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Innovative James Ross IP906 Brilliant Bright Xylo/Bell Mallets

Model: INN-IP906

Availability: In Stock

$38.95 (Sold in Pairs)

The Innovative Percussion IP906 James Ross Brilliant Glockenspiel or Xylophone Mallet is bright cutting. The IP906 has been designed for Chicago Symphony Orchestra percussionist James Ross. Nine different models are offered to meet the de...
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Innovative James Ross IP906 Brilliant Bright Xylo/Bell Mallets - Product Information

The Innovative Percussion IP906 James Ross Brilliant Glockenspiel or Xylophone Mallet is bright cutting.

The IP906 has been designed for Chicago Symphony Orchestra percussionist James Ross. Nine different models are offered to meet the demands of today's orchestral percussionist.

Wide variety of timbres
Extra durable rattan handles
Concert hall tested
1 1/8″ diemeter mallet head

Suggested Selections for Glockenspiel
Respighi "Pines of Rome"
Holst "The Planets"

Suggested Selections for Xylophone
Copland "Hoedown"
Kabalevsky "Colas Breugnon
Khachaturian "Sabre Dance"

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A little awkward


These mallets are heavy and thick and they feel awkward in my hands. That being said, you would expect them to be great for loud playing. But they are actually so heavy that if you try playing anything FF or louder with these on Glock, they will literally cause the bar to lift up and come off of the instrument. They actually work better a lower dynamics because of this, which then feels uncomfortable since they are so large.

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Jonathan Lucke



limited use, not a very versatile mallet


The black (IP906) are big and clumsy sounding. Way too big/heavy for "general" glock playing except maybe out on the marching field. I would recommend something from the the IP Orchestral Series or the Tom Freer mallets for a better selection of 1" to 1 1/8 glock mallets.

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Great product and service


this company was recommended by the Duluth High School Marching Band so we ordered and had the merchandise just a few days later. Great company and service.

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Tammy Foley



Great for Pines of Rome


These mallets are indeed brilliant. They create the perfect sound for Pines of Rome. They sound great on other pieces as well and are quite good at cutting through the noise of the rest of the orchestra.

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Michael Melnik





I have heard many good things about these mallets. They do have a very nice weight and tone quality but for some reason I got something I wasn't expecting. One of my mallets was VERY flexible and the other was significantly sturdier. Doesn't make any sense, but okay. I have been giving some physical therapy to the floppy one.

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