Drum Set Method Books

Erskine-Drum Concepts and Techniques

Peter Erskine is a world-renowned jazz/fusion drummer. This book on Erskine's concepts and techniques behind jazz drumming is for the beginning to intermediate drummer and cov... 

Chester/Adams-New Breed 2

This sequel to The New Breed is a more advanced book that teaches a method for learning total independence and creativity. It was started by Gary Chester and completed by his ... 

Kaufman-Deeper Into the Art of Drumming

Robert Kaufmans new book takes a strikingly new and fresh approach to the art of drumming. Carefully designed exercises guarantee efficient practice with rewarding results. ... 

Boto-Drs in Brazilian Music (Bk 2)

Study the roll of the drum set in Brazillian Music wit hthis method book. Overe 300 examples help you develop a feel for traditional rhythms. (French Text) 

Boursault/Lefevre-Bk 1 Dechiffrages pour Batterie

Advanced collection of etudes for prepearation and study of 4 limb independence. (French Text) 

Ceccarelli-Bk 3 Practical Rhythms for Drumset

A method for applying independent rhythms to the drum set. VOL. 3 (French Text) 

Houghton-Guide for the Modern Jazz Rhythm Section

A complete method for the Modern Jazz Rhythm Section. Steve Houghton covers a vast range of topics that include, setup, styles and functions, rhythm section concepts, problem ... 

Capozzoli-Around the Drums with Triplets 2

Learn intermediate triplet patterns and their applications to drum set. 

Feldstein-Working Drummer's Groove Dictionary

The WORKING DRUMMER'S GROOVE DICTIONARY contains ninety different rhythms, each with two groove variations. Set up in alphabetical order, the 180 beats contained in this dicti... 

Rothman-Reading, Rudiments and Rock Drumming

This book by Joel Rothman has material to develop the three R's : Reading, Rudiments, and Rock. The exercises are presented in thirty separate lesson, and each lesson is notat... 

Rae-Latin Guide for Drummers

This book is written to enable the drummer to become more familiar with the basic Latin rhythms and how to execute them on the drum set. Detailed descriptions of concepts wil... 

Ceroli-Modern Approach to Independence Volume 2

This book is designed o give the drummer greater independence (the ability to play one rhythm against another). Exersizes are desgned to be played on two different drum set so... 

Flores-Independence for the Beginner Vol 1

The exercises in this book are designed to lead the student to more more complicated contrapuntal rhythms. All of the variations are based upon a basic jazz ride pattern. 

Houllif-Today's Sounds for Drumset vol. 2

This collection of solos follows Murray's popular book, Today's Sounds For Drumset. Sequentially arranged for intermediate to advanced level players, this book features 70 bea... 

Rich/Adler/Mackenzie-Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments

Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments contains a systematic course for the beginner, and is a great value to the teacher and professional who wishe... 

Tantchev-Playing Drumset 2

"Playing Drum Set II" is a basic style study including excerpts from the following styles. Rock Beats Shuffle Swing Bossa Nova Samba Mambo Rock-Blues... 

Skoog-Drumming Book Three

" For the past twenty years, I've been producing teaching sheets for my students, putting them in binders so I could add new ones or replace the old as I refined my approach. ... 

Tantchev-Bulgarian Rhythms for Drum Set Part 4

The Bulgarian rhythms presented in this book are combinations of simple duple and triple meters as they appear in the Bulgarian folk music, and other folk based musical tradit... 

Herrmannsen-Spotlights 1: 13 Drumset Solos

Herrmannsen Spotlights 1 is a collection of 13 Drum set Solos. Each solo is focused on a particular technique designed to increase the performers skill set. 

Paulson-Drumset Coordination

Drumset Coordination by Blake Paulson is an enjoyable and challenging exercise system will elevate your body to entirely new levels of coordination and independence on the dru...