Timpani Duet Sheet Music

Gay-Mysterious Barrier, The (SP)-9T

The Mysterious Barrier is a timpani duet written for nine drums. The timpani are arranged in a circle, facilitating easy movement of the players between two sets of four drums... 

Wolff-Aina Gonna Study War No More (2S)-M/4+T

Aina Gonna Study War No More by Christian Wolff is a marimba timpani duet for the intermediate player. 

Leonard-Duologue (2S)-8T

Duologue by Stanley Leonard is a duet scored for eight pedal timpani. Each player uses four drums. This piece was commissioned by Edward Stephan (principal timpanist of the Pi... 

Thomas, A.-Witchhowl (Hexengeheule) (SP)-M/4T

Witchhow (hexengeheule) is a duet for Marimba and Tympani by Andrew Thomas. An interesting combination of instruments that provides the performers a unique opportunity to see... 

Leonard-Four Duets for Timpani-4-6T

Four Duets for Timpani by Stanley Leonard provides musical and technical challenges for two timpanists performing on three, four, five, and six drums. Performers should be awa... 

Gay-Fear Cage (SP)-9T/Cro./P

Fear Cage by Kirk J. Gay is named after a term used by paranormal researchers to describe a confined space with high electromagnetic field (EMF) readings. In these areas, o... 

Holloway-Conversation (SP)-2T/SD

Conversation for Snare Drum and Two Timpani by Greg C. Holloway is a fine easy work for snare drum and 2 timpani (or 2 tom-toms). Number of players: 2 Difficulty: El... 

Beck-Two of Us, The (2S)-8T

The Two Of Us by John H. Beck is a timpani duet that is a contemporary portrayal of an increasingly animated conversation between two people. As the players communicate throug... 

Beck-Fugue and Variations (2S)-8T

Fugue and Variations by John H. Beck for timpani duet. In this piece, a simple fugue is taken through a series of intriguing variations. Midway through the piece. A brief impr... 

Jenny-Music for Kettle Drums and Percussion Ensemble-4T Solo-X/B

Music for Kettle Drums and Percussion Ensemble by Jack Jenny for percussion quintet. This work features a timpani soloist with four accompanying percussionists. Instru... 

Svoboda-Five Studies for Two Timpanists Op. 88 (2S)-4T

Tomas Svoboda's Five Studies for Two Timpanists Op. 88 is an interesting set of short timpani duets of moderate difficulty. Number of players: 2 Difficulty: Intermed... 

Henry-Do Not Pass Go(GrS)

Do Not Pass Go for three timpani (two players) by Otto Henry is a ceremonial game. The two timpanists face one another over three kettledrums playing from a graphic score. ... 

Philidor-March for Two Pairs of Kettledrums (SP) arr. Dyk-4T/P

In Dieter Dyk's arrangement of Jacques and Andre Philidor's 1685 March for Two Pairs of Kettledrums, the original instruments of the Turkish Janissary troops (davul, cymbals,... 

Serry-Conversations (2S)-8T