ring of rubber around the middle of the balls, could help me with how to replace this and with what. Bob

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Bob - we do not have any experience with organs. We would recommend contacting someone who specializes in this type of work.

  • Richard Gard

    is there a resource to match a Deagan serial number with model and year built? mine is #11328 thanks for any help

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    There is no dating technique for Deagan serial numbers that we are aware of.

  • Noel Brakke

    I have a Deagan Imperial Nocturne Vibraphone. Excellent condition. Only replaced the electrical cord to the instrument. SOUND IS THE BEST I HAVE HEARD. I have had an appraisal at $3400 from Dr. David Eyler at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. What do you know about cost of this vintage instrument? Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan Imperial Nocturne is a beautiful instrument from the early 50s. If it has a working motor and is in good condition, we agree with Dr. Eyler's estimate of $3000 - $3500. The single speed motor is turn-off to some players, but it definitely a well-built and great sounding vibraphone.

  • Richard Gard

    I have a Deagan marimba 4-oct C-C serial #11328. My father bought it used in the early 1960s and it has been in our living room ever since. My father, a percussionist and teacher, owned a lot of Deagen and Musser instruments for gigs and teaching, but this was his personal enjoyment instrument. Keys are in excellent condition, all sound well, not worn, not pinged, no scratched. Keys were restrung more than once over the decades. some scratches on the end pieces appropriate to its age. Wheels work, resonators are straight and still well coated "gold" - everything works, sounds great. I cannot find what year it was made or its model number. I can send photos if you wish. thanks

  • Garry Brannon

    Hi I just acquired a Deagan 21 chimes, the key board has 21 keys and says Deagan, it came out of a old church in Florida, they work well a few notes hum needs a little adjustment, it is 4 foot wide 6 feet tall I was told it was 1930s, any information would be great, I can send pictures,

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are not familiar with a 21 note model, most Deagan Orchestral Chimes are 18 notes C to F. Is it possible this set was part of an organ or other mechanical device?

  • Steve Gimple

    I have a 4 octave Deagan model 36 marimba made in WWII with the nonmetal resonators. It is in good (but not great) condition. A few of the "pegs" that hold up the keys have been broken off. I'm curious as to value. What does it cost to have this returned/refurbished and who does this kind of work?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You should contact Century Mallet Instrument Service or Fall Creek Marimbas for an estimate on the refurb. The Deagan 36 with cardboard resonators is not a very valuable instrument, so the refurb may cost more than the instrument is worth.

  • Rick Barton

    I have a Deagan marimbaphone in decent condition. Bars and resonators are in good shape, but no stand, and tilt mechanism has been removed. 2-1/2 octaves. Would you be interested, or do you have an idea of value?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please send photos to info at so we can help to identify the model and value.

  • Susan Wedel

    I have a Deagan 4 octave #40 marimba serial # 3434 - most likely over 70 years old. Some bars do not ring as fully as others. Is this issue repairable? Is there anywhere local to Omaha or would I have to ship bars somewhere? It is otherwise in good shape and I play it weekly.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are not aware of anyone in Omaha that tunes marimba bars. Century Mallet Instrument Service is probably the closest and best bet for this instrument.

  • Debby Loduca

    I inherited a 1908 Deagan marimba (3 octave, c to c) and I am trying to find out what the original design included so we can restore it. No stand is present. There are 15 small boxes of varying sizes underneath. There are small eyes between the keys. For string? There is a felt strip too. I was hoping as an enthusiast you may be able to help us find any info that would help with restoration. Thank you! Debbra Loduca

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please send us some photos to info at so we can help identify the model and value of the marimba you have.

  • KB

    I am considering buying a Deagan 4 octave (84") marimba for my daughter who plays in school band. It is said to be made around 1916 but am unsure of model number. Bars are rosewood and it has resonators. Comes with a pair of mallets. I am unsure of the tuning but am assuming that it will need to be tuned. I think it's all original. Is $350 a fair price for this? I have a photo. Thank you for your help.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You can send us the photos, but if it is a marimba that sounds okay and is complete, $350 is a great price.

  • Clive Broadbent

    I've just bought a 4.5 octave marimba from musician Gordon Cree. It's identical to a Deagan Imperial 66 (or possibly the 70, although I'm not sure what the definition of "wide bars" is). It was made in 1937, apparently by John Peachey who worked for Boosey and Hawkes. It was custom built for The Holloways. I'm trying to find out if it really is a Deagan. Every aspect of it is identical - the arch at the front, the art deco ends, the locking mechanism etc. Do you have any information on such an instrument? Could it be that John Peachey simply assembled something that was shipped over from the US? I can supply photos of that helps.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Deagan did OEM products for a lot of other companies, so if it looks just like a Deagan Imperial (especially the end-pieces), it is pretty certain that they made it.

  • Kent Peterson

    We have a JC Deagen Cat # 870 Model - A according to brass tag on frame. Playable but some bent screws in frame and pretty worn from school use. Is age known? Any value? Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 870 typically sells for between $1000 and $3000 depending on condition. Probably made in the 20s.

  • D Vada

    Hi there! I have a Deagan Electrovibe 515 in almost perfect condition for sale. I'm looking to sell and would love to get more information on how much I can get for it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have seen an electrovibe sell recently for $750 in good, working condition.

  • Kris

    Hello, I have what I believe is a '77/'78 vintage Deagen Studette marimba with synthetic keys, three octaves F-F. Is in generally good condition and plays well after a recent restringing. Interested to learn the resale value, which I gather to be in the hundreds of dollars, before deciding whether to invest much in cosmetic improvements. Thanks for the service you provide in the forum. Would be interested to learn where on the website to search for vintage instruments you've acquired and refurbished for resale, in particularly vibes.

  • Wiley Sykes

    I have a Deagan 834 lite-wate 3-octave xylo in very nice condition. I have all the parts, leg extensions and case and was tuned by Gilberto a number of years back. What is the range of value on it and is there a market for it? Thanks. Wiley

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    These small xylophones usually sell for between $400 - $600. If Gilberto did a full restore, you may be able to get more for it.

  • Khalid Baksh

    I just bought a very well used Deagan glock. The bars are flat and measure 1" x 1/4". It is 2.5 octaves (G-C) The information on the "A" bar is as follows "J. Deagan Inc. Chicago Made in U.S.A." There is no model number on the bars. It may be a Slingerland era Deagan as it came with a Slingerland case, but I do not know if the case was original with the glock. Could you help me identify the model?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please email photos to info at

  • Anita Rowland

    I have a Deagan Lite-wate Xylophone No 834 I also have a wooden case. I was doing some research and noticed the ones I seen online had metal legs. The one I have has wooden legs. It was my late husbands Uncle that it belonged to. He played in a band and travel the country. I assume it was back in the 20's or 30's. It is in good shape compared to what I have seen on line. T

  • David

    I just picked up a very nice all original Deagan Model 40 "Diana" marimba, it even has the original music stand attachment. I was wondering if you could tell me the current value, and if you sell replacement bar insulators. All of the rubber, or whatever they are made of, insulators have dry-rotted and are either crumbling or missing. Other than that the instrument is in practically living room condition. Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Musser post isolators (search for E0300T on our site) work well on most Deagan instruments we've come across. You may need to trim them to the desired height. A small dab of dish soap on the isolator when putting them on the post will help make the replacement process much easier.

  • Don

    I have a vintage Deagan No. 410 Wellington marimba. Interested in finding out an approximate age on it and possibly a value. It needs to be restrung and it is in decent cosmetic shape.

  • Lisa Yamaoka

    I have an original "player" for a set of Deagan Tower chimes, circa 1926, including a large number of rolls, and a replacement striker in the original crating. I was wondering what they might be worth. Thanks

  • Deborah Mashburn

    I have a Deagan Drummers Special xylophone, Model #844, with Nagead bars in great condition. Could you give me an approximate value? Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    This model usually sells for around $600 in original condition with no cracked bars.

  • elizabeth hill

    I just bought an instrument made by Deagan at an auction it is 12" by 9" it has 4 brass plates over 4 metal tubes. It is meant to hang on the wall. no numbers, I'm wondering what it is. It has beautiful tone, but no mallet.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you a describing a set of Deagan Dinner Chimes, with tubular style resonators. They also made similar plate chimes with a single wooden box resonator.

  • Bill Mass

    Hi- I just became the caretaker of a Deagan 444 "Mezzo" marimba (circa 1948-1950). It's been in a basement, untouched, for forty years. What is your recommendation for maintaining the wooden keys? They are in fantastic shape now, and I'd like to keep them that way! Thank you, Bill

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would recommend contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service, Fall Creek Marimbas, or Salazar Fine Tuning depending on which one is closest to your location.

  • Steve Cook

    My brother gave me a big zip-lock bag full of wooden Xylophone pieces. I have had it for several years, and got it out the other day to see what it was, and what was missing. It is complete, two octaves from C to shining C (sorry.)I thought about building a frame for it, but then googled the name, when I saw it, and here we are. I have three pics, but don't see a way to send to you. Thanks

  • Judith

    Just won a bid on a Deagan Professional Xylophone, Catalogue No. 1715 Serial No. 10330 - Would like to know what yr it was made? - What's its worth? (The stand is gone, so a new one has yet to be made) The lowest two sharp keys were replaced but they're not the same wood and don't sound right - all the rest are good except for the second lowest C is a bit flat (worn down?) - Are worn down wooden keys with a concave groove in them, still able to hold their tune? - Any history available on this instrument? Hoping for your answers ASAP before I pay for it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 1715 is a wide bar 3 octave instrument. Condition and sound is everything, but we would estimate around $500 based on the description you have given. Are the bars on the instrument upside down? If they are truly worn down enough to have concave grooves, the instrument will not be worth very much.

  • Roy Lewis

    I found a Deagan 354 Marimba at a garage sale for $125. It has been stored in the original cases in a dry, conditioned space for almost 50 years. What is it worth? Any suggestions about what to look out for, and what to avoid, as we set about cleaning and refurbishing the instrument for my son to play?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    A 4 octave rosewood marimba for $125 is a great deal, any way you look at it. The value depends on if it has been re-tuned using modern methods or if it is tuned only to the fundamental. We've seen the 354 sell for anywhere from $800 to $2500 depending on the tuning, condition, local market, etc. If it is all original and has never been worked on, we would expect it to be closer to the $1000 range.

  • Justin Kelly

    I have a Deagan drummer's special no. 844 in excellent condition. What can i get for it?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 844 seems to sell for between $600 and $1200 depending on condition. $600 would be playable, original condition. $1200 would be fully restored and tuned.

  • Teresa Grove

    I have a Deagan Xylophone purchased by my grandfather in 1928. It measures 4'9" Wide, Aluminum(?) with Rosewood and mallets. The serial #352 possibly a 3 and 5 after that (hard to read.) I am looking to sell and would appreciate any information you can provide as well as possible value. Thanking you in advance for your response.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You have a Deagan Model# 352 Marimba. These marimbas were made very early in Deagan's history and usually have very primitive tuning. They are also extremely common, despite being around 100 years old. We would estimate the retail value in today's market to be somewhere around $800 to $1200 depending on condition.

  • Josh Gonzalez

    I have a Deagan xylorimba model 725. Curious what the estimated value on it is? It doesn't have a case and the A frame support stand has some wear and tear. It's usable but a tad wobbly. Other than that it's in good condition. Thanks for your time.

  • Scott Neighbors

    I have what I would describe as a Deagan wooden xylophone or glock. It's roughly 6 feet in length. It has a Deagan label but no model number that I can find. The last patent number listed on the metal label is April 29, 1919. Can you give me a resource to research this?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If possible, please send us a photo of the instrument so we can help lead you in the right direction. Based on your description, it does not sound like a glockenspiel.

  • Laura Cartmill-Cooley

    I have a Deagan 333 Marimba with stand but without the mallets. There is no case involved. It has good tone and is in pretty good shape. It needs two or three small felt strips. Could you please give me an estimate of its value and tell me where I can get the mallets and missing felts?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We sell mallets for every percussion instrument, you can browse on our site for Marimba Mallets in the Sticks and Mallets/Concert Category. The Deagan 333 Studette Marimba is worth only a few hundred dollars if in good condition.

  • Dave Klockau

    Hello I have a Slingerland Deagan model A 440 marimba I bought a few years ago. I understand its a student model from the late 70s. Would appreciate if you could provide any background info and value. Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    A=440 actually refers to the tuning of the instrument. If possible, please send us some photos and we will try to identify the instrument for you.

  • paul wojsznis

    have a deagan cat#1526 serial #28547 was found in closet at an old church any information on it would be helpful thank you for your time

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 2.5 Octave Special Flat Top Orchestra Bells model# 1526 have the smallest bars Deagan offered at 7/8" wide. Depending on the condition, we would estimate the retail value to be around $400.

  • Donn

    We've come into possession of a I believe 2.5 octave marimba. . We can find a faded builder played with Pat and dates on it indicating that it's a Deagen. Where can I find out more information about this model and its potential for restoration.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    A Deagan 2.5 octave marimba is not a very desirable instrument. You can send some photos to info at and we will attempt to determine the model number and assess the the instrument for you based on condition.

  • Gerry Kehler

    I live in Canada and have come across a Deagan Lite Wate No 834 xylophone (with stand and mallets) still in its original wooden case. The case is weathered and one of the inside leather straps is torn. The name plates have fallen off but were loosely inside the box. There are two sets of wooden "keys", one of 15 and one of 21. In looking at it, some restoration work would need to be done. If I sent you some pictures would you be able to assist me in finding some history on this and an approximate value? Thanks

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, we can certainly email you a lot about this instrument, estimated value, and who you might be able to find to restore it in your area. Generally speaking, small instruments like this would cost much more to restore than the finished value, so it may not be a worthwhile investment if the instrument does not have family history or sentimental value.

  • Jordan

    Hey! I have a Deagan 4-octave marimba-xylophone #4724. The low C is pretty sharp and the frame could use a little work but the instrument is in pretty decent shape. I was wondering how much you think I could expect to get for it with the bars being tuned vs. the bars not being tuned. Thank you very much!

  • Guy W Dedell

    Hi Folks- I have a Deagan set of orchestra bells- Deagan Special no 1532. All original bells and case, (case is a little tired but totally functional) - would like to sell to someone who would appreciate these amazing sounds.

  • Karen Milano

    I recently inherited my grandmother's Deagan Canto-Chimes and want to know more about them. The serial number is 2308 but there doesn't seem to be any other numbers or identifying information. The chimes to the extreme left don't play and I need to have it fixed, but otherwise they are in remarkable condition. Can you tell me about when they were made?

  • Jay Held

    Hello, I am looking to sell a Deagan tube amp. The only thing on the internet regarding Deagan tube amp is a post that put on Vintage Amps forum and Collectors weekly. If you search Deagan Amplifier you will see the sites where I posted. I was going to sell on eBay but wanted to know if you were interested in purchasing the amp. If not, could you give me a rough idea of the value? It seems to be a rare amp. Thank you, Jay Held

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Jay - we are sorry, but we are not aware of a Deagan tube amp. We know they used some electronics (and tubes) in many of their instruments but have not seen a stand-alone Deagan tube amplifier before.

  • Todd Sullivan

    I have recently acquired a Deagan 510 vibraharp that is in excellent condition. Could you please give me a rough estimate on what the resale value of the instrument might be. Thank You !!!

  • Lise

    I have a Deagan #333 marimba 18 key with 12 sharp keys. On legs. Good tone(to my ear). Looking to sell or value this item. Thanks. I have pictures if you want them.

  • lois lamb bianchi

    Hi, we communicated a few months ago, my 97 yr old mom died leaving me her marimba, she played since 1934. It is in perfect condition, stored properly, would love to send photos again. It is a 352D, 3.5 F-C octives, deluxe wheel stand. I am interested in getting $3000. Please advise if you are interested in buying. thx for your time, yours Lois

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Lois, the 352 typically has a tough time getting that type of value due to the primitive tuning. We wish you the best of luck selling it, but we are not interested at that price.

  • Dave Cipullo

    Grand farther passed down Deagan 807 Im a Drummer considering. Bringing it back to life these keys are weapon material durable Love to talk to you on this item. Thanks Dave

  • Harley G.

    I am not sure what they are really called I saw the name on a website. I know they go between C4 and C6. They are vertical and are in one whole row chromaticly. But I am also looking for Deagan Tubaphones, Deagan Organ Chimes, Deagan Vibraharp, Deagan Chrysoglott Bells Organ Harp, and Deagan Organ Harps. Any help would be much appreciated. I am a high school student so affordable prices would be great. Thank You in advance!!

  • Harley G.

    Hello I am looking for Deagan Chrysoglot Bells. If anyone has any they are willing to sell that would great. I am in the high school band and they are looking for someone to play the instrument. Which I can but they do not have their own Deagan Chrysoglot Bells. I would like to play that instrument again and have one as my own. So if anyone is willing to sell, please leave a comment for me. Thank you in advance!!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi - we believe you are referring to a Deagan Aluminum Harp? Are you describing a friction harp instrument like the current Alliard Canna Sonora? We are not aware of any instrument Deagan called Chrysoglot.

  • Timothy Miller

    Have a Deagan chime set on a wood stand. Has 21 solenoid? operated chimes. Chimes on leather cording. Serial number 10578. No model number. Wondering what year it was made and what it's worth. It was attached to an old electric organ.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you may have a set of Deagan Canto-Chimes? We'd have to see a picture to know for sure what you have.

  • Marilyn Sweet

    My older marimba is one purchased for me third hand, my freshman year of high school (1955). It is a three-octave; the serial number is 3792. If there is a way to send a picture or two, I have one of the marimba, as well as of the serial plate. For the past twenty-five years, I have a new larger marimba, a different make. Thank you for any input you can give me.

  • Ron Beans

    I have a 266 B Model A xylophone . Has two leather boxes. I would say good condition. Wondering what its worth.

  • Mark Hecker

    I have an older Deagon marimba from I'm guessing the 1940's. It has 30 hardwood keys(rosewood?) and the cardboard tubes. The tubes are all there and all but 3 are in excellent condition Overall condition is very good especially considering age(and cardboard tubes!). Any idea of it's worth? I can send you pictures if that helps.

  • Margaret Surber

    I have a Deagan Diana 4 octave with rosewood bars and brass resonators in good condition, what would be the estimated value? I live in KY. How would I go about selling this?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have seen the Deagan Diana sell recently in good condition, from anywhere between $1800 - $2400. We would recommend contacting local schools or universities to see if they have any students interested.

  • jay butler

    Hi ---I have a set of Deacon Special orchestra bells Serial number 1526. This a two octave set plus C# Wood case is in good shape, plating is fair an these are the small bars, 7/8 inch wide. Do they have any value today? Thank You

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would estimate the value of these flat top bells to be around $400. The bars are the thinnest Deagan made at 7/8", which hurts the value.

  • John

    I have a vintage Degan xylophone with a serial number of 1512. Don't know too much about it. It's in a case and has two wood bases with 30 metal keys

  • Fritz Gere

    We have an old metal Deagon Patent xylophone type instrument. It is in a wooden case with metal pieces and three kinds of mallets. I believe it's about 2 octaves. It looks old with antique looking hardware on the case. Don't need this instrument and would like to sell it but not sure if it's value. Any thoughts?

  • Candeeg

    No. 36 Deagan marimba: what year was this made? What is its value? Thank you...

  • Melynn Canova

    Have a deagan model 4722 that I want to sell. As far as I know all parts are original How old is it and what is it worth? Where is the serial number, if it has one?

  • Norma Gladden

    I would like information on musical bells manufactured by J.C. Deagan Musical Bells Inc. The last patent listed on the i.d. plate is Feb. 13, 1917. There are 5 "bars" to this particular instrument which is in what looks to be a very old wood cabinet. There is also a metal "mallet" attached to the inside of the cabinet. Do you have any information about such an instrument?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you have a set of Deagan Plate Chimes, often called Dinner Chimes. You can search eBay to find similar models using those search terms. The typically sell for a few hundred dollars, depending on the model.

  • Lorena

    I have a Deagan 1716 Xylophone. It was given to me by my husbands grandmother. It needs restoration work done. Do you have any information on this instrument? I can't tell how old it is from the face plate that is attached to it. Any ideas? Cost of restoration? Any information would be great. Thank you in advance.

  • Jonah

    I have a Deagan 730 Xylorimba! It has all original bars, resonator, wood parts, and folding X stand, as well as the original (I assume) case, which is pretty beat up but still operational. The bars were professionally retuned and refurbished by Century Mallets in Chicago about 10 years ago. I used it as a student until a few years back, and I'd like to sell it if it is worth something! Better to be played than to sit in my basement in its case.

  • Linda Samuelson

    I have a Deagan Marimba No. 38 and need to replace the side sockets that hold the support pipe which runs the length of the marimba. They have crumbled. Do you have replacement parts or know where they are available? Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago.

  • Mitch Gensman

    I have a vintage Xylophone or Marimba (?). name tag on it says it was made by "The Olympian" - "Stands All tests". It has rosewood style keys and non-metallic tubes. Four legs with rollers. 2.5 Octaves I think. Fair-good condition. Can send pictures if requested. Been in the family for at least 60 years. I would like to sell this and don't know where to start. I cannot find any info on "The Olympian" brand instruments. It looks like one of the Deagan Xylophone images I could find online. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Based on the photos you sent, it looks like a Deagan Mercury Series that was marketed as an off-brand.

  • David Quinn

    Hi, I am restoring a Deagan 352 marimba for a customer. It has many damaged or missing keyposts, but the customer would like to replace with same, rather than modern ones. They are a two hole design through a flat plate, with a round threaded leg welded or brazed to the bottom to mount in the rail. John Salazar from Salazar fine tuning tells me that Deagan did use this design, but they were usually cast bronze or brass - Any idea where I could source some from? (I'll email a pic to your email too) Thanks, David

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contact Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago.

  • Ellen

    I have owned a Deagan Imperial 3 1/2 octave F to C most of my adult life. I am now needing to find a good home for it. It in in good shape, especially the bars. I can send pictures as needed.

  • Paul vance

    Hello, I'm Paul Vance from Hometown Music in Huntingburg, Indiana. I'm actually a piano technition but I've been asked to refurbish an old set of Deagan Chimes Model 9135 for a monastery. Someone over the years have put a continuous loop of steel cable through all the bells. The music director would also like the felt rings the bells pass through replaced. I couldn't find a parts list for this instrument. Can I purchase the parts I need from you? Thanks! Paul

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Paul - yes, you can give us a call and we will get you the parts you need.

  • Brett Leach

    I have a deagan vibraharp 1100 in mint condition and wanted to know what it is worth. Also, I have a deagan marimba model 490 in near mint condition (paint peeling in a few places) and wanted to know what this piece is worth.

  • Annabelle Fuhr

    I have antique 1918 deagan 3 1/2 octive rosewood marimba please contact me about value , im curious and would like to sell. Thank you ASF

  • Lois Lamb Bianchi

    My 97 year old mother just passed away. In high school, (1934-37) she performed on stage. Her Daegan marimba is in great condition...totally epitomizes who she was. I tried to take a pic of brass plate telling series number etc, I'll just write it down, not clear on camera. Great old tones, always kept in the front room, never in sun or abused. Are you interested in getting pics? It is in Los Altos, CA 94024. thx for your time, yours, Lois her daughter.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Sure - we always love to see pictures of these vintage Deagan instruments. You can email to info at

  • Jon

    I have what I think is a xylophone. It says deagan special. It has an a=435 on the a, if that mean anything. Says Chicago patented 1908

  • Lee

    I have a No. 36 Deagan Marimba. Bars are in excellent condition. Frame has cardboard resonators which have survived well for the most part all present, there are some loose and some minimal damage. Frame is got wear and tear but all parts present and functional. Needs some replacement suspension posts and new tubing. I've owned it for 25 years, hard to let go of but considering selling. Would love your insights on value and/ or interest. Many Thanks Lee

  • Yulia

    Hi, I have a deagan 834 in excellent condition, except I replaced the small L piece on the high end. By the bars and legs are untouched. How much could I see it for? And also where can I buy a deagan instrument? Thank you

  • Peter

    Hey All. I have a Deagan #48 Serenata Vibraharp. Some cosmetic wear, but sounds fantastic and the motor works well. I'm curious what the resale value on this might be. Thanks!

  • Peter

    I have a Deagan No. 380, played by my father as a teenager back in 1945 and until recently. It is in good playing condition but needs refinishing of bars and resonators. It is for sale. Pictures available. What would you consider a fair offer? Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We are not familiar with this model. Can you send us a picture so we can identify it?

  • jon

    I have a Deagan marimba, with a side plate that says, "Cat 52" and Model 52 on the first key. It is a 3+ Octave set. Would you happen to know what year this might have been made? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan "Masterpiece" Marimba, model# 52, is 3.5 octaves F to C. This smaller range hurts the value today, with most people wanting atleast 4 octaves. We would estimate the value to be about $1200 in today's market if it is in-tune with itself and in playable condition.

  • john denham

    I have a #1119 zylophone complete, with 2 strikers and metal sheet music mount that has been in the family since the late 1920s at least. The A bar is engraved J.C. Deagan, Patented June 9, 1908, A=440. The case is in fair/good condition except for the outer veneer which has peeled off in places. Any idea of its value? Thank you much for your great website!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 1119 is actually a set of Roundtop Orchestra Bells, not a xylophone. It is only 2 octaves, C to C, which hurts the value a bit. If the plating on the bars is in good condition, we would estimate the value to be around $500 in original "farm-fresh" condition.

  • Carol Hermann

    I have Deagan Lite Wate Xylophone No 830. It does cover 3 octaves. It is portable and has accompanying case and two sets of mallets. Could you give me an idea of what it would be worth. I can send photos if you wish. Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We recently sold a Deagan 830 Super Lite-Wate Xylophone for around $500 in good, playable condition.

  • Dorothea Spencer

    I have a beautiful Deagan 5 Bar dinner chime. It needs to be restored and I am looking for someone who either has the parts or will do the restoration, It does not need to be refinished and is in pretty good shape. The name plate is still attached and in good shape on the back. I believe the mallet is also original. Any advise to bring this beautiful instrument back to function would be helpful. I plan on using this in my 200 year old farmhouse. Thanks

  • Andrew Curteman

    I just acquired a Deagan 834 Super Lite-Wate which is nearly complete except for the leg extensions to make it a playable height. I am looking to buy those extensions.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service for leg extensions.

  • Rob Gaines

    I have a set of Deagan bells. maybe 3 octaves?! in original wooden case. Only markings i can find are on the A bar, it has Pat. June-9-1908 and A=440. Otherwise, on the first C bar it says No.6005 Thanks for any insight you may have!!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please email us some photos so we can identify the model.

  • Jeff Bush

    Hi - I have two Deagan instruments that I should probably part with. The first is a 2 octave (not 2.5, sadly) Deagan bells - I'm guessing the 860 model number, as the bars are wide for the time (1.25"). Bells were not used for probably 50 years when I bought them in the late 70s. Case is not in good shape, but the bells are beautiful! The other is a Deagan portable (in a case) xylophone - bought used in the late 70s/early 80s. Used for pit work (where it was great!). I think the model is 860. It's 3 octaves (c - c). Serial number is 15580. Would love to see the instruments used again and they're collecting dust at my place.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The value of the bells will depend on if they are flat tops or round tops. Both were made with 1.25" wide bars. The model number you listed on the bells does not appear to be correct, so we are unsure what model they are. Can you send us some photos at info at The 860 xylophone is a later model and does make a great instrument for pit playing. We've recently sold a few in good condition for approximately $600.

  • Derek Reed

    Hello! I have a Deagan marimba with serial No. 11128. I am unsure of the year, but I was wondering if you had any information on this instrument. It was my Great Great Grandmother's.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, we are not aware of any Deagan serial number database that would help identify the marimba. Is there a model number printed on the top of the lowest bar? Or on a metal badge somewhere on the instrument? If not, you can send some photos to info at and we will identify the model number for you.

  • Sharon E Watkins

    I have a deagan vibraharp, #5039 is marked on the bottom. It is a 3 octave, F-F. Could you please share its value? Thank you. Sharon Watkins

  • Guy W Dedell

    Hi Folks- I have a set of Deagon Special bells No 1532 which I would like to sell. All the bars are original and in great shape. I think the case is original but the exterior is a little beat up. Please contact if interested- I would like to find them a good home. Thanks- Guy.

  • Jack Steiner

    I have an instrument that was never in a Deagan catalog, however, would like some information and an estimated value. I actually contacted a source at Deagan regarding this instrument and confirmed that the only other instrument of its kind is in storage in L.A. and it was custom built for Red Norvo...which means I have one of only two known instruments like this. I have an Imperial Xylophone - looks exactly like an Imperial Marimba except the serial is an "sp" and the bars are Deagan professional bars. Any ideas of estimated value for insurance purposes?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you have a very unique instrument. Red Norvo is very well known for his work on the vibraphone, but was extremely influential on the xylophone as well. We have seen a picture of Red Norvo with his Imperial Xylophone. We also believe there were more than 2 made, based on photos we've seen of others. It is hard to appraise an instrument like this, since no real market has been established. If it is in good but original condition, we would expect it to be worth somewhere in the $2500 to $3000 range. You may want to insure for more, since it is not an instrument you would likely be able to replace.

  • Karen Devine

    Thanks Steve. It has two rows of keys, the 842-3 and the 842 -2, and it's labeled the Drummers Special. I see F and G keys too. I appreciate your help and the quick response. I'll price it accordingly. Thanks again.

  • cara Fligstein

    I have a Deagan 36 four octave marimba that has the metal, sunset painted resonators. It has some scratches on the paint and there are a couple of keys which have light water marks which do not affect the playing or sound .I am wondering what would be a fair price for it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Many of the Deagan 36 Marimbas we have seen have cardboard resonators made during the war era. If you have the aluminum resonator version, we would expect it to sell for around $2000 in good, playable condition.

  • Percy Gray jr

    I have a M-55G with cases. Purchased new in 2011 excellent condition. What do you think it might sell for?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The current selling price of the Musser M55G Gold Pro Vibraphone is about $5000. We would expect a used pro vibe in excellent condition to sell for between $3500 and $4000.

  • Barbara j. Burzynski

    I have a 5-octave Deagan marimba range F-F, made at Deagan bells inc. I would like some help identifying, worth as is vs. reconditioning/century mallet. If I should sell it or use it? Thank you for your input

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi - it sounds like you may have a 5 octave Deagan Marimba-Xylophone or Xylorimba. These are usually not very sought after due to the huge size and range. Are you able to send us some photos to info at

  • Karen Dupcak

    I have a Deagan #36 4 octave wood marimba which was made in the 1940s and has not been refurbished. What would b a fair price to ask for it?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    If the instrument has cardboard resonators in good condition, we would expect it to sell for somewhere around $1000 to $1200.

  • Karen Devine

    We have a Deagan 842 3. Xylophone. Last patent date is 1908. The keys are rosewood, stand is metal. Kind of flimsy metal. Keys are in good shape, stand is dirty and needs cleaned good. Any idea on the worth. It is also missing the strings that would string the keys together, but all the keys are there I believe. Sounds really nice, but then I wouldn't really know what it was suppose to sound like. Thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 842 is a 2.5 octave instrument, F to C. If you have a 3.0 octave instrument C to C it may be the 844 Drummer's Special. The 844 is very common and we have seen many sell between $600 - $1000 recently depending on condition, if it has been tuned, etc. If you have the 2.5 octave instrument, we would expect it to receive much less.

  • Johnny K

    Hi! I have an old Deagan Vibraharp from the 50s. The range is C-F, I think the model # is 505 (Comet). He is in used condition, the motor doesn't work, but all the pieces are there. What would be the average value of this instrument? Thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan Comet is only a 2.5 octave instrument, which really hurts the value. With the broken motor and non-graduated keys, we would expect it to sell for approximately $400.

  • Robert Benson

    Have a Deagan 354 Marimba sitting at home here, 4 octave. The bars are in great shape. The frame is missing the cross-member that goes between legs. Looking to get rid of this as I have no use for it any time soon.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 354 is a very early instrument. It was most likely made prior to 1927, before Deagan started to tune the overtones. Prior to 1927 they only tuned the fundamental. The tuning and frame style hurt the value significantly. In the current market, we would expect it to sell for between $800 and $1200.

  • Chris De Vido

    I have a Deagan Marimba Model No. 333. I'm curious as to the value of this instrument. It's in very good shape. Thanks for your time.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 333 is a 2.5 octave student instrument and often has cardboard resonators. We would only expect it to sell for a few hundred dollars, most likely to a younger student.

  • Diana Ruby

    I have a set of Deagan orchestra bells. They've been in the family for a number of years (My father in law was a band teacher, and probably acquired these after he graduated from University of Michigan. It's model #1560. Serial number is 21298. The case is in very good condition. The bells themselves are in good condition. They are missing a couple of the pins. Any idea what these might be worth? We were thinking of donating them to a local school music program.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 1560 Flat Top Orchestra Bells are from later in Deagan's history. We would expect them to sell for between $200 and $400 depending on condition.

  • Barb

    Someone knew someone who knew someone getting rid of some old instrument. As a retired high school director of bands and percussionist, I I said I would take it, unseen. This big van pulls up with all this wood and metal in quite an array. I have researched what I can to figure out what it is and need help finalizing my conclusions. Company: J. C. Deagan musical bells inc. ( I think that narrows it to 1913-1916). Range: 5 octaves F-F. (Catalog reference 1914-1924. Photo correct catalog wrong, narrowing it to 1914-1916) Material: Nagaed wood Resonators: metal w/curved joints and adjustable with wing nuts (extremely heavy) (sounds like nabimba resonators except heavy) So I am trying to find out for sure what it is and if it should be refurbished or sold or just keep to play.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Wow, you have something very interesting. We would love to see some photos of this instrument to know for sure. It sounds like it could be a Nabimba or Marimbaphone. Please send photos to info at

  • Jeanette Coleman

    I have my mother's Deagan Marimba. Looking for value, a good home, or anything about it. She is now 87 years old and can no longer play it. The metal stand has a few issues but everything else looks good. She gave it to me to do something with it. I never learned to play it.

  • Scott Petersen

    I have what I believe to be a 1926 Deagan Imperial Marimba. Model 66. There is some wear on frame but we have original keys and even music holder. I would be curious to find out your estimate and am open to selling.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 66 Imperial Instrumet is 4.5 octaves, with the extra .5 octaves being above the normal marimba range (C to F). Unfortunately, that top 1/2 octave is not very useful for modern marimba literature - so we would value it at about the same as a 4.0 octave Imperial Marimba. We would expect it to sell for between $2500 and $3000, if it is in good playable condition. We often see a lot of rust on the end panels of the instrument, which would hurt the value.

  • Lucy Sexton

    I just purchased a 1942 Deagan Diana 4 octave mod. 40 marimba and need a cover. Do you have a cover for this instrument? Do you have a music stand that fits into the frame of the marimba?

  • Jan Kanui

    Do you know how the Deagon A 440 Orchestral Tuner (bar to hang on wall) is "assembled"? Recently bought one online and it will not ring! One end of bar sits on some kind of rope, the other attached end is not attached! There is a "brake" of some king that you "flip", but the break goes right back to the bar, thus stopping the vibrations?! My oboe teacher in 1971 had one of these on his wall that worked beautifully. Do you have a photo of it so that I can see what has gone wrong with the used one that I just purchases? Thought that you might have knowledge of this... Thanks for info. Jan

  • Mike

    My mother believes this JC Deagan #262 Special Xlophone was her father's from around 1920-1930. The tubes need polished. Otherwise , it is in good shape. Can you give me an approximate value and anyone who might be interested in buying in the Northwest Indiana area?

  • Don Nolte

    I have a Deagan 4 octave C-C xylophone with 1 5/8 x 15/16 bars. It has a floor rack (black) with ball bearing wheels. The low C bar has 652 stamped on the upper surface. The end plates on the bar rack have a patent date of June 9, 1908. The patent date palate on the bar rack has the latest date of 1919. There is a "Deagan" plate on the sharp/flat rack. The resonators are silver. Is the "652" the model number? Any information you can provide will be appreciated.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds like you have a Leedy 652 xylophone, not a Deagan. We will contact you for more information.

  • Mark Seare

    The pedal assembly on our school's Deagan chimes has come apart. I need to replace the entire mechanism. Do you have replacement parts?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest contacting Andres at Century Instrument Mallet Service in Chicago. He has the parts available that are required to fix your chimes.

  • Margo fees

    I own a Deagan organ shaker chime with custom trunk. It's in great condition, it belonged to my mother and I'm wanting to sell it. I have pictures if interested!

  • Brandon Putzke

    Our school owns a set of Deagan tubular bells, model 9160. I'm sure this is a popular question, but is it possible to clean the tarnish/pitting? Silver polish and cloth is simply not enough. Suggestions?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We like using W. J. Hagerty 100 All Metal Polish on chrome chime tubes. Follow the instructions closely - it will take some time and elbow grease to get cleaned up.

  • Alec Bielanos

    Recently acquired a Deagan 352 3.5 Octave Marimba (we think). The stand, however, is all wood, and the only pictures I could find show the 352 with a metal frame. There is a small plaque screwed in on the front with the "Original Deagan Patents" through the late 1910's, and the metal pieces near the ends of the board have JC Deagan stamps on them. There is a "352" stamped in ink on the underside of one of the resonator frames, leading us to believe it is a 352. The marimba itself is in pretty rough shape, but any additional information you guys have would be greatly appreciated!

  • Dave Casini

    I have a Deagan Model 836 'Lite-Wate' xylophone with the carrying case. Bars are in very good condition. A bit of grime on the metal frame. Is there any reason to not clean up the metal parts? The 'Antiques Road Show' types seem to think something is more valuable with the original grime. Looks like your answer to Gerry Kehler below answers my question about pricing. thanks, Dave

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would not worry about hurting the value of the instrument for the collectors by cleaning it up. The lite-wate is fairly common and is a "player's instrument". In our opinion, it has very little added value due to the age or significance. We wouldn't suggest cleaning too aggressively to the point of removing the original plating, but a gentle cleaning to remove the grime should be fine.

  • Steven Adams

    I have a set of 2-octave + 2 (C-to-C#) Deagan flat bells with mallets. The case is in pretty bad shape but the bells are fine.

  • Gerry Kehler

    I'm living in Canada and have come across a Deagan Lite Wate No 834 Xylophone (with what I believe are rosewood bars) in it's original wooden case. The case is weathered as it was stored inside an unheated garage for many years. I'm not sure but I think that it's in the 1918 - 1928 era. It comes complete with stand and mallets. I've checked online and have found similar items ranging in price from $700 US to $1,000 US. I know it's difficult to estimate the value without looking at it but I'm looking to sell it and I'm wondering if this is within a reasonable price range. I'd appreciate any help you could give me. Gerry

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have seen some of these sell recently in the $500 range in original good condition. They are very nice instruments, but we think $1000 might be a stretch in today's market. The 844 Drummer's Special typically sells in the range you reference, which is a bit above what the Lite-Wate typically goes for.

  • Daniel Sabin

    I need the small hammer or baton to strike the dining car chimes. Can you lead me to a supplier?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    You can search our site for "dinner chime mallet" for a few options.

  • Nikki

    I have a Deagan Xylophone that I recently bought off of a guy on craigslist. I didnt realize they were vintage so i repainted the frame. I don't know where to find the Model number, but it is serial number 11845. It has original bars with and the lowest bar has No. 932 on the bar so I'm assuming that is the model number? Has a cracked/chipped/dented bars. The resonators have chipped paint and some of them are loose. I'm not looking to sell it, but I am looking to get replacements for the resonators and a few bars so that it sounds better. Any ideas of where to start to replace those things?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    932 is the model of the xylophone. We would suggest contacting Century Mallet Instrument Service, Fall Creek Marimbas or Salazar Fine Tuning based on where you are located. All three of these companies would be able to do the repairs you are looking for.

  • Vicki Hurlburt

    I have a Marimbaphone Deagan Model 352 with patent stamp on it. Manufactured we think 1920's or 30's. It is in very good condition, never restored and very well taken care of through the family as it passed from generation to generation. Want to place a value on it, possibly sell or donate. Thank you for your time.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 352 is a 3.5 octave instrument, F to C and was produced from 1918 to 1934. We would estimate the value to be around $1000 in un-tuned original condition.

  • Jordan A.

    What would the resale value be of a non-restored decent condition Deagan 354 4-Octave be compared to a restored one?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The tuning prior to 1927 is not desirable to most modern players. If your 354 is tuned only to the fundamental, it may be worth-while getting it tuned. We would estimate the value to be about $2200 to 2500 for a 354 that is newly tuned using modern methods with the rest of the instrument in good, functional condition. The value prior to tuning would be around $1000 to $1200, so the few hundred dollars in tuning fees would probably be worthwhile . However, in most cases a full restoration would not increase the value enough to be a good investment.

  • Guy W Dedell

    I have a set of old Deagan orchestral bells. These are the real thing- they weigh a ton and sound amazing. The case needs work but from a professional ear, these are glorious- Guy

  • Paula

    I have a Deagan 807 Xylophone from 1917. The bars are in great condition, the metal frame isn't the most sturdy thing in the world but i have never had an issue with it.

  • Tom Terry

    Dear Weiss Music: I have a (c) 1941 Deagan Xylorimba (Cat. no. 725 Model C) that belonged to my mother. In moving, I've lost one of the extension leg sections and need to replace it. Do you supply replacement parts or have a source? I can email photos. Thanks! Sincerely, Tom

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, we do not have any extra leg extensions right now. We do see them come up for sale on eBay from time to time. We would also suggest contacting Andres at Century Mallet Instrument Service to see if he has any in stock.

  • Andrew Stasko

    I have inherited a family heirloom xylophone back in 1998, had it set up and displayed in our smoke-free homes prior to our relocation to KY in 2005. I've located the name, model # as listed on the metal tag. J C Deagon Cat # 730 Model A. On the reverse side is a label showing manufacturing dates with the last legible date as Aug 10, 1926. Impregnated in the wood is a number # 216344 on one side and underneath is stamped # 730. It appears to be a 3 octave xylophone. Is not on wheels. How do I determine value and locate a legitimate buyer for this item? I reside in Lexington, KY and am wishing to explore the vintage sale of this antique heirloom piece. It is resting and transported when we moved here to KY, in a hand-made transport wooden- case and last known played circa 2003-2004 when it was properly tuned in CT. Looking forward to hearing back as to direction and guidance. The wooden pallets were in great condition when it was last played in our family's home, but has been stored in an humidity controlled area of our home since we've been here in KY.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 730 is a 3 octave xylorimba, C to C. Unfortunately, we have not seen a strong market with xylorimbas recently. If it has been tuned and is good condition, we think the value would be around $600 to the right player.

  • Antoinette Thomas

    I've been holding onto (and occasionally playing) my dad's Deagan Vibraharp 510 for several decades now, but need to downsize. Decent shape for a vintage instrument, some wood scratches and chips. The motor works but unit needs belt and rubber grommets replaced. Can you please give me a ballpark of what it might sell for? Thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 510 Vibraharp is a 3 octave, F to F instrument. With a working motor and in good playable condition, we would estimate the current value to be about $1200.

  • Kosta Jovanovic

    I have one of the Deagan units that used to belong to my father. It is not in great condition but I believe all the parts are there, including a Dumore motor. We are getting set to relocate and it needs to find a new home. I think it may be a model 145. Would you like to make an offer? all bars and tubes are present. Thank you!

  • Tina Lake

    On the lower end of the historic line of Deagan orchestra bells, apparently intended for the school market, the Deagan Resource lists the 1558 model and the 1560 model as 2.5 octave (G - C) with identical bar sizes of 1 1/4x5/16". I own a set of the 1560s and they sound fine. I've been looking for quite awhile online trying to research differences between the two. Do you know what actual differences there are between the two?

  • Kevin Findley

    I have a Deagan Radio Xylophone No. 886 that I might be interested in selling. I would like a fair estimate of value. Also what SWM would pay for it if interested.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 886 Radio Master xylophone is a nice 3.5 octave instrument. Based on the pictures you sent, we would estimate the value to be between $1500-$2000 in the current condition.

  • David Garrett

    We have a Deagan 1100 Vibraharp that we are interested in selling. While I have a music degree I am totally uneducated about these instruments. By my assessment the basic instrument seems to be in good working condition, bars are in very good condition and in good tune, damper smooth and well felted, and even better cosmetic condition. Used very little by a church several decades ago??? Please advise. Thanks!

  • Erick

    I have a very nice old 3 octave Deagan No. 725 Xylo-rimba with original case that I would like to sell. Seems to be in excellent condition. Wood is beautiful, factory stickers are intact, aluminum(?) unscratched, Case is sturdy. Shows little signs of wear. The rubber pegs need to be replaced. Please let me know if you have any interest. Thanks, Erick

  • Phil Hahn

    I have a #834 Deagan Super Lite-Wate 3 Octave C to C Xylophone. The bars measure 1 1/4 wide x 5/8 thick. It is in the original case, but when I acquired it about 20 years ago, there was no stand. The bars have been restrung and I believe the resonators are aluminum. We fabricated a wooden X shaped stand with bars and pins on each end that hold it securely for playing. The bars are in excellent original condition. I was told that a percussionist with WGN Radio (and later TV) used it while playing in the band for the Bozo Show. My daughter used it for practice (it was similar to her marching xylophone that she carried on a harness). I was wondering as to the current value.

  • Fred Norrick

    Seeking additional information on a recently acquired Deagan Xylophone No. 830s Super Lite-Wate serial no. 5911, 3 octave C-C in original condition, U.S. Army Surplus: O.D. Green painted base with folding wooden legs, cardboard resonators, hard case with U.S. stencil. no mallets. Very good condition, little signs of use/wear. I would imagine this to be a rare bird... no? Any data on how many of these were produced or ordered by the US Army. Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, cardboard resonators really hurt the value of this instrument. The 830 typically sells for around $600 with aluminum resonators and we would expect you to get much less for the cardboard version.

  • Daniel

    I have a set of Deagan Special flattop bells #1528. 2.5 octaves, 1 x 3/8 bells. The inside case has a tag with patent dates up to 1916, so I'd put the age at either 1916 or 17. The bells themselves are in really good condition compared to a lot of the bells I've seen being sold on websites like eBay. Just wondering what you might place the value of these bells at. Thanks.

  • Terry Ristow

    We have acquired a Deagan set of orchestra bells,- the condition is rough, but all of the bells are there. The bells are the 7/8 x 3/8 size, and there are 30 of them, and none of them sound dead. We estimate the manufacture date to be around 1908. The hammers are not original. The strings are broken in 2 places, the case is rough, but all latches are there, as well as the placard that says J.C Deagan. The hinges have been moved to another spot long ago, probably due to the wood splitting. it looks like the piece of wood that holds the bells in place during movement is missing, though. We don't have the time or energy to put into restoring it, so we were looking for as much info as we can get on it, with the goal of selling it.

  • Donna Corbett

    I am helping a lady who moved to the nursing home. She has a set of 30 cow bells with leather handles. They are a heavy copper colored metal painted with gold paint. The heavy leather handles have the note names stamped on them. We are wondering if they are Deagan bells and where we might sell them for her.

  • Greg Gascon

    I am seeking more information about my Model 1100 Deagan Vibraharp Serial #13626 (Gold Bars/Black Frame/Brass Molding around ends). I haven't seem to locate any specific information about the resonators which are all individually wired (Pickups?) with (2) 1/4" leads and the frame mounted control box with a dial on it separate of the Carter Motor it is equipped with. The Carter Motor (serial# 42521-U) is silent and works great. I cleaned it up and noticed it has a mercury switch inside. I am interested in the make (a 1960's Aurora II?), the year, value and where to acquire spare belts. Do you sell them?

  • Nicholas McCarthy

    I'm looking to get some information on a piece marked Deagan Professional Xylophone Serial No. 876 Serial No. 10594 Manufactured by JC Deagan Chicago, U.S.A. My father believes it was made in 1920. I'm looking to find out more information about it and how much it might be worth.

  • Tom Partington

    I have a set of Deagan Standard (Bars only), missing the high G#. Pretty good condition- a few bars have chrome coming off. Looking to sell.

  • Rick Centeno

    Hi, I have a Deagan Commander model 594, sn 20634, with good functioning pick-ups, and a parallel output for midi (K&K systems). The motor is no longer working, and I leave the tubes open while playing. Would you know the year of manufacture, and where I could obtain a replacement motor (or any compatible system),? Would you also be able to give a value estimate? Thanks in advance. Rick

  • William Isaacson

    I have Deagan Roundtop orchestra bells new style in wooden case Model catalogue # 1122. Serial number 25499 Fair condition in wooden case Can you tell me Year of manufacture and estimate of value

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 1122 is only a 2.0 octave instrument, which hurts the value. It has 1" thick bars, which is also on the smaller side. Deagan made these instruments with larger 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" thick bars as well. We would estimate the value to be approximately $500 in fair, playable condition.

  • Molly Hum

    Hello, I have a set of J.C. Deagan Tubular Shaker Chimes from the early 1900's that belonged to my great-grandfather. I am looking to verify the current worth of this chime set. If you are able to assist please contact me at the email address noted above. Thank you, Molly

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have emailed you for details and photos.

  • Nathan Meurant

    Hi, I have a Deagan 352 marimba that's in pretty good condition, I just had the bars retuned in 2014 and I'm looking to sell it soon, I bought it for about $1500 Australian dollars a couple of years ago before it was retuned, would this be a fair price?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 352 is only a 3.5 octave instrument and we have seen many of them on the market recently. $1500 Australian dollars is currently approximately $1075 USD. This seems about right for a tuned instrument in good condition in the US Market.

  • Rick Plautz

    We have a Marimba that we would like to obtain an estimate to sell. The marimba is a Deagan Diana, model #40 (4 C-C) sr #123970. The rosewood bars are in great shape. Also have the traveling cases for the marimba. Thank you, Rick

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Recently, we've seen the Deagan Diana sell for between $2000 - $2500 depending on condition and tuning. Unfortunately, the cases do not typically add much to the value.

  • David Wieliczki

    My mom inherited a Deagon Xylorimba Model 730. It does not have a stand, Do you know of a stand that would work with it/exact replacement? Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Your best bet is to make something yourself or try to find an original stand on eBay. No modern instrument uses this type of stand.

  • Ron Bauer

    I own a Deagan model 512 Vibraharp serial #12104 which needs refurbishing of various parts. Do you carry the rubber insulators? The vertical ring support guides? Several if thes vertical support guides are broken of at the hole where they thread into the wooden support.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, please contact us and will help you find the parts that you need.

  • Mary Rima

    I have a J. C. Deagan Roundtop Orchestra Bells Catalog No. 1123 Serial No. 26452 Manufactured by J C Deagan, Chicago USA It has JC DEAGAN ROUNDTOP on the G bar, JC DEAGAN CHICAGO PATENTED on the A bar, A=440 on a bar It also has 2 hard ball mallets Can you give me more information about when this was made, etc. and how much it is worth? Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 1123 Roundtop is a fairly common instrument, with 2 1/2 octaves of 1" bars (G to C). Condition can greatly change the value, but we would estimate approximately $750. It was made sometime between 1910 and 1930.

  • Phyllis Mayberg

    Hello, I received a Deagan Dinner Chime-four strikers- but the original mallet disappeared. Do you know where I could fine a mallet? I still have the Deagan Musical Dinner Chime Music booklet from 1939.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We sell a modern Dinner Chime Mallet that should work great for you.

  • Carol Maurer

    I have a Deagan vibraharp no. 510. It needs a new belt and electrical cord. Any idea what year it was made? Guess-timate on value?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 510 vibe was made in the 1950s.

  • Pat Morris

    We have a brass 5 tubular bell church chime. It measures about 20x18 inches and is mounted on a shield-shaped dark wood board. It has a brass plate with patent numbers/dates on the back with dates from 1901 to 1915. The largest (middle) tube has 4 dates stamped on the backside from Dec. 11 -1098 (earliest) to Feb 1 - 1913 (oldest). There are small raised plaques/labels between the bells with the following words: sanctus, offertory, consecration, communion, benediction. I have pictures, but did not see a way to upload them to you. Can you tell us what this might be valued at and if you have any interest in the piece.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The bells you have are usually referred to as Deagan Dinner Calls or Reveille bells. You can email photos to us at info at

  • Amy Jo Martinson

    Hello, I have a JC Dagan Inc CHICAGO MADE IN USA Which I believe are Round Top Orchestral Bells. They are from G below middle C, to C two octaves above middle C. Their is no date or Model number on the bars or with the instrument. It comes complete with a wooden and leather carry case. It is one piece, not in two and comes out of the carry case. I play it on top of the carry case to get more sound. I actually found this in around 1991 at a Salvation Army Thrift store in Grand Junction, CO for $75. I have only done one thing wrong, I tried to paint with silver paint on the bars, but that doesn't affect the sound. I'd like to no what the value would be for insurance and if I got the bars nickle plated again would that make it worth more? I am absolutely in love with it. I've met many percussionists and not one of them in my area one a original Deagan bell set. Many people have Deagan Chimes for Orchestra, but this is the oldest one of this kind. What year do you think it might be? I have been saying 1920s, but I'm not sure. Thank you for your help!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The value depends on the thickness of the bar. Deagan made Roundtops in 7/8", 1", 1 1/4", and 1 1/2" in the 2.5 octave range. It is a real shame that you painted the bars, this would definitely hurt the value and must hurt the sound. It was probably made right around 1920, so your guess is right on.

  • Renita McGuinness

    My late father was a musician and left many instruments. My son and niece, both musicians as well, were given his guitars, drums and harmonicas. My Dad also played the xylophone and we are looking to sell it. We have a Deagan 1000 Vibra-harp in great condition. We also have all of the original storage boxes. I have photos of everything and would like to know if you are interested in buying it. I would be happy to email you the photos. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

  • Jason Spillman

    I am helping a friend who owns a Deagon Aurora 1000, original owner and in good shape. He is interested in selling it, can you please send an estimate of it's worth? Thank you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would estimate the value of the Deagan Aurora to be around $3000-3500 in good condition.

  • Cheryl L. Zorawicki

    I have a J.C. Deagan Marimba #354 that I am looking to sell. I have been in possession of this instrument for 54 years, but no longer play. The instrument was professionally tuned in the last three years, with a wood replacement of an end piece, but have the original piece. The resonators are brass with original nickel plating as are the steel support legs. The keys are made of rosewood.

  • Jeffrey Bonenfant

    My father and I own what we were told is a Marimba-Xylophone, but when I looked it up by the Cat NO (52B), I think it's a Marimba. It's in excellent shape and we're really not interested in selling it. I would like to know how much it's worth. Can you help me out? Thanks in advance, Jeff

  • michael yeni

    I have two Deagan 352 marimbas: need, original chord. two double hole pins. One stand, One frame ,front panel (Green and black tile design) two logos. I can repair one frame but if you have ...

  • Rick Richtmyer

    I have a Deagan marimba that my father-in-law played for may years. In fact he was over 103 that last time he played it. I think it's in pretty good condition. It has a complete set of bars and none appear to be cracked or damaged in any other way. As near as I can guess from researching a bit, it's a model 352. The resonator tubes are rather dull but not dented. No one in the family is interested in playing it and it seems like to nice an instrument to sit in a closet or an attic somewhere. The family would hope that it could find a home where it would be cherished and played as it has been for many years by my late father-in-law. I have pictures if you would like to see it. Any information on the value and perhaps a lead on a potential buyer would be greatly appreciated.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 352 is a 3.5 octave instrument, which is not very desirable today. It is also a very early instrument, so some of the spacing and tuning is not in line with modern specs. We'd estimate somewhere around 1000 to 1200 to the right player.

  • Marcia Blum

    I have a J C Deagan Xylophone. Need to replace the "gong" that plays it. The rubber ball has rotted. What do I call this piece and where would you suggest I look for a new one. Thanks Marcia Blum

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We assume you are talking about mallets. If you only have 1 mallet, we assume you are talking about a set of Deagan Dinner Chimes with 4 or 5 metal notes on it, not a xylophone. If this is the case, you can search our site for "dinner chime mallet" to find exactly what you need.

  • Mollie

    Hello! I have 3 sets of Deagan Dinner chimes and would like to restore them. What is the process for restoring these? There are chips and cracks in the wood, missing felt pads...etc. I have thought about taking them apart myself and having a furniture restorer work on the wood, but I don't know what I am doing and don't want to ruin the instrument. What do you recommend? Have you done restoration work on Deagan Dinner Chimes?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have not restored Deagan Dinner Chimes. As with any restoration project, we would suggest doing your research before doing anything to the instrument.

  • Shirley c.

    Have xylophone, wooden, double row attached to board. No case. Was gifted to me about 1955. Some of the bars appear to be missing. I can send photo. I would like to restore on my own if possible. Can you help?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It does not sound to us like this would be a good candidate for a restoration. You can email us photos and we will take a look for you.

  • Chase Cavalier

    I am looking for a cover for a 3.5 Octave Deagan Marimba. Do you know of a distributor for such an item?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    A cover from another manufacturer may work, but we would need to know the measurements of your instrument. Any local seamstress could also make you something custom.

  • Josh

    I just bought a 352 marimba for $175. Did I get a good deal? I'm also curious as to what the resonators and the keys are made of, and how should I clean them?. I know this model was made over quite a few years, but is there a way to know what year my particular one was made? Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Yes, $175 for a complete Deagan 352 is a good deal. We would not suggest using any harsh cleaner on the resonators or bars, as you could damage them or remove the original plating. Damp rags should do the trick.

  • Victor Krauss

    Just picked up a Deagan 2805 in a carrying case. Don't know slot about it but thought it would be a nice gift for my daughter. Can you tell me a anything about its age and value? Thanks! Vic

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Vic - please send us a picture of the instrument so we can better evaluate.

  • Gary C

    I have a Deagan model 484 marimba in excellent condition, in tune, with original cases and paperwork. It belonged to my mother-in-law who was the original owner. We're considering moving to a smaller house and may need to sell it. Can you suggest a fair asking price? Also, is the 484 essentially the same as the 485 and 490? Thank you for your time.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 484 Bolero Marimba, 485 and 490 are very similar instruments, all 4 octave C to C with differences in the design. Would would expect you to get between $1800 and $2400 in good condition.

  • Laura

    I have a xylophone, its inside a black case. The handle says Deagan and there is a Pat No. 2678707. Attatched to the case itself, on the side, there is a plaque that reads "Deagan serial no. 18262 J.C. Deagan, Inc. chicago, Illinois 60613 U.S.A" Any info would be great, thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would need more information or some pictures to evaluate the instrument.

  • Judi Spencer

    I have a beautiful Deagan Soprano Vibraphone Model 144 - includes the original red velvet cover - and the motor is in great condition. Unfortunately I am not playing it anymore so I would consider selling it.

  • Bruce Gordon

    I recently acquired a J C Deagan 5 tone " instrument " that has military song notes beside each tone. It is mounted on a wood plaque. It sounds wonderful but it is missing the mallet. I would love to know what it is, when it may have been manufactured, value and where I might buy a replacement mallet. It appears to be in very good shape. Was also wondering if it is worth restoring/cleaning what appears to be brass. Thanks so much for your help!

  • Denice Miller

    My husband owns a Deagan #50 marimba, Serial #7466. It is in great condition. We need to insure it but do not know what its value might be. We would appreciate any information you might have.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest to insure it for $3000. If you were to sell, we think you would get around $2000 based on condition.

  • Jeff Farner

    I have a Deagan #144 soprano C-C vibraharp, and I love it! However there seems to be very little info on this model. The scant info seems to point to "rare instrument, but not very desirable." That's fine with me, but why C-C?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Most vibraphones are F to F, which is what most players will be looking for. Almost all literature will be written for F to F as well.

  • Dan Wilson

    A few years back I imported a JC Deagan 25-note electric carillon (small chime rods struck by solenoids) in a polished wooden cabinet with a built in tube amplifier, loudspeaker and a small keyboard mounted in the upper part of the cabinet on a swing open door. Although it is very similar in construction to a Mass Rowe carillon I have not managed to find another example nor any background information on it. Both the miniature keyboard and the main cabinet have JCDeagan name plates as well as a Deagan in gold letters on the wooden keyboard cabinet. Judging by the tubes in the PA chassis and the type of wiring used I would say the instrument is pre 1950. Following a recap the instrument is in full working order and sounds great. I would love to know more about this instrument and if it is of any value.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The instrument you have are called the Deagan Canto-Chimes, we've had one in our collection in the past. They are very nice sounding instruments, but unfortunately they are not in very high demand and the use has been replaced with modern instruments. The last one we saw sell went for about $500. We believe they were first produced in 1952. From the July 1952 Music Trade Review: "The Canto-chime is a new 25-note amplified chime, ideal for use with the organ and tower broadcast of chime music."

  • Angie Jorgensen

    I acquired a glockenspiel with wooden case. The case handle and locks works well. Case looks like it has been re-painted. Interior of wooden case, number 35 is stamped in the middle of both sides. There are 31 bars with barely any rusting and less damage. The 31st bar might be an extra?, did not have a plaid laid out like the others. One A bar is stamped with A=440. I could not see any manufacturer's name and model. Any idea on the make and model? How much you think I can see? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Sounds like you have a 2 1/2 octave set of Deagan orchestra bells, G to C with the extra C#. To get an idea of value we would need to know how wide the bars are (7/8 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/4 inch, or 1 1/2 inch), if they are flat top or roundtop and the condition. Please send some photos to info at and we will give you an idea of value in the current market.

  • Diane Bartleson

    I have a vintage Deagan marimba in good condition. 4 octave rosewood keys, I think the model is Diana.. but not sure I'm just going by pictures I've looked at... Looking to sell it since my daughter's no longer use.

  • Kate

    I came across a Deagan instrument, believed to be a xylophone, marked 870. It has a Latest Patent Pending Date of April 29, 1919 on the name plate I found on the frame, and Feb. 2nd, 1915 on the F# bar. I apologize for my uneducated I am a brass player. All I have are the bars, the string that attaches them, and the frame for the # bars. In decent condition. There is some discoloration on the bars, but no chipping. I am considering having the bars refinished. Would this be worth my time/money? What do you think it's worth as-is? Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Without the frame, natural rails or resonators we think you would have a very hard time selling this. The 870 is a popular instrument, so there will be people interested in purchasing the bars from you if you have all of them. Value will depend on the condition of the bars and if you can find the right person to buy them, which will be a small group of people. We'd expect you to be able to get a few hundred dollars if they are in good condition.

  • Diane

    I sent you a message about a vibraharp and you wrote back about a marimba. I have a J C Deegan Vibraharp, made in Chicago around the 1940s model number 35 call the mercury. Has carrying cases extra mallets original papers to extra belts the motor purrs like a kitten and I wonder what it should be priced at?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would estimate a Deagan #35 Mercury to sell for around $800 - $1000 with cases if it is in good condition with a working motor.

  • Scott

    I have found a deagan marimba with no frame. It looks like the 354 but is 4.5 oct (C-F). I can not find a model like that online. Any ideas what it might be?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Could it be a Century of Progress 4.5?

  • Diane K Pryor

    I just looked up the model number it is 35 mercury. I have an interested buyer. How much should I ask?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Mercury 335 Marimbas (3 octave C to C) that we've seen recently have gone for around $600.

  • Ann Marie Root

    Hello, I have a Musser Marimba I believe is from the 1930's or 1940's the only markings on it is the number "926" stamped on the inside left of the stand. It was my father-in-laws and it was left to us when he passed. I am trying to find out information about it and with the only markings being the stamp and the Musser label it has been almost impossible. I have found that Musser worked with Deagan in the 1930's and that there was a Deagan Super-Radio Xylophone with the number "926" - Other than that I can find no reference to a Musser 926. Wondering if you can help?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We have emailed you for photos to help identify the instrument.

  • tia scott

    hello. I have an old marimba made by j.c.deagan inc.chicago cat # 352B and model # B its in great condition and sounds beautiful. can you give me the info on this and i'd love to know the date it was born and how much its worth monetarily. thank you tia

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The market for the 352B has not been very strong lately. Unfortunately, we would only expect you to get somewhere around $1200 in the current market. Probably made somewhere in the 1920s.

  • Tori Valente

    Hello! One of my students has a Deagan Professional Xylophone Catalogue No. 882, Serial No. 10791. Manufactured in Chicago. The bars are in terrific condition as her father was a professional percussionist around the Rochester and Erie areas. How much would this instrument be worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Wow! An 882 is an incredible instrument. Bob Becker said in an interview: "My most recent acquisition is a pristine Deagan four octave #882, the so-called klyposerus wood keyboard. In my opinion, those instruments are by far the best orchestral xylophones ever made." Value depends on condition and how it sounds, but we would estimate somewhere in the $6,000 range if it has been restored.

  • Luke Mayberry

    Hey, a fellow band director friend of mine found herself a Deagan 850 A model xylophone with bars in decent condition. I can't find much on that specific model. Any idea what it's worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan Radio model xylophone, model# 850 is 3.5 octaves F to C. We would estimate the value to be somewhere around $2000 depending on condition.

  • Matt Moore

    I work with a non profit group that had a Dragon model 730 I think maybe a xylorimba but don't know. It's in very good condition other than the felt around the posts that hold the wood in place. Can you give an estimated value. I can take pics if that would help.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, the value for xylorimbas has not been very good in recent years. The 730 is only worth approximately $400 in good condition based on our experience.

  • Amber Bates

    I have a 4 octave Marimba in perfect condition with this information on the top: Cat. No.: IMSO Model: FH36 Then there is another inscription on the back that says, "Charles William Acor," "Que Est Primi." I am just curious what the value of the instrument is and how much I could possibly get by selling it. Thanks for your time in advance.

  • Jordan Arnold

    I have a Deagan 354 4-octave marimba (C-C). The bars are in decent shape other than the low C being sharp. Resonators and frame are in decent shape as well. What do you think I could expect to get for it? Do you guys buy these instruments?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would expect you to get between $2000 - $2500 in the current market to a player, assuming it is in tune and in good shape. You can send us some photos and if we are interested in purchasing, we will let you know.

  • Defen Estrange

    I have a Deagan No. 325 two octave marimba. The lower C# key has a slight chip off the left front top but sounds true. Three keys have very slight nicks on left front top. All the other keys are perfect. The wooden stand has been refinished and repaired and is stamped C 13. The cardboard resonators are severely mangled. What value might this instrument have? Could the resonator sets be inexpensively replaced or rebuilt?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Unfortunately, a 2 octave marimba with trashed cardboard resonators is not worth very much. We do not think the resonators would be worth fixing, unless you have a sentimental reason for wanting to do so. The keyboard can probably be used by someone for pit or practice purposes.

  • Tammy

    There is a Deagan M64 marimba for sale at an estate sale in our town. The bars are in great condition, the frame sides are a bit rusted (more cosmetic) but the frame itself is quite sturdy. Can you give me an idea of what it would be worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Tammy - the Deagan model# 64 marimba is 4 octaves and built like a tank. The sides do tend to rust but can usually be repainted without too much trouble. If the bars are in "great condition", resonators are in good shape and it sounds good, we would expect to get between $2500-$3000 for it to the right buyer.

  • Kelly Jarmuzek

    I have a deagan 333 marimba that my grandmother bought some 30 years ago... I was just curious as to how much it is worth. She has gone into a nursing home and I was hoping to sell it to help with her expenses. I just didn't know how much to advertise it for. Thank you Kelly Jarmuzek

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 333 is 2.5 octaves C to F marimba and is not worth very much, especially if it has cardboard resonators. Maybe $250-$300 would be our estimate in playable condition.

  • Johnna

    I have a vintage Deagan marimba. I would guesstimate it's 40-50 years old. Is not the huge model but smaller in good playable condition and easy to dismantle for gigs. I'm interested in selling it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please send us a photo via email to Alternatively, you could look to see if it has a model number stamped into the lowest bar or on the metal name plate.

  • Justin

    Hi, we have a Deagan A 440 tuning fork. It must be worth seven bucks right? How can we tell how old it is?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We do not know of any definitive way to date the age of a Deagan tuning fork. You are correct that the value is not very significant, we would estimate somewhere around $10.

  • Mitch

    Hello. Just checking to see if you received my last email regarding a Deagan 590 Imperial Nocturne. After years of searching, I finally found one to purchase and will soon be starting the process of restoration. I was just curious about your estimation of its value in unrestored and restored condition. As it is now, the gold bars are in beautiful unscratched condition and seem to be in tune. The twin motors are in good working order. The maple veneer is in decent but not perfect shape (a few scuffs but nothing peeling) and the frame is solid. Resonators have no significant dings but have some flaking gold paint as do some of the metal parts of the frame. What do you think it is worth in this condition? After cosmetic restoration of the resonators and frame? Thank you again for this great forum. I check in on it regularly.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 590 Imperial Nocturne is a very nice instrument, although not the most portable. We would estimate the top range of the restored value to be about the price of a new Musser M55 vibraphone. In the condition you describe, we would expect it to be in the $3500 range depending on condition.

  • Sarah

    Our music department recently acquired a Deagan Xylorimba, Model 730. The site says it was built between 1924-1939. Do you know what kind of wood the bars are made out of? A quick estimate would be cool too, if you have time. Thank you, Sarah Dow

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Xylorimbas are not very in demand today but the 3 octave C to C range of the Deagan 730 can be useful to students. We would estimate approximately $500 in good condition. The bars are made out of rosewood.

  • Jody Kick

    Hi , I just acquired a J.C. Deagan Xylophone at an Estate sale. It is a Round Top Model # 1123 Patented 1908 It's in a beautiful wood box but it has no legs. If you could give me any information on it II would greatly appreciate it. I am also interested in selling it so if you have an idea of value that would be great too. Thank you for your time, Jody P.S. How do I attach a picture?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 1123 are 2.5 octave Round Top Orchestra Bells in a folding case. The bars are 1" wide. We estimate the value to be about $1300 in excellent condition.

  • Bonnie

    Hello, Our mother recently passed away. She was 87 years old. We are going through her things and found her xylophone she played as a child. It is a Deagan. We are interested in selling. Couldn't find a serial number only patent numbers displayed on the side in a metal plate. I can send a picture. It has been stored in two boxes and is not assembled, but in pristine condition. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Please send us some photos so we can see what model the instrument is. We have emailed you privately as well.

  • tim burch

    Have a Deagan Drummers Special Cat# 844 Xylophone with stand. Looking for approximate value in excellent condition.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 844 is a fairly common instrument and condition is everything. We estimate between $600-$800 in the current market if it is complete and original.

  • Steve

    I recently purchased a Deagon set of bells model #1512,the serial number on the case is 9967.The A bar and case, are stamped USN as well. Was curious about any info,value.The overall condition is good considering it appears to be old. The bars are slightly scratched but there is no corrosion.They could use a good cleaning but not sure what is best method. they sound awesome. Thanks for any info, Steve

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The 1512 is a 2.5 octave (G to C) set of "Deagan Standard" Flat Top Orchestra Bells in a folding case. The bars are slightly undersized at 1 1/8" wide. We would estimate the value complete and in good condition to be approximately $600.

  • Angela Baker

    Hello, I would like to purchase restoration parts for my Deagan Jr. 801 xylophone. I need the rubber grommets, the felt pieces and the cords that run between the wooden pieces. Can you help me? I found a place a number of years ago that sold them, but evidently the place has gone out of business.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We can sell you general parts, but we suggest you contact Century Mallet Instrument Service in Chicago to see if they have the exact parts you are looking for.

  • Jim

    Can you give me information on a Deagan 830 A Piccolo 2.5 octave Xylophone. My late father-in-law had said it was Nagaed Rosewood bars from 1931. Can't seem to find a model 830. Can you give me an idea on value? Thank you for your help. Jim

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 830 Super Lite-Wate xylophone is a nice 3 octave instrument because of how portable it is. If you have the leg extensions and all wood frame pieces, we would expect you to get somewhere around $600 - $800 depending on condition. Having the original case would put it on the higher side of this range.

  • Doral Risch

    Recently purchased a small 4 tube xylophone that great sounds and seems to be a childs toy or maybe a salesman model. Has J.C.Deagon Inc. Patented stamped on the back of one of the wood bars and no other info. Tubes are approximately 1 1/2" in dia. and 5 - 12 1/2 inch in length with 2 metal hanger clasps on the back that seem to be original. Wood bars are 3/4 X 2 1/4 inches that the tubes are mounted through. If you need other info let me know. It has been painted so not sure what kind of wood it is, but is fine grain. Tubes have a center hole and end caps. The bars are approximately 1/8 X 1 3/16 inch. Thx

  • Pat

    I'm considering purchasing a Deagan 932 xylophone from a school auction for my son who plans to pursue percussion as a career. It's in good condition and playable. How much would be too much to spend on this and is it appropriate for a high school musician?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 932 xylophone is a great instrument. If it has rosewood bars, it is basically the same as the current day Musser M50 xylophone. If it has rosewood bars, we'd estimate the value to be approximately $1800 depending on condition. If it has Deagan synthetic bars, we would estimate the value to be somewhere around $1000. Would be a great gig quality instrument for your son and is fairly portable. The frame is very simple and easy to carry and maintain. Good luck!

  • Paul R

    Hello. We have a Deagan 484 Bolero Marimba that was handed down from my wife's great grandmother. I was wondering if you had any info on it. I see information regarding the 485, but see nothing on the model we have. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

  • sergio tatanka

    i have 22 wooden claves a b c ... that and 15 a#, b# and say DEAGAN N 730 XYLORIMBA and these patented dates dec 15 1708 et, also i have the metals of the instrument i can send a picture.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 730 Xylorimba is a 3 octave portable instrument ranging from C to C. If you have 37 bars, you have all of the notes which would be laid out like a piano. Condition and completeness is everything - which we can not tell from your description - but we would estimate the value around $500. Feel free to send us photos to for more information.

  • Kathy Lescinski

    I have my dad's marimba. It has a plaque on the front that reads "This Concert Grand World's Fair Model Marimba built especially for Novarino DeStefanis Serial No. 00. Built by J.C. Deagan Inc. Chicago For the Century of Progress 100 piece Marimba Band. A.D. 1933" I am interested in professionally refurbishing it. Any info you can provide is greatly appreciated.

  • Phil

    Hi there, I recently came across a Deagan Super Lite-Wate no. 834 xylophone. Are the bars Rosewood or another wood? Also, any idea on value. It includes a stand and extension tubes that are removable. Thanks, Phil

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 834 Super Lite-Wate xylophone is a very nice portable instrument, with 1 1/4" rosewood bars. Having the leg extensions adds to the value. We would estimate the value to be approximately $600 - $800 depending on condition.

  • Paul wood

    I have a four note dinner chime that I would like to restore. What material was used to hold up the chimes? It looks like a ceramic material on the screws and some kind of cloth wrapped wire. Thank you for your time. Paul

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Paul - we would need to see some pictures of the dinner chimes you have to be able to offer any help.

  • Ilonka

    I have a deagan diner chime model 500. It is around 1934 in good unrestored condition. I do not have the mallet for it. Any idea of value. Thanks in advance.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The model# 500 is a flat bar version of the dinner chime, with 5 notes. We would estimate the value to be somewhere around $200.

  • paul w

    Fascinating! Thank you so much for the information. This is a really wonderful service you are providing.

  • paul w

    Any idea about the value of a Deagan Imperial 68 in pretty good condition? It needs a little TLC (spacers, felts, a little cosmetics) but the instrument and frame are fine; beautiful warm tone. AND I have the "owner's manual/brochure" that came with!!! I very much appreciate your time and expertise; thank you!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 68 Imperial, 4 octaves C to C, with brass resonators and wide bars should sell between $3000 and $3500 depending on condition. The arched brass resonators and solid frame construction really help the value, the 4 octave range holds the value down.

  • Mitch Moffitt

    In 1994, I purchased a beautiful Deagan 4722 Marimba-Xylophone - low pitch 3.5 octave from the original owner. I have babied it ever since. It is in excellent condition with original nickel plated steel frame, brass resonators without any cracks or dents, and nice untouched original finish rosewood bars. What is this instrument worth? Also, what is the value of a Deagan #48 Serenata Vibraharp with original two tone paint? Needs motor work. Bars are scratched and a few are corroded and badly need to be anodized or enameled and retuned. Resonators have only minor dings but no cracks. Frame is solid but has scratches and dings and is in "good" cosmetic shape.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The market for xylorimbas has not been very strong in recent years. Based on the excellent condition you describe, we would estimate somewhere around $1000-$1200 to the right person. The #48 Serenata Vibraharp sounds to have bars in poor condition with a motor that does not work. If the bars need tuning and re-plating, we would estimate the value to be around $800. With a working variable speed motor and good sounding bars, we would estimate the value to be around $2200.

  • Dave Strong

    I have Deagan #410 made 1950 -1953. Looks in decent shape, paint chipped in a few places. Any idea of value? This was a donation to charity I volunteer for. We give instruments to kids with medical issues. Thanks, Dave Strong Blue Star Connection

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 410 "Wellington" marimba is 3 octaves, F to F. The range limits the value and since it is a post-war instrument, there is not a lot of collectors value. We would value it at approximately $600 based on condition, tuning, etc. It would be a great instrument for a beginning mallet student.

  • Lauren Artress

    I have a four octave Deagon marimba with rose wood keys in excellent condition. I am not sure of the age, but have owned it since 1956. I want to sell it and would like an estimate of its possible price. Please guide me in this process. Thank you, Lauren Artress

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Lauren, we would need to know what model number the marimba is to estimate the value. Please send photos to and we will get back to you with an estimate and some tips on selling the instrument.

  • Derek Hennessee

    I don't know what year it is but I have pictures, my neighbor past away and his best friend (which happens to to be my uncle) were cleaning out the house and we came across a jc Deagan Celeste no 101 at least that's what is says on one of the bars. I put it together to see if anything was missing and everything was there tubes, original sticks, bars, dark walnut wood frame.. The only thing is the one of the legs are broke. I can send you pictures whenever you like. Let me know if you can help me with year, and worth? Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.

  • Geraldine McClung

    I have a J.C. Deagan 352B, Model D marimba and would like to sell it as I am too old to play it. How much is it worth? The pipes are in fair condition and the keys are in good condition. It has a wonderful mellow sound. I played it in church up until last year.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would estimate around $2,000 to be the current market price based on condition.

  • Don Ewing

    Hi, We have my father/father-in-law's old Vibra-Harp (at least that is what my wife has always said it was). It looks like a CAT 144, Model D. The drive belt has turned to dust, of course. It is in several carrying cases (although they are beyond heavy). Does the instrument have any value.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 144 Vibra-Harp (called a vibraphone today) is C to C and considered a Soprano vibraphone. The typical range of a 3 octave vibraphone is F to F, so your instrument is really only functional for most literature as a 2.5 octave instrument. Value depends a lot on condition (don't worry about the vibe belt, if motor turns you're okay). We'd estimate the value to be somewhere around $500 - $750. We are not aware of any other sales of this instrument, so that value is based on the functionality of the range.

  • Billy Claire

    My school has a Deagan Dinner Chimes Model 500 that I'm trying to restore. Any idea where I might find those funky hex head screws? I had a machine shop take measurements off of one I have from a personal set I have and they're somewhere between a 6 and 7 size screw (!) and with a thread count that is also non-standard. thanks, Billy

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would suggest giving Century Mallet Instrument Repair Service a call in Chicago. They may have some of the original screws in stock.

  • Rick Williams

    My wife just acquired an instrument that was purchased by her grandmother a very long time ago for her mother to learn to play when her Mom was a child. It is a Deagan Marimba Xylophone Model 4722 A. We really don't care about value as we have no plans of selling Grandmother's instrument, but it would be fun to know as it is in incredible condition as a result of being stored away and not used since her Mom died in1961. all resonators are in great shape... no cracks. Wood oiled up gorgeous. Only thing missing is 2 of the rubber fittings that rest against the keys. Most curious, however, about the year of manufacturer. I don't know where to look for a serial number. Also, can I buy those parts anywhere?

  • Judy Houha

    I have a Decan Catalog No. 352 Model A marimba. Two of the pipes show cracks, but otherwise it is complete and in good condition. A neighbor may be interested in buying it, but I have no idea what it's worth. Can you help?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We believe the Deagan 352 3.5 Octave F to C Marimba is worth approximately $1200 in the condition you describe.

  • Dan Chusid

    I recently came across a J. C. Deagan 4 tone xylophone that was in an old long closed sign shop. An antiquer-friend told me it was used for announcing radio station call letters on air, back in the day. It has only one of the original flat wall hanging hooks on the underside. I'm looking for a matching one to enable me to hang it back on a wall to display. Wondering if I send a few photos, you might have an idea of a model number for this instrument? The tones (ascending and descending) still sound beautiful! Thanks for your help.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Sure - send photos to It sounds like what you have is a Deagan 4-note dinner chime.

  • Joe Martone

    Any light you could shed on a Deagan 844 would be appreciated. Price?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We've seen Deagan 844 Drummer's Special Xylophones selling for anywhere from $550 to $1000 complete and in good condition. Typically around $600-$700 with $1000 being on the high side. The 844 is not a rare xylophone and is being sold as a players instrument, so value depends on who needs one at the time you're selling.

  • David Overall

    I have (In pieces) a Deagan 834. It is not complete and needs restorations. Missing stand, side mounting brackets, and case. Is it worth at least $100 the way it is? I want it to go to someone who can take care of it and restore it and would like to make it least a little something on the way out. Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 834 is a very nice portable 3 octave (C to C) xylophone with resonators, usually called the Super Lite-Wate. It is probably only worth around $100-$200 the way it currently is. Fully restored, we don't see it getting much more then $500 - so it may not be worth you restoring professionally. We'd recommend making the missing end pieces and either finding a stand on eBay or making one that would work. You can always contact Century Mallet or Fall Creek for more information on what they would charge to do the full restore.

  • Joe Martone

    I have a Deagan 801 that I might e selling, but I don't know what the going rate is. I'm also looking for a 870 if you have one available.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 801 xylophone is considered a Junior Model and does not include resonators. It would make a nice pit instrument for someone looking for something portable. We'd estimate the current value to be around $400-$500 depending on condition and if the stand is intact. We often see these instruments without the original stand.

  • Anna

    I have the 1933-1934 World's Fair marimba in excellent condition, not repainted, all bars present. The plaque says Psalm 150:6 (no name or serial number). Do you know who the original owner might have been? It was my grandmother's, Mary (Laushey) Brunner. Her sister-in-law Lois (Trimble) Laushey also played marimba for the Fred Waring Orchestra, and toured the East Coast in the marimba bands of Dorthey Rosenberger and Reg Kehoe. Both Mary and Lois were from Lancaster, PA. I think they would have been too young to play in the World's Fair Century of Progress Marimba Orchestra, but perhaps they knew someone who had been in the orchestra and bought it from them. Also curious about the value of the marimba.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    It sounds to us like the original plaque may have been replaced. Without seeing a picture, it is hard to know for sure - but a lot of people removed the plaque with their name on it when selling the instrument. The value depends on the range of the instrument. They made them in 3.5 octaves F to C or 4.5 octaves C to F. Please feel free to send photos to to help us figure out the value.

  • Rickey Scott

    I have a JC Deagan, wooden box no handle. Box needs repair/ restore top and bottom (wood separating around edges) some discoloring marks top, bottom, sides, case is aprox. 24 1/4 long, 11 in on high end, 5 1/2 low end. Has 18 metal bars (chimes, bells?) from left-hi end to right-low end in straight line, one says Deagan standard no 1506 another JC Deagan Chicago Patent (can't read patent), June 9, 19(?)8, bars seem to be plated and have some pitting and plating wear. has a new piece of wood holding bars in place when closed. Has 2 mallets? one round, one oval. How much do you think this is worth as is and would repair/ restore be cost prohibited?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 1506 Standard Orchestra Bells (often called 'Flat tops') range 2.5 octaves from G to C. It sounds like you are missing some of the bars, which would hurt the value significantly. There should be 18 natural bars in a row and 12 accidental bars above them, setup like a piano. If you are indeed missing these, the value would be something like $25. Please feel free to email us a photo at and we will take a closer look for you.

  • Jessica

    Hi, we have an 866 xylophone serial #11120 patent dates 1900-Feb 9, 1915. Could you give me an idea on value range ? Thank you

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 866 is basically the middle of the 872 - 3 octaves F to F. The range is a bit less desirable which hurts the value. We'd estimate $1500-$2000.

  • Kenny Santiago

    I have a no#64 Deagan Marimba and I am not sure what it is worh very good conditions very few scratches all there. Was wondering if you can tell me what it is worth.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 64 Marimba, 4 octaves C to C, should sell for between $2800 and $3200 in good condition.

  • Josh

    We just acquired No. 22 1932 world fair marimba in fantastic shape. For insurance purposes how much should we list in value for it?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan Century of Progress marimba value depends on the range of the instrument, the condition, and whether or not it has been worked on. We often see this instrument repainted, etc. Let us know some more information and we'll try to help you determine a value.

  • Morris

    I have a deagan 40 marimba in very good condition. Can you please tell me what these marimbas in this condition are selling for?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 40 Diana Marimba typically sells for between $2500 - $3000 in the condition you describe.

  • Joy

    Please, how much would a Deagan model 333 studette 2.5 octave marimba be worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 333 Studette Marimba (2.5 octave C to F) is not very valuable, especially if it has cardboard resonators. We would estimate somewhere around $400 dollars if it is in good condition maybe less if the resonators are made of cardboard.

  • Bruce Mason

    My church has a Deagan model 354 marimba and would like to find out its value. Any information would be great.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would expect the Deagan 354 Marimba (4 octaves, C to C) should sell for around $2500 in good non-restored condition. The portability and range of this marimba is a bit limiting, but we're sure it sounds great. If you have the brass resonator version (Deagan 354B) or have had it worked on, it may be worth a bit more.

  • Linda Sinclair

    I inherited a Deagan Concert vibraharp, model 145b, I think. Brass resonators. Built between 1927-1939, specifically for Uyleau Schiedel. Modeled after the 1933-34 Chicago Worlds Fair, "Century of Progress" model. it has been disassembled. I'd like to know it's value & if anyone might be interested in it.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Linda - we've emailed you for a bit more information. We are unaware of Deagan making a Century of Progress Vibra Harp - so we'd love to see pictures.

  • Steve dominguez

    I picked up a Deagan 266 Xylophone. It purchased late 20s early 30s. Besides a little cleaning it's complete and sounds great. I wanna know it's value and how to tune.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Wow! Great instrument - 4.5 octave F to C - is one of the most desirable vintage xylophones out there. It all depends on condition, but typically would sell for $5,000+. Tuning should definitely not be attempted by yourself, our suggestions would be to contact Century Mallet Instrument Service, Salazar Fine Tuning or Fall Creek Marimba.

  • Naomi Gravish

    I have a Deagan Marimba Model 352B, 3.5 Octaves. I have played it in church up until last year. My mom gave it to me so I don't know all the details of it. The keys are good except a few have small water marks on them from storage. They don't seem to be affected by this. The pipes show wear but have litte damage to them other than a very small dent in one and a small small crack in another. Thank you Can you give me any idea of the worth of this instrument?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    The Deagan 352B is the desirable brass resonator version of the Deagan 352. The 3.5 octave range hurts the value, but we would estimate $1,800 to $2,200 to be the current market price based on condition.

  • Susan Secord

    I have a Deagan Xylophone, 3 Octave, latest patent pending April 29, 1919. It's on a metal flood stand. I can't find a model number, but the number 639 is on the outside of the original box. My dad played it in high school band in the mid to late 30's, I think. It seems to be in good condition. Can you tell me its value and how I might sell it? Thanks.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Based on the photos you sent via email, the xylophone you have is a Deagan 834 Super Lite Wate Xylophone, probably made in the 1920s. We'd estimate the retail value to be between $500-$600.

  • Meg Dedolph

    Hi - looking for information on the value of a 1933 Century of Progress 3.5 octave marimba in good condition. Thanks for any help on this.

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Meg, the current market price of the 3.5 octave COP is approximately $3000 - $3500 based on condition.

  • William Spencer

    I have a Deagan: Nagaed Model #870 / Latest Patent Pending Date Listing: April 29, 1919, 3 Octave, Floor stand, steel bar portable frame mount in what would rate as "good" condition. I have used it in gigs in the past. Great instrument. How can I compare value or determine its worth?

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    We would estimate the value of the Deagan 870 at between $2,500 - $4,000 depending on condition. If it is all original, never restored or tuned you would be on the lower end of this range.

  • nathan holman

    My mother has a Degan 1908 Pat. marimba 50" long. 3 0ctaves? What is the value? Thanks, NLH '

  • Kerry Lange

    We have a small 4-tone Deagan xylophone that hung on the dining room wall was used by our grandmother (a music teacher) to announce dinner. We recently inherited the instrument and know nothing of it's value. It is marked "DJ DEAGAN CHICAGO PATENTED MADE IN USA." We also have what appears to be the original wooden mallet with velvet head. It's in good shape, just a few wear marks on 3 of the tone bars from being struck. A similar item on Ebay is referred to as a railroad train dinner meal chime. We aren't interested in selling the item, but are curious about the background and value. Thanks!

    Steve Weiss Music Response:

    Hi Kerry - Sounds like a great piece of history for your family. The value depends on age, model and condition but we would expect the value to be somewhere between $150 - $300. Feel free to email us with photos, so we can give you a more accurate value.

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