Kihle-Marimba Elements: Etudes for Solo Marimba vol. 1 - Product Information
This collection of etudes was written to add a technique component to my private lessons. I have found that I am able to teach students to successfully perform a full-length composition over a semester, but the student only learns the techniques taught in that piece. I, like many other percussion instructors, also have students learn instruments in the main percussion areas, including snare, timpani, multi, drum set and vibraphone. This means that their exposure to different marimba techniques can be limited if they only learn a few longer marimba pieces.
This study is an attempt at a bridge between simple exercises and full-length pieces. From a different perspective, this is a link between technique and the repertoire. My goal has been to write challenging etudes that will supplement the larger marimba repertoire. I hope you enjoy playing these pieces.
- Jason Kihle
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