Snare Drum Solo Sheet Music
Goldenberg-Rim Shot March
Number of Players: 1 Difficulty: Grade 2 Instrumentation: Snare Drum
Wilcoxon-Rolling in Rhythm (Snare Drum Solo Only)
Rolling in Rhythm is a rudimental snare drum solo for an intermediate percussionists. This piece was dedicated to Joe Morello. Also available in Modern Rudimental Swing Solos...
Smith, Stuart S.-Noble Snare Vol. 3-SD
Whenever I listened to a snare drum roll, I was struck by the complexity of the sound itself. Far from a non-pitched instrument, the snare drum sounded like an ocean of sound ...
Schinstine-Doodler's Delight-SD
Doodler's Delight by William Schinstine is a fine selection for the beginning to intermediate player to use at contest or recital. It focuses on rudiments including: flams, r...
Beck-Three Miniatures for Snare Drum
Three Miniatures for Snare Drum , a grade 5 piece, explores the musical, technical and sound potential of the snare drum. Movements include; Andante, Allegro, and Presto...
Hoose/Klein-Got Fleas!-SD
Got Fleas! by Shane Hoose & Andrew Klein is a challenging and innovative corps style snare drum solo. Winner of the 2005 Indiana Percussion Association Collegiate Snare Drum C...
Beall-Sha Groove for Solo Snare Drum-SD
Number of Players: 1 Difficulty: Grade 5+ Instrumentation: Snare Drum
Houllif-Festival Repertoire for Snare Drum
The eight solos contained in Festival Repertoire for Snare Drum by Murray Houllif are suitable for any performing venue including pedagogy. They explore many of the tec...
Beck-Snare and Rim-SD
Snare and Rim is a musical solo for solo snare drum. John Beck uses the rim in this piece is various rhythmic patterns and configurations. A woodblock may be substitute...
Houllif-East Meets West-SD
East Meets West by Murray Houllif is a grade 6 piece for solo snare drum that is perfect for audition, recital, or solo competition. Played at a brisk tempo, it featur...
Parthun-Hello, Mr. Buzzbee-SD
Hello, Mr. Buzzbee by Jeffrey Parthun is designed to give the player practice in the skills needed to develop an excellent snare drum roll. The piece stresses the impor...
Coltman-22 Rippin' Rudimental Snare Solos-SD
Twenty Two Rippin' Rudimental Snare Solos by Chris Coltman is a creative compositional source with deep rooted snare drum stylings. Providing the percussionist with rudimental...
Nielsen-Etude Classique-SD
Etude Classique by Einar Nielsen for solo snare drum. This piece was composed in 1978 and has been played widely in Scandinavia at concerts and auditions. Using short excerpts...