Remo Shime Daiko - 7x10.25 - Product Information
The Shime Daiko from Remo is a traditional look and sound with modern innovations. The traditional part is that the shell is lathe tuned, shaped and finished with a high gloss burgundy wood. Remo rope tunes the heads using a white double braid 5/16" rope. The modern innovations are the shell is constructed from Remo's Acousticon material and the stitched Nuskyn synthetic drum heads. These techniques deliver a traditional sound with much definition and dynamic control.
The History:
The Japaneses Shime Daiko is a rope tuned cow hide head stretched over a hand carved frame out of a single piece of wood. The Shime daiko is usually used to accompany Kagura, Noh, and Kabuki. They have become an integral part of contemporary Taiko ensemble performance as well, providing high pitched, fast paced rhythms.
The History:
The Japaneses Shime Daiko is a rope tuned cow hide head stretched over a hand carved frame out of a single piece of wood. The Shime daiko is usually used to accompany Kagura, Noh, and Kabuki. They have become an integral part of contemporary Taiko ensemble performance as well, providing high pitched, fast paced rhythms.
Videos and Sound Clips
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