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Girsberger-Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology

Model: 520179

Availability: In Stock


Confused with the growing list of percussion instruments and terms? This new Meredith publication by Russ Girsberger - Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology - provides both definitions and an artistic interpretation of how each te...
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Girsberger-Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology - Product Information

Confused with the growing list of percussion instruments and terms? This new Meredith publication by Russ Girsberger - Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology - provides both definitions and an artistic interpretation of how each term is applied to the literature. A great source for conductors, composers, performers and students.

"A complete and comprehensive book of percussion terms of value."
Roland Kohloff
Solo Timpanist
New York Philharmonic

"Thank you for your wonderful book"
Michael Tilson Thomas
Music Director
San Francisco Symphony

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